Department of Psychology


Distinguished Professors Emeriti
David H. Barlow, Ph.D., University of Vermont
Edward B. Blanchard, Ph.D., Stanford University
Frank Vellutino, Ph.D., Catholic University of America

Distinguished Teaching Professor Emeritus
Robert A. Rosellini, Ph.D., DePaul University

Distinguished Service Professor
Edelgard Wulfert, Ph.D., University of North Carolina, Greensboro (Collins Fellow)

Professors Emeriti/Emerita
Laurie B. Feldman, Ph.D., University of Connecticut
Gordon G. Gallup Jr., Ph.D., Washington State University
Allen C. Israel, Ph.D., Stony Brook University
Robert J. McCaffrey, Ph.D., University of Georgia
James H. Neely, Ph.D., Yale University
W. Trammell Neill, III, Ph.D., University of Oregon
Bruce B. Svare, Ph.D., Rutgers University

Jeanette Altarriba, Ph.D., Vanderbilt University (Collins Fellow)
Bruce C. Dudek, Ph.D., SUNY-Binghamton
Mitchell Earleywine, Ph.D., Indiana University
John P. Forsyth, Ph.D., West Virginia University
Ronald Friedman, Ph.D., Columbia University     
Mark Muraven, Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University (Department Chair)
Sylvia G. Roch, Ph. D., Texas A&M University
James R. Stellar, Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Christine K. Wagner, Ph.D., Michigan State University
Kevin J. Williams, Ph.D., University of South Carolina (Collins Fellow)

Associate Professors Emeritae
Hazel Prelow, Ph.D., University of North Texas
Caroline K. Waterman, Ph.D., State University of New York at Buffalo

Associate Professors
Drew Anderson, Ph.D., Louisiana State University
Brendan Bo O'Connor, Ph.D., Harvard University
James F. Boswell, Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University
Dev Dalal, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University       
Elana Gordis, Ph.D., University of Southern California
Julia Hormes. Ph.D., University of Pennsylvania
Ewan C. McNay, Ph.D., University of Virginia
Cynthia Najdowski, Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago
Andrew Poulos, Ph.D., University of Southern California
Anna Reiman, Ph.D., Yale University
Heather Sheridan, Ph.D., University of Toronto
Marcia E. Sutherland, Ph.D., Howard University
Damian Zuloaga, Ph.D., Michigan State University

Assistant Professors
Gregory Cox, Ph.D., Indiana University Bloomington
Sarah Domoff, Ph.D., Bowling Green State University
Betty Lin, Ph.D., Arizona State University
Gaurav Malhotra, Ph.D., University of Edinburgh

Clinical Associate Professor
Kristin Christodulu, Ph.D., University at Albany, SUNY

Adjuncts: 20
Teaching Assistants: 43

The objective of the department is to provide undergraduate students with a broad, general background in scientific psychology. The program is designed to prepare students for graduate study in psychology as well as a diversity of other fields requiring knowledge of psychological principles. The department expects its students to become well-versed in the theories, research, and applications of the discipline.

The department offers a full program leading to the B.A.; a graduate program leading to the Ph.D. with several major areas of concentration and a clinical training program; and in cooperation with the Department of Educational Psychology and Statistics in the School of Education, the Certificate of Advanced Study and Psy.D. in School Psychology.


With the B.A. degree, professional entry-level positions are possible in public and private human services systems (health, education, social welfare, parole, probation, gerontology, youth, substance abuse); also, personnel administration, and general administrative work. Entry-level jobs could involve delivery of service, research and/or program planning and development. Less traditional occupations include medicine, dentistry, law, optometry, urban planning, genetic counseling, and human factors research.

Special Programs or Opportunities

The department offers opportunities for independent study and research beginning in the sophomore year. Students involved in research activities have supervised access to the department’s animal and human research laboratories, and off-campus professional agencies.


Declaration of the major in psychology must be made by application to the department. Information on procedures for application is available from the Department Advisement Center (SS 399B). Application may be made during any semester at any time prior to final exam week, or prior to August during summer sessions.

The criteria outlined below will apply to all course work completed prior to and including the semester during which application is made. The department will notify students of action on the application before the subsequent semester. A PSY 101, 210, and 211 may not be taken elsewhere after matriculation at Albany.

I. Criteria for Admission to the Psychology Major for Students Admitted as Freshmen to Albany:

  1. Students must have completed at least 24 hours of college credit (sophomore status).
  2. Students' cumulative grade point average for all course work at the University at Albany must be 2.00 or higher at the time of evaluation of the application.
  3. For Full Admission to the major: students must have a grade point average of 2.50 or higher in psychology courses listed as counting toward the major on their official degree audit at the time of evaluation of the application. The courses A PSY 101 or T PSY 102, A PSY 210, and A PSY 211 must have been completed with a minimum grade of a C- in each.
  4. For Conditional Admission to the major (which is an optional category for students who have not yet completed A PSY 211 with a C-), students must have completed A PSY 101 or T PSY 102 and A PSY 210 with a C- or better and have a grade point average of 2.75 or higher in psychology courses listed as counting toward the major on their official degree audit. Once students have been conditionally admitted they must complete A PSY 211, with a C- or better, in the next semester AND have a grade point average of 2.50 or higher in psychology courses at the end of that semester to become fully declared. If not, they will revert back to an intended psychology major until the full admission requirements (1-3) are met.

II. Criteria for Transfer Students:

For purposes of declaration of the major, the department recognizes three categories of transfer students. The criteria for admission to the major are different for these three categories. Transfer students may not apply transfer credit for A PSY 101, A PSY 210, and A PSY 211 with grades of D toward the major.          

  1. Transfer students who enter the University with fewer than 42 transfer credits or without credit for A PSY 101 must fulfill the criteria specified in section I., above.
  2. Transfer students who enter the University with 42 or more transfer credits, have transfer credit for A PSY 101 and 210 with a grade of C- or higher in each, and have a 2.50 average for all psychology courses listed on their official degree audit that are applied toward the major will be conditionally admitted to psychology as a major and receive advisement in the psychology department. Such students must complete A PSY 211 in their first semester here with a grade of C- or higher AND students must have a grade point average of 2.50 or higher in psychology courses listing as counting toward the major on their official degree audit upon completion of A PSY 211 or their provisional admission to the major will be withdrawn.
  3. Transfer students who enter the University with 42 or more transfer credits, have transfer credit for A PSY 101, A PSY 210 and A PSY 211 with a grade of C- or higher in each, and have a 2.50 average in all psychology courses listed on their official degree audit that are applied toward the major may immediately declare psychology as a major.

Repeating Courses

Students wishing to become majors may retake courses in A PSY 101, A PSY 210, and A PSY 211 in order to achieve the minimum grade of C- required in each course. A minimum psychology GPA of 2.50 or higher in courses listed on their official degree audit is also required to declare the major. When retaking courses, only the higher grade will be used in calculating the psychology GPA.

Students are strongly advised to consult with the Director of the Psychology Advisement Office and/or the Director of Undergraduate Studies before repeating courses so that they are fully aware of their obligations to meet all the admission criteria needed to attain major status before repeating any courses in the hope of ultimately gaining entry into the major. Students will be advised of what is needed to complete the next semester and/or discuss possible alternative major options.


Students who are denied admission to the major may appeal the decision by petitioning the department chair. Such appeals will be evaluated at the beginning of each semester, prior to the final date for adding courses. The decision on the appeal will be made by the department chair and the director of the advisement center. 

Degree Requirements for the Major in Psychology

General Program B.A.:

A minimum of 36 credits in psychology with a minimum of 24 credits at the 300 level or above including A PSY 101 or T PSY 102, A PSY 210, A PSY 211 and one course designated with a "T" suffix. (The "T" suffix course satisfies the Competencies in the Major component of the General Education Program: Information Literacy, Oral Discourse, and Advanced Writing.)

3 credits in each of the following 4 categories:

  • Category 1
    Cognitive Behavioral Approaches: at least 3 credits from A PSY 380 or 381
  • Category 2
    Clinical Developmental Approaches: at least 3 credits from A PSY 203 or 238
  • Category 3
    Social Basis: at least 3 credits from A PSY 270 or 327
  • Category 4
    Biological Basis: at least 3 credits from A PSY 214 (or T PSY 214) or 382 or 387        

15 credits of electives: any courses offered with an A PSY prefix. E CPY and E PSY courses do not count toward the major unless they are explicitly cross-listed with A PSY prefix courses. Any courses not used to complete the previous categories may be used as electives.

NOTE: Of the 36 credits required for the major, a student must complete at least 24 credits in courses numbered 300 or above.

For psychology majors who satisfy the major requirements as outlined in this bulletin, A PSY 210 and 211 are restricted to A-E grading after matriculation at Albany.

A maximum of 3 credits in independent study courses (A PSY 297, 297Z, 397, 397T, 397Z, and 497Z) may be applied to major credit but may not be used to satisfy the 300 level or above requirement. The courses may be repeated for university credit. No more than 6 additional credits in independent study courses may be used for graduation credit.

Honors Program

A psychology major, or double major with psychology listed first, may file an application for admission with the Honors Committee as early as the second semester of the sophomore year or as soon as the minimum requirements for admission to the program have been satisfied. The duration of the program is three semesters and commences only in the fall semester.

The minimum requirements for admission include completion of A PSY 101 or T PSY 102, A PSY 210 and A PSY 211. If the student has not been able to complete A PSY 211 by the first semester of the junior year, it is possible to obtain permission to take A PSY 211 concurrently with the Honors Seminar. A grade point average of 3.30 or higher overall for all course work taken for graduation credit at the University is required, as is a 3.50 grade point average or higher for psychology courses applicable toward the major.

Honors students must complete a total of 48 credits in psychology. Of these credits, 36 are the same as required of all majors and the remaining 12 credits are listed below.

Honors majors must complete their additional 12 credits by completing A PSY 310 (3 credits), 399 (3 credits), and 499 (6 credits). Furthermore, students must submit a senior honors thesis acceptable to the research sponsor and the Honors Committee.

The program commences with the Honors Seminar (A PSY 399) in the fall semester of the junior year. A PSY 211 must be taken at this time if it has not already been completed.

The seminar introduces the student to (advanced) issues of scientific method and experimental design. As soon as the student has a general idea for the research project, he or she is encouraged to discuss the project with a potential research sponsor, especially as regards feasibility. By the end of the seminar course, the student should be conversant with a problem area, have arranged a research sponsor and be ready to submit a research proposal. The Honors student will conduct the research in two project courses (A PSY 499) during the second semester of the junior and the first semester of the senior year.

The Honors Thesis written by the end of the second project course will consist of a review of the literature, the hypothesis to be tested, an experimental design (from the research proposal), data collected, any statistical analysis, and a discussion.

Students in the Honors Program are required to maintain an overall grade point average of 3.30 or higher during the junior and senior years and an overall grade point average of 3.50 or higher for all psychology courses applicable toward the major. The work of each candidate in the honors program will be reviewed at the completion of the junior year by the Departmental Honors Committee.

Students not meeting the above-stated standards at that time may be precluded from continuing in the program for the senior year. Students who remain below the stated standards throughout their senior year will not be eligible for a degree with Honors.

After completion of the above requirements, the records of the candidate will be reviewed by the Departmental Honors Committee who shall recommend, to the department, candidates for the degree with honors in psychology.

Combined B.A./M.S. Program

The combined B.A./M.S. program in psychology/mental health counseling provides an opportunity for students of recognized academic ability and educational maturity to fulfill integrated requirements of undergraduate and master’s degree programs from the beginning of their junior year. Carefully designed programs can permit students to earn the B.A. and M.S. degree within nine semesters and a summer session. In qualifying for the B.A., students must meet all University and college requirements, including the requirements of the undergraduate major described previously, the university minor requirement, the minimum 90 credit liberal arts and sciences requirement, the general education requirements, and residency requirements. In qualifying for the M.S., students must meet all University and college requirements as outlined in the Graduate Bulletin. Up to 12 graduate credits may be applied simultaneously to both the B.A. and M.S. program. Students may be admitted to the combined degree program at the beginning of their junior year, or after the successful completion of 56 credits. A cumulative grade point average of 3.20 or higher and three supportive letters of recommendation from faculty are required for consideration.