Department of Computer Science


Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Richard E. Stearns, Ph.D., Princeton University

Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus
Sekharipuram S. Ravi, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh

Professors Emeriti
Dean N. Arden, Ph.D., Purdue University
Neil V. Murray, Ph.D., Syracuse University
Daniel J. Rosenkrantz, Ph.D., Columbia University
Dan E. Willard, Ph.D., Harvard University

Associate Professors Emeriti
Seth D. Chaiken, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Lenore M. Restifo Mullin, Ph.D., Syracuse University

Jeff Offutt, Ph.D., Georgia Institute of Technology (Chair)
Xin Li, Ph.D., Princeton University
Paliath Narendran, Ph.D., Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Associate Professors
Pradeep Atrey, Ph.D., National University of Singapore
Petko Bogdanov, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Ming-Ching Chang, Ph.D., Brown University
Charalampos Chelmis, Ph.D., University of Southern California
Mei-Hwa Chen, Ph.D., Purdue University
Chinwe Ekenna, Ph.D., Texas A&M University
Jeong-Hyon Hwang, Ph.D., Brown University
Amirreza Masoumzadeh, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Shaghayegh Sahebi, Ph.D., University of Pittsburgh
Mariya Zheleva, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara

Assistant Professors
Chong Liu, Ph.D., University of California, Santa Barbara
Abram Magner, Ph.D., Purdue University
Haoyu Wang, Ph.D., Purdue University

Professors of Practice
Vladimir Kuperman, Doctor of Science, Ministry of Education of Russian Federation
Jackson Marques de Carvalho, Ph.D., Western University

Visiting Associate Professor – Instructional
Upsorn Praphamontripong, Ph.D., George Mason University

Visiting Assistant Professor – Instructional
Shashank Arora, Ph.D., University at Albany
Daniel Hono, Ph.D., University at Albany

Michael Phipps, M.S., University at Albany
Qi Wang, M.S., California State University at Northridge

Teaching Assistants (estimated): 16

The Department of Computer Science offers courses on the theory and practice of computing. Students develop the ability to use computer programming languages, data structures, multiple levels of system organizations, and principles of computer science by completing programming assignments, by solving problems, and by completing hands-on projects. The Computer Science Department offers a Bachelor of Science combined major, a Bachelor of Arts major, and a minor in Computer Science. Non-CS majors may also select interesting electives in CS to complement their own majors.

Course Progression Restrictions

A grade of or better (or S) in I CSI/I ECE 201, I CSI/I ECE 210, I CSI/I ECE 213, and I CSI 311 or their transfer equivalents is a prerequisite for certain succeeding courses required in one or more of the programs below. See the course descriptions for details. In unusual situations, such prerequisites might be waived by the department on recommendation of the succeeding course instructor.

  • Students must complete I CSI/I ECE 201 or I CEN 200 or I ECE 141 with a C or better to register for I CSI/I ECE 213
  • Students must complete I CSI/I ECE 210 and I CSI/I ECE 213 with a or better to register for I CSI 311
  • Students must complete I CSI 311 with a C or better to register for I CSI 318
  • Students must complete I CSI/I ECE 213 with a C or better to register for I CSI 333
  • Students must complete A MAT 220 and I CSI/I ECE 213 with a C or better to register for I CSI 401
  • Students must complete I CSI/I ECE 210 and I CSI/I ECE 213 with a C or better to register for I CSI 403
  • Students must complete I CSI 333 or I ECE 233 with a C or better to register for I CSI 404
  • Students must complete I CSI 311 with a C or better to register for I CSI 407
  • Students must complete I CSI 311 with a C or better to register for I CSI 409
  • Students must complete I CSI/I ECE 210 and I CSI/I ECE 213 with a C or better to register for I CSI 410
  • Students must complete I CSI 333 and I CSI 409 with a C or better to register for I CSI 417
  • Students must complete I CSI 311 with a C or better to register for I CSI 418
  • Students must complete I CSI/I ECE 210 with a C or better to register for I CSI 421
  • Students must complete A MAT 220 and I CSI 333 or I ECE 233 with a grade of C or better to register for I CSI 422.
  • Students must complete I CSI /I ECE 210 and I CSI 333 or I ECE 233 with a C or better to register for I CSI 426
  • Students must complete I CSI 311 with a C or better to register for I CSI 433
  • Students must complete A MAT 220 or I CSI 311 with a C or better to register for I CSI 435
  • Students must complete A MAT 214, A MAT 220, A MAT 367 or A MAT 370, and I CSI 401 with a C or better to register for I CSI 436
  • Students must complete I CSI 311 with a C or better to register for I CSI 445
  • Students must complete I CSI/I ECE 213 with a or better to register for I CSI 490
  • Students must complete I CSI/I ECE 213 with a C or better to register for I CSI 497

Degree Requirements for the Majors in Computer Science

Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science (CSI)

The Bachelor of Arts program in Computer Science can provide a liberal arts education with specific CS topics, or it can combine computer science with its applications into areas such as informatics, information science, cybersecurity, data science, business, scientific research, or creative arts. Some course choices are provided in advanced requirements so the student can select between an emphasis on lower-level systems or abstract programming principles, or an emphasis on design and implementation of familiar kinds of computing applications.

General Program B.A.:

A minimum of 43 credits as follows. Students must select any approved minor. If a minor requires a course from those listed below, students should consult with their advisor to find an appropriate substitution.

  • Computer Science Core (23 credits): I CSI/I ECE 201, I CSI/I ECE 210, I CSI/I ECE 213, I CSI 318, I CSI 333, and I CSI/I ECE 404
  • Programming Language Principles (4 credits): I CSI 311
  • System Software Development Capstone (3 credits): I CSI 495
  • Mathematics (7 credits): A MAT 111 or 112 or 118; and 367 or 370
  • Computer Science Electives (6 credits): Two I CSI courses numbered 400-470 or 500-550 or as specially approved by the department

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (Combined) (CSIC)

The combined major and minor BS program in computer science prepare graduates to succeed in the software field after graduation. Our graduates will be ready to:

  • Establish themselves as successful and productive computing professionals or engage in advanced study such as a graduate degree program
  • Work effectively both in team environments and as individuals
  • Fulfill their responsibilities in the areas of ethics, continuing professional development, and effective written and oral communications

Computer Science graduates find positions in almost every industry, including software services, medical, financial, transportation, communications, civil infrastructure, defense, agricultural, and nearly every other aspect of our civilization.

Strong students are encouraged to apply to the combined BS-MS program in Computer Science.

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science Program (Combined) is accredited by the Computing Accreditation Commission of ABET.

General Program B.S.

(combined major and minor sequence)

A minimum of 81 credits as follows:

  • Computer Science Core (37 credits): I CSI/I ECE 201, I CSI/ECE 210, I CSI/I ECE 213, I CSI 333, I CSI 403, I CSI/I ECE 404, I CSI 409, I CSI 410, I CSI 412, I CSI 416, I CSI 418
  • Social Aspects of Computing (3 credits): I CSI 300Z
  • Programming Language Principles (4 credits): I CSI 311
  • Intensive System Software Development (3 credits): I CSI 499
  • Secure Computing (3 credits): I CSI 424 or I CSI 426
  • Computer Science Electives (9 credits): 6 credits from I CSI courses numbered 400 - 470 or 500 - 550 or specially approved. 3 credits can be from any Computer Science electives 300 level or above
  • Mathematics (14 credits): A MAT 111 or 112 or 118, 113 or 119, 220, 367
  • Laboratory Science Requirements (8 credits): A PHY 140 or 142, 145, 150 or 152, and 155; or A CHM 115 or 120/124 (or T CHM 130/124 or T CHM 135), and A CHM 116 or 121/125 (or T CHM 131/124 or T CHM 136)

Advanced Placement Substitutions and Specially Approved Electives for all majors:
The Department may grant advanced placement credit substitutions, and may allow up to 3 credits in Computer Science or Mathematics electives to be replaced by credits in I CSI 487 or I CSI 488 for Honors majors, or by credits in I CSI 490, 497, or 499. Such permission can be granted on the basis of AP exam level, scores and departmental evaluations, the depth and breadth of the resulting program, or a superior grade record of the individual student.

Graduate Course Equivalents
Students admitted into the B.S./M.S. program in Computer Science, and seniors with instructor and departmental approval may substitute graduate courses for appropriate undergraduate courses, as specified below. Other graduate courses may be taken for electives by such students. However, only admitted B.S./M.S. students can apply up to 12 credits from such graduate courses to a University at Albany graduate degree. All qualified B.S. majors are encouraged to enter the B.S./M.S. and Honors programs to maximize their opportunities, even if they do not intend to complete the M.S. degree at Albany. Non-B.S./M.S. students eventually admitted to the graduate programs will have to make up the graduate credits but not retake the courses.

  • I CSI 501 for 401
  • I CSI 503 for 403
  • I CSI 509 for 409
  • I CSI 518 for 418
  • I CSI 519 for 311
  • I CSI 551 for 451
  • A MAT 560 for A MAT 464
  • A MAT 565 for A MAT 465

Honors Program

The Computer Science Departmental honors program is an opportunity for qualified students to undertake research or innovative development projects at the undergraduate level, under individualized guidance of computer science faculty, and gain recognition by presenting their accomplishments in a public forum and by a transcript designation. The honors seminars and projects are often conducted within research groups comprised of computer science and interdisciplinary faculty, graduate students, and other undergraduates.

Students are encouraged to enroll in the Combined B.S./M.S. Program together with this honors program. Combined B.S./M.S. students can substitute some graduate courses for their undergraduate requirements. They might then earn an Albany Master of Science degree sooner by including up to 12 credits from those graduate courses. The honors and beginning graduate study together might also provide excellent preparation for admission to a national research internship program or a Computer Science Ph.D. program.


To be eligible for admission to the honors program in Computer Science, a student must have a specific prospective faculty honors supervisor who conveys to the Department a statement of permission and agreement to engage in a specific research specialization area. Prior to admission the student must first have declared  the B.S. in Computer Science; must have completed the following courses with a GPA of at least 3.50: I CSI/I CEN 201 (or AP), I CSI/I CEN 210, I CSI/I CEN 213, (or a 5 in the CS-AP AB exam), I CSI/I CEN 333, and preferably A MAT 118 and 119 although A MAT 111 or 112, and 113 are acceptable; and have an overall GPA of at least 3.25. Prospective honors students must identify and consult a prospective supervisor prior to honors admission, and should request admission during the semester when they will complete the above courses so admission may be determined when all the required grades are in and the proposed area is evaluated.


  • All the requirements for the B.S. program must be completed with one or more elective courses chosen in consultation with the faculty to develop rigorous mastery in a disciplinary specialization. These courses may be either part of or in addition to the major, a minor, a second major, or graduate requirements. Honors students may use I CSI 487 for one of the Computer Science electives.
  • Three credits of Honors Seminar (I CSI 487): as part of this course, students will do independent study in preparation for research or innovative development projects under the supervision of a faculty member, and to present a colloquium on the topic. See the course description in the bulletin.
  • At least three credits of honors or graduate project work (I CSI 488Z and/or I CSI 68X and/or I CSI 699): students will be required to pursue research or innovative development under the supervision of a faculty member and submit a final report describing their original work and its background. The courses necessarily have significant writing components. The student will be required to present a public seminar on project results. See the course descriptions in the bulletin.

A GPA of at least 3.50 in the Computer Science courses that go towards the B.S. major must be maintained to continue in the honors program and graduate with an honors major. The faculty supervisor must also certify to the department that the student completed and presented the project results satisfactorily.

Combined B.S./M.S. Program

The combined B.S./M.S. program allows exceptional students to use up to four graduate courses (12 credits) for both the B.S. and the M.S. degrees. With careful planning, a student can earn both the B.S. and the M.S. degrees within five years, making it a 4+1 program.

All requirements in both degrees must be satisfied, including the minimum 60 credit liberal arts and sciences requirement, general education requirements, and residency requirements of the B.S., and the capstone requirement, residency requirements, and program GPA requirements of the M.S. degree.

Students may apply for admission to the combined degree program at the beginning of their junior year or after the successful completion of 56 credits. A cumulative grade point average of 3.20 or higher and two to three supportive letters of recommendation from faculty are required for consideration, but admission of a student who meets the minimum requirements is not automatic.