Department of Chemistry


Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Eric Block, Ph.D., Harvard University (Carla Rizzo Delray ’42 Professorship)

Distinguished Teaching Professor of Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences and Chemistry Emeritus
John W. Delano, Ph.D., SUNY at Stony Brook

Professors Emeriti
Robert E. Frost, Ph.D., Harvard University
Frank M. Hauser, Ph.D., University of North Carolina
Eugene Mclaren, Ph.D., Washington University (Collins Fellow)
Yash P. Myer, Ph.D., University of Oregon
Ramaswamy H. Sarma, Ph.D., Brown University
Charles P. Scholes, Ph.D., Yale University

Distinguished Professor
Igor Lednev, Ph.D., Moscow Institute of Physics & Technology

Evgeny Dikarev, Ph.D., Moscow State University
Rabi A. Musah, Ph.D., University of Arkansas
Li Niu, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
Marina Petrukhina, Ph.D., Moscow State University        
Alexander Shekhtman, Ph.D., University at Albany
John T. Welch, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University

Associate Professors
Alan Chen, Ph.D., Washington University
Jayanti Pande, Ph.D., University at Albany
Maksim Royzen, Ph.D., New York University
Jia Sheng, Ph.D., Georgia State University       
Paul J. Toscano, Ph.D., Johns Hopkins University (Undergraduate Director)
Mehmet Yigit, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Assistant Professors
Jeremy Feldblyum, Ph.D., University of Michigan
Ting Wang, Ph.D., The Ohio State University
Michael T. Yeung, Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
Qiang Zhang, Ph.D., Boston University

Halimah S. Sayahi, Ph.D., University at Albany

Teaching Assistants (estimated): 21

The objective of the department is to provide students with a broad, fundamental knowledge of modern theoretical and experimental chemistry enabling graduates to embark immediately on professional careers in chemistry or to continue study at an advanced level toward higher degrees. The general program in chemistry is approved by the Committee on Professional Training of the American Chemical Society.


Chemistry gives students the tools to think analytically, to solve problems, and to create new materials with unusual properties. A strong foundation in chemistry, coupled with a background in other disciplines such as biology, physics, and even art or business, can lead to the confidence and flexibility to take on challenging jobs after graduation. Career choices may include classic positions in industrial or governmental laboratories as a production, control, or analytical chemist. However, with a background in chemistry, career options are diverse and broad, including the potential to enter graduate and professional schools. Our graduates have secured employment in pharmaceuticals, medicine, petrochemicals, materials science, as well as the cosmetics and aerospace fields. Furthermore, a graduate may choose a career path as a research assistant, technical sales and service representative, secondary school teacher, science writer or editor, forensic or environmental scientist, patent attorney, art restorer, information scientist, toxicologist, or even investment counselor or public relations specialist.

Degree Requirements for the Major in Chemistry

General Program B.A.

Combined major and minor sequence consisting of 56 credits of which a minimum of 24 credits are at the 300 level and above: A CHM 115 or 120/124 (or T CHM 130/124 or T CHM 135), A CHM 116 or 121/125 (or T CHM 131/124 or T CHM 136), 220, 221, 222, 223, 326, 327, 352Z, 417, 420, 429, 431, 444, and 3 credits in advanced chemistry; A MAT 111 or 112 or 118; 113 or 119; A PHY 140 or 142 or T PHY 141, 145, 150 or 152 or T PHY 151, 155.

General Program B.S.

Within this program, a student has a choice of three tracks: Chemistry Emphasis (70 or 71 credits); Chemical Biology Emphasis (75 credits); Chemistry/Forensic Chemistry Emphasis (75 credits). The specific requirements for individual tracks are outlined below.

Chemistry Emphasis B.S.

Combined major and minor sequence consisting of a minimum of 70 or 71 credits: A CHM 115 or 120/124 (or T CHM 130/124 or T CHM 135), A CHM 116 or 121/125 (or T CHM 131/124 or T CHM 136), 220, 221, 222, 223, 226, 227, 342 or 442, 350, 351, 352Z, 408, 417, 420; 3 or 4 credits in advanced chemistry laboratories from A CHM 344, 426, or 429 and 431; and 3 credits in advanced chemistry in courses other than A CHM 424, 425, 426, 444, or 445; A MAT 111 or 112 or 118, 113 or 119, 214 or 218; A PHY 140 or 142 or T PHY 141, 145, 150 or 152 or T PHY 151, 155, 240.

Chemical Biology Emphasis B.S.

Combined major and minor sequence consisting of a minimum of 75 credits: A CHM 115 or 120/124 (or T CHM 130/124 or T CHM 135), A CHM 116 or 121/125 (or T CHM 131/124 or T CHM 136), 220, 221, 222, 223, 226, 227, 350 or 444, 351 or 445, 352Z, 408, 417, 420, 442, 443, 446; A BIO 120 or 131, 121 or 130, 201, 202, A BIO 212; A MAT 111 or 112 or 118, 113 or 119; A PHY 140 or 142 or T PHY 141, 145, 150 or 152 or T PHY 151, 155.

Chemistry/Forensic Chemistry Emphasis B.S.

Combined major and minor sequence consisting of a minimum of 75 credits: A CHM 115 or 120/124 (or T CHM 130/124 or T CHM 135), A CHM 116 or 121/125 (or T CHM 131/124 or T CHM 136), 220, 221, 222, 223, 226, 227, 251, 260, 342 or 442, 350 or 444, 351 or 445, 352Z, 408, 417, 420, 429, 431, 447, 448, 449; A MAT 108, 111 or 112 or 118, 113 or 119; A PHY 140 or 142 or T PHY 141, 145, 150 or 152 or T PHY 151, 155.

Honors Program

The honors program in chemistry is designed for outstanding students enrolled in the general program leading to the B.S. degree, Chemistry Emphasis, or Chemical Biology Emphasis, or Forensic Chemistry Emphasis. Students may apply for admission to the honors program by submitting a letter of request to the department chair no later than April 15th of the sophomore year (for admissions in the fall) or November 15th of the junior year (for admission in the spring). Junior transfers may apply at the time of their admission to the University. Primary emphasis will be placed on indications of academic ability and maturity sufficient for applicants to pursue with distinction a program involving independent research.

The minimum requirements for admission include: (1) Completion of A CHM 115 or 120/124 (or T CHM 130/124), A CHM 116 or 121/125 (or T CHM 131/125), 220, 221, 222, 223, 226 and 227 or their equivalents; (2) An overall grade point average of 3.25; (3) A grade point average of 3.50 in chemistry courses required for the major; and (4) Written recommendations from at least three faculty members, one of whom, preferably should be from outside the Department of Chemistry.

Students in the program must maintain both a minimum grade point average of 3.25 overall and of 3.50 in chemistry courses taken to satisfy major requirements during the junior and senior years. The progress of participants in the honors program will be reviewed at the end of junior year by the student’s adviser and the Departmental Undergraduate Committee. Students not meeting academic and independent research standards at that time may be precluded from continuing in the program during their senior year. These students may, of course, continue as majors.

Students may select from the following three emphases or tracks.

  • Honors B.S. Chemistry, Chemistry Emphasis 74 credits total as follows: in addition to the 20 credits listed above and mathematics and physics requirements listed for the general B.S. Chemistry program, with Chemistry Emphasis, A CHM 342 or 442, 350, 351, 352Z, 408, 417, 420, and 3 credits of advanced chemistry at the 400 level, not including research courses (67 credits); 3 credits of A CHM 426 (Undergraduate Research); and 4 credits of A CHM 427 (Honors Undergraduate Research). Student independent research must include an honors research project, culminating with a written honors thesis and departmental seminar by the end of the student’s last semester.

  • Honors B.S. Chemistry, Chemical Biology Emphasis: 79 credits total as follows: 75 credits as outlined in the general B.S. Chemistry program, with Chemical Biology Emphasis, with the exception A CHM 417 is replaced with A CHM 426 (Undergraduate Research); and 4 credits of A CHM 427 (Honors Undergraduate Research). The independent study must include an honors research project, culminating with a written honors thesis and departmental seminar by the end of the student’s last semester.

  • Honors B.S. Chemistry, Forensic Chemistry Emphasis: 82 credits total as follows: 75 credits as outlined in B.S. Chemistry with Forensic Chemistry emphasis; 3 credits of A CHM 428 (Forensic Chemistry Research); and 4 credits of A CHM 427 (Honors Undergraduate Research). The independent study must include an honors research project, culminating with a written honors thesis and departmental seminar by the end of the student's last semester.

After completion of the requirements above, the records of the candidates will be reviewed by the Departmental Undergraduate Committee. After consideration of overall academic record, performance and accomplishments in the research project, the quality of the Honors Seminar and Thesis, and the evaluations of departmental faculty members who have supervised these activities, a recommendation for or against a degree “with honors in chemistry” will be made by the committee to the departmental faulty. The final recommendation will be made by the departmental faculty and transmitted to the departmental chair.

Combined B.S./M.S. Program

The combined B.S./M.S. program in chemistry provides an opportunity for students of recognized academic ability and educational maturity to fulfill integrated requirements of undergraduate and master’s degree programs from the beginning of the junior year. A carefully designed program can permit a student to earn the B.S. and M.S. degrees within nine semesters.

The combined program requires a minimum of 138 credits, of which at least 30 must be graduate credits. In qualifying for the B.S., students must meet all University and college requirements, including the requirements of the undergraduate major described previously, the minimum 60-credit liberal arts and sciences requirement, general education requirements, and residency requirements. In qualifying for the M.S., students must meet all University and college requirements as outlined in the Graduate Bulletin, including completion of a minimum of 30 graduate credits and any other conditions such as a research seminar, thesis, comprehensive examination, professional experience, and residency requirements. Up to 12 graduate credits may be applied simultaneously to both the B.S. and M.S. programs.

The undergraduate requirement of A CHM 420 may be satisfied by A CHM 520A. Likewise, the requirement of 6 credits in advanced chemistry may be satisfied by two 500 level graduate courses.

Students may apply for admission to the combined degree program in chemistry after the successful completion of 56 credits and after the satisfactory completion of A CHM 350 or 444. A cumulative grade point average of 3.20 or higher and three supportive letters of recommendation from faculty are required for consideration.