Withdrawal and Readmission

Withdrawing from the University

Matriculated undergraduate students may voluntarily withdraw from the University up to and including the last day of classes in a semester as indicated by the academic calendar.

The date of withdrawal is generally defined as the date the form is received by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (LC 30). For students seeking to withdraw due to medical/ psychological reasons, the date of withdrawal will be set by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, in consultation with Counseling and Psychological Services or Student Health Services, as appropriate.

Drops will be done for each currently registered course reflecting the withdrawal date. After the last day of classes, the appropriate academic grade will be assigned by the instructor for each registered course, regardless of class attendance. Academic retention standards will be applied.

Withdrawals from the University due to medical/psychological reasons must be recommended by Student Health Services or Counseling and Psychological Services upon review of documentation supplied by a licensed health care practitioner or treatment facility. In order for action to be taken on an application for readmission submitted by a student who withdrew for medical/psychological reasons, clearance must be granted by Student Health Services or Counseling and Psychological Services.

NOTE: Summer and winter sessions are not subject to withdrawal policies that apply to fall and spring semesters. For summer and winter sessions, course drop deadlines will apply as indicated by the academic calendar.

Policies Concerning Withdrawal from the University

The following are the withdrawal policies and procedures currently in effect for matriculated undergraduates:

  1. Matriculated students withdrawing from an entire semester’s course load must complete a Withdrawal Form, submitted to the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education.
  2. Students who voluntarily leave the University will be withdrawn effective with the date they initiate their withdrawal.
  3. Students eligible for return who fail to register for courses during a semester will be administratively withdrawn from the University. Transfer credit will not be posted for withdrawn students until such time that they are readmitted and only according to transfer credit policies. Such action will require submission of a readmission application should students wish to return at a future time.
  4. Students who drop all their courses for the semester will be administratively withdrawn from the University.
  5. Students who withdraw or drop all their courses and are administratively withdrawn will lose access to services and privileges available to enrolled students.
  6. Students who withdraw or drop all their courses and are administratively withdrawn will have any registration for an upcoming semester cancelled and must reapply to be eligible to return.
  7. Students with a cumulative grade point average of less than 2.00 who are withdrawn from the University are not eligible for readmission for the following semester. Should students wish to petition for readmission for the next term, petitions must be submitted to the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education by published deadlines.
  8. Grade assignment will be based on the following: If the withdrawal occurs by the last date to drop without receiving Ws, no grade will be recorded. If the withdrawal occurs after that date, a grade of W will be assigned for each course through the last day of classes for the semester. After the last day of classes, the appropriate academic grade will be assigned by the instructor for each registered course, regardless of class attendance. Academic retention standards will be applied.
  9. Retroactive withdrawal/drop dates normally will not be granted. Requests for exceptions should be submitted to the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (LC30) and will be considered by the Committee on Academic Standing.
  10. A student who registers and receives grades of Z for all coursework for the semester will incur full financial liability.
  11. Withdrawals from the University due to medical reasons, active U.S. military duty and disciplinary suspensions or disciplinary dismissals must be administered by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education (LC 30).
  12. A withdrawal does not supersede a disciplinary suspension or dismissal.

Questions regarding financial obligations or refunds as a result of leaving the University should be directed to the Student Financial Center or by calling 518-442-3202. Students living in residence halls who find it necessary to leave the University must contact the Department of Residential Life, or call 518-442-5875.

Return / Readmission Procedure

Students who were academically dismissed or whose University at Albany cumulative grade point average is less than a 2.00 must petition the Committee on Academic Standing as part of the readmission process. Applications for readmission as well as petition forms are available online.

The appropriate subcommittee of the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standing will make a recommendation concerning the readmission of any student who was dismissed for academic reasons and/or whose cumulative grade point average at the University is less than 2.00. The admitting officer of the University may find it necessary to deny readmission to a student for whom there has been a positive recommendation, but the admitting officer of the University shall not readmit any student contrary to the recommendation of the subcommittee of the Committee on Admissions and Academic Standing.

Readmission is based upon the student’s prior academic record as well as recommendations from other involved offices.

Returning students who left on academic probation, terminal probation, or who were on special conditions at the time of withdrawal will return to the University under the same academic probationary conditions, unless the Committee on Academic Standing sets new conditions upon the student’s return. 

Students who resume study within a six semester period of time will meet degree requirements indicated in the Undergraduate Bulletin in effect for their initial matriculation. Students with a cumulative total of more than six semesters of absence, whether or not those semesters are consecutive, meet degree requirements indicated in the Undergraduate Bulletin for the semester in which the student was readmitted.

Students with previous holds or obligations to the University should take measures to clear these obligations as soon as possible.

Returning students who have not been dismissed and who left the University with a cumulative grade point average of 2.00 or better will return to the same major unless they are pursuing a degree completion program or indicate that they are seeking a major change at the time of readmission. updated 5/2022

Formerly matriculated undergraduates who have not yet completed a Baccalaureate degree may only return to the University as matriculated undergraduates. Any requests for exception to this policy will be considered by the Office of the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education.