Courses in Arts and Sciences

A CAS 100 Contemporary Issues in Life Sciences (3)

Topics in selected areas of life sciences. May be repeated for credit when the topic varies. Does not yield credit towards the major or minor in biology. Offered through UAlbany in the High School only.

A CAS 109 Intermediate Science Research (2)

Students learn research methodology in the natural and social sciences by accessing scientific databases, by using online bibliographic search techniques, consulting doctoral-level research scholars, developing hypotheses and performing experiments to test them, and by writing research papers and making presentations at scientific symposia. It is expected that the students will have done many of these activities in the prerequisite high school course, and in this course emphasis is placed upon the formulation of hypotheses and initiation of experiments in consultation with mentors. Prerequisite(s): completion of one year of an approved course in science research at the high-school level; permission of instructor. Offered summer session only. Offered through UAlbany in the High School only.

A CAS 110 Intermediate Methods of Research (4)

Students learn research methodology in the natural and social sciences by accessing scientific databases by using online bibliographic search techniques, consulting doctoral-level research scholars, developing hypotheses and performing experiments to test them, and writing research papers and making presentations at scientific symposia. It is expected that the students will have done many of these activities in the prerequisite high school course, and in this course emphasis is placed upon performing experiments in consultation with mentors. Students are expected to spend at least three hours per week outside of class. Prerequisite(s): completion of one year of an approved course in science research at the high-school level; permission of instructor; available for year-long course of study only. Offered through UAlbany in the High School only.

A CAS 141 Concepts of Race and Culture in the Modern World (3)

This course considers the complex dynamics of global human diversity from the vantage point of the various social sciences. It explores the use of race, nationality, ethnicity, culture, and gender as focal concepts in the critical analysis of human behavior and interaction in the modern world. Cross-cultural and cross-national aspects of these issues are of central concern to the course. Offered through UAlbany in the High School only.

A CAS 198 Special Topics in the Humanities (1–4)

Special group studies which provide students and faculty with the opportunity to explore significant themes, issues and problems from a broadly humanistic and interdisciplinary perspective. May be repeated for credit provided the subject matter is not repeated. Offered through UAlbany in the High School only.

A CAS 203 Social Sciences and Humanities Research Seminar (3)

In this intensive research and writing-based course, senior UAlbany in the High School social sciences and humanities students will move from their roles as consumers of knowledge to new roles as producers of knowledge by researching, writing, and presenting a final project. During the semester, students will ask questions of original sources such as primary archival and web-based documents, analyze the answers, and present the findings. Each phase of creating a research based project and presentation will be guided starting with the choice of topic and moving to the proposal, bibliography, outline, first draft, final draft, and presentation. The instructor of record in a given semester may identify a specific humanities or social science disciplinary focus for that course. Prerequisite(s): successful completion of one or more of the following courses is a prerequisite for enrolling in the history concentration of A CAS 203: A HIS 100, A HIS 101, A HIS 130, A HIS 131, A AFS/A LCS/A WSS 240. Students who have completed other 100 level college courses may be admitted with the permission of the instructor. Offered through UAlbany in the High School only.

A CAS 209 Advanced Science Research (2)

Continuation of work undertaken in A CAS 109 or equivalent with emphasis placed upon the completion of experiments in consultation with mentors. Students will consult with their teachers as necessary, but will not meet in a formal classroom period. Prerequisite(s): satisfactory completion of A CAS 109 or completion of two years of an approved science research course at the high school level; permission of instructor; offered summer session only. Offered through UAlbany in the High School only.

A CAS 210 Advanced Methods of Research (4)

Continuation of work undertaken in A CAS 110 or equivalent with emphasis placed upon the communication of results. Students are expected to spend at least three hours per week outside of class. Prerequisite(s): satisfactory completion of A CAS 110 or completion of two years of an approved science research course at the high school level; permission of instructor; students must be enrolled throughout an entire academic year to obtain credit. Offered through UAlbany in the High School only.