Department of Public Administration and Policy


Professors Emeriti/ae
David F. Andersen, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Sue R. Faerman, Ph.D., University at Albany (Collins Fellow)
James J. Heaphey, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Joseph M. Heikoff, Ph.D., University of Chicago
Byron Hipple, M.A., Syracuse University
Irene Lurie, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley       
Jeryl L. Mumpower, Ph.D., University of Colorado
Richard I. Nunez, Ph.D., Syracuse University
George P. Richardson, Ph.D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Jeffrey D. Straussman, Ph.D., City University of New York
Frank Thompson, Ph.D., University of California, Berkeley
Lewis Welch, Ph.D., Syracuse University 

Mitchel Abolafia, Ph.D., Stony Brook University
Shawn Bushway, Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University
J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Ph.D., University at Albany
Luis Felipe Luna-Reyes, Ph.D., University at Albany
Erika Martin, Ph.D., M.P.H., Yale University

Associate Professors Emeriti/ae
Helen Desfosses, Ph.D., Boston University (Collins Fellow)
Sharon Dawes, Ph.D., University at Albany
James W. Fossett, Ph.D., University of Michigan
Judith Saidel, Ph.D., University at Albany

Associate Professors
Susan Appe, Ph.D., University at Albany
Gang Chen, Ph.D., University of Nebraska at Omaha
Jennifer Dodge, Ph.D., New York University
Bryan Early, Ph.D., University of Georgia
Mila Gasco-Hernandez, Ph.D., Rovira i Virgili University
Ashley Fox, Ph.D., Columbia University
Stephen Holt, Ph.D., American University
Ellen Rubin, Ph.D., University of Georgia
Edmund Stazyk, Ph.D., University of Kansas (Chair)         
Patricia Strach, Ph.D., University of Wisconsin
Lucy Sorensen, Ph.D., Duke University

Assistant Professors
Mikhail Ivonchyk, Ph.D., University of Georgia
Hongseok Lee, Ph.D., Indiana University
Bo Li, Ph.D., Georgia State University
Kayla Schwoerer, Ph.D., Rutgers University

Research Professors
Ik Jae Chung, Ph.D., University at Albany
Theresa Pardo, Ph.D., University at Albany

Public Service Professors
Michael Breslin, M.S., University of Toledo Law School
Kevin Bronner, Ph.D., University at Albany
Paul Castellani, Ph.D., Syracuse University
Michael Christakis, Ph.D., University at Albany
Peter C. Finn, M.P.A., University at Albany       
David Liebschutz, M.A., J.D., Duke University
Rick Mathews, M.S., Indiana State University
Frank Mauro, M.P.A., Syracuse University
Eugene Monaco, M.S., University at Albany
Philip Morris, B.A., Hamilton College
Fredric David Sheppard, M.A., The United States Army War College 
James Steiner, Ph.D., Georgetown University

Public administration and public policy are concerned with the formulation and implementation of governmental policies and programs. The approach of the Department of Public Administration and Policy is interdisciplinary, drawing on various social and behavioral sciences. The courses focus on such topics as the role of bureaucracy in society, management of finances in the public sector, organizational theory and development, the political and legal environment of administration, and public policy research and analysis.

B.A. in Public Policy and Management

The Department of Public Administration and Policy offers a 54 credit combined major and minor as well as a 36 credit stand-alone major in Public Policy and Management and a stand-alone minor in Public Policy.

The 36 credit B.A. program in Public Policy and Management is focused on the development of the analytic skills needed in today's complex policy environment. The interdisciplinary nature of the Public Policy and Management program is reflected in the six required core courses that expose students to statistics, economics, the policy-making process and public management. The student then extends and deepens this interdisciplinary perspective through two capstones (including an internship), and the choice of two courses in Management & Politics and Quantitative Methods & Policy Analysis areas. For the 54 credit combined major/minor program, students would complete the same requirements listed for the 36 credit stand-alone major as well as 18 credits in one or two concentrations. The purpose of the concentrations is to match students' interdisciplinary policy analysis and management skills with depth in a particular area(s). Students are expected to work with their advisor to construct a coherent plan of study across the concentrations.

The majors require that students complete an internship, typically with an agency of New York State government. According to University policy, enrollment in an internship requires a minimum 2.00 GPA. Students with a GPA below 2.00 will not be allowed to complete this requirement for the majors.

The B.A. Program expects that students will have taken mathematics at the level of A MAT 100 or A MAT 101.

Degree Requirements for the Major in Public Policy and Management

General Program B.A.:

The stand-alone major requires a minimum of 36 credits as follows:

  • 18 credits of foundational coursework: A ECO 110, A ECO 111, R PAD 140, R PAD 302, R PAD 316, and R POS 101   
  • 6 credits of coursework counting towards the Area of Management and Politics selected from R PAD/B FIN 236, R PAD 303, R PAD 305, R PAD 310, R PAD 312, R PAD 321, R PAD 322, R PAD 325, R PAD 328, R PAD 329, R PAD 335, R PAD 337, R PAD/C EHC 344, R PAD 350, R PAD 364/R POS 366, R PAD 366, R PAD/B FIN 435, R PAD 436 or B FIN 439, R PAD 441, R PAD 450, R PAD 453, R PAD/C EHC 455, R PAD/ C EHC 456, R PAD/C EHC 457, R PAD/C EHC 469, R PAD/C EHC 472, R PAD 475, R PAD/R POS/H HPM 486, R POS 303, R POS 320 
  • 6 credits of coursework counting towards the Area of Quantitative Methods and Policy Analysis. At least one must come from: R PAD 204, R PAD 305, R PAD 324, R PAD 337, R PAD/R POS 343, R PAD 345, R PAD 354 or R PAD 438, R PAD 355, R PAD 360, R PAD/R CRJ 385, R PAD/C EHC 445, R PAD/C EHC/C YBR 449, R PAD 453, R PAD/C EHC 457, R PAD 470, R POS 387, A ECO 300, A ECO 320, A ECO 355. The second course may also come from A ECO 405, A ECO 410, A MAT 214, A MAT 308, A MAT 362, A GOG 496 or A USP 456
  • 6 credits of capstone coursework: R PAD 498 and R PAD 499. R PAD 498 requires the completion of an internship

The combined major/minor requires a minimum of 54 credits: the requirements of the 36 credit major must be completed in addition to 18 credits in one Concentration or 9 credits in each of two Concentrations.

Approved Concentrations:

  • Environmental Policy: A ATM 100 or A ATM 101 or A ATM 102, A ATM 107, A ATM 200, A ATM 304, A ATM 307, A BIO 120 or A BIO 131, A BIO 121 or A BIO 130, A BIO 212, A BIO 222, A BIO 308, A BIO 320 or A BIO 401, A BIO 343, A ECO 385, A ENV 105, A ENV 250, A GOG 101, A GOG 201, A GOG 304, A GOG/A USP 430, A GOG/A USP 460, A PHY 105, A PHY 140, A PHY 202, A USP 201, A USP 432, R PAD 366, R PAD 475
  • Gender, Race, and Society: A AFS 213, A AFS 219, A AFS 240, A AFS 311, A AFS 333, A AFS 400, A HIS 322, A HIS 325, A LCS 201, A LCS 375, A LCS 402, A LCS 408, A LCS 465, A PHI 350, A SOC 260, A SOC 282, A SOC 326, A SOC 344, A WSS 220, A WSS 240, A WSS 260, A WSS 262, A WSS 281, A WSS 333, A WSS 360, A WSS 433, R POS 333
  • Human Services: Health, Education, and Labor: A BIO 117, A BIO 120 or A BIO 131, A BIO 121 or A BIO 130, A BIO 205, A BIO 212, A BIO 308, A BIO 329, A BIO 343, A ECO 370, A ECO 381, A HIS 322, A LCS 402, A PHI 338, A PHI 417, A PSY 101 or 102, A PSY 203, A PSY 238, A PSY 270, A PSY 329, A PSY 333, A PSY 341, A PSY 389, A SOC 115, A SOC 180, A SOC 283, A SOC 342, A SOC 357, A SOC 359, A SOC 384, E APS/E EST 300, E APS 301, E APS 400, E APS 470, E APS 487, E PSY 420, E PSY 440, E PSY 441, E SPE 369, E SPE 460, I CSI 100, R PAD 335, R PAD 337, R PAD/C EHC 344, R PAD 345, R PAD 354 or R PAD 438, R PAD 453, R PAD/C EHC 472, R PAD/R POS/H HPM 486, R POS 474
  • Law and Civil Rights: A AFS 213, A AFS 240, A AFS 311, A AFS 400, A ECO 383, A HIS 220, A HIS 259, A HIS 310, A HIS 313, A HIS 322, A HIS 325, A HIS 327, A HIS 328, A PHI 325, A SOC 203, A SOC 385, A WSS 333, R PAD 328, R PAD/C EHC 469, R PAD/R POS/H HPM 486, R POS 330, R POS 333, R POS 335, R POS 336, R POS 346, R POS 380, R POS 426, R POS 428, R POS 437
  • Local Government: A AFS 400, A ECO 341, A ECO 355, A ECO 356, A GOG/A USP 125, A GOG /USP 220, A GOG/A GLO/A USP 225, A GOG/A USP 430, A GOG/A USP 443, A USP 201, A USP 425, A USP 432, A SOC 342, A SOC 373, R PAD 312, R PAD 321, R PAD 322, R PAD 325, R PAD 329, R PAD 337, R PAD/R POS/C EHC 343, R PAD/C EHC 344, R PAD 450, R POS 320, R POS 424
  • Philosophy and Ethics: A AFS 430, A PHI 114, A PHI 115, A PHI 116, A PHI 212, A PHI 320, A PHI 325, A PHI 326, A PHI 338, A PHI 355, A PHI 425, R PAD/R POS/H HPM 486, R POS 301, R POS 302, R POS 306, R POS 307, R POS 308, R POS 310, R POS 313
  • Politics: A AFS 430, A GOG 440, A HIS 101, A LCS 375, A LCS 408, A LCS 465, A PSY 270, A SOC 255, R PAD 304, R PAD 305, R PAD 321, R PAD 325, R PAD 329, R PAD 453, R PAD/C EHC 455, R PAD 475, R PAD/R POS 488, R POS 301, R POS 302, R POS 314, R POS 319, R POS 320, R POS 331, R POS 332, R POS 334, R POS 337, R POS 365, R POS 424
  • Quantitative Tools: A ECO 300, A ECO 320, A ECO 401, A ECO 405, A ECO 410, A ECO 420, A GOG 496 or A USP 456, A MAT 111, A MAT 112, A MAT 113, A MAT 214, A MAT 220, A MAT 221, A MAT 308, A MAT 362, A MAT 363, A MAT 367, A MAT 372, A PHI 210, A PHI 218, A PSY 211, I CEN/I CSI 201, I CEN/I CSI213 or I CSI 310, I CSI 205, I CSI 405, R PAD 204
  • Regulation and Public Finance: A ECO 300, A ECO 301, A ECO 350, A ECO 351, A ECO 355, A ECO 356, A ECO 370, A ECO 381, A ECO 405, A ECO 455, A ECO 466, A ECO 474, A MAT 111, A PSY 341, I CSI 203,  R PAD 321, R PAD 345, R PAD 354 or R PAD 438, R PAD 431, R PAD 437, R PAD/C EHC/C YBR 449, R PAD 475
  • Technology and Policy: A PHI 218, A PHY 103, A PHY 105, A WSS 241, I CSI 100, I CSI 105, I CSI 124, I CSI 203, I CSI 300, I CSI 410, I INF 100, I INF 201, I INF 202, I INF 301, I INF 423, I INF 424, R PAD 305, R PAD 310, R PAD/C EHC 445, R PAD/C EHC/C YBR 449, R PAD 450, R PAD/C EHC 469, R PAD 470, R PAD 475, R POS 368, R POS 396
  • Urban Issues: A AFS 400, A ECO 341, A ECO 355, A ECO 356, A GOG/A USP 125, A GOG/A USP 220, A GOG/A GLO/A USP 225, A GOG/A USP 443, A GOG/A USP 460, A GOG 480, A HIS 318, A PSY 389, A SOC 180, A SOC 203, A SOC 250, A SOC 260, A SOC 341, A SOC 370, A SOC 373, A USP 201, A USP 315, A USP 425, A USP 432, A USP 475, R PAD 322, R PAD/R POS/C EHC 343, R PAD/C EHC 344,  R PAD/C EHC 455, R PAD/C EHC 472, R POS 321, R POS 424
  • World Affairs: A AFS 150, A AFS 286, A AFS 287, A AFS 311, A ECO 130, A ECO 330, A ECO 360, A ECO 445, A ECO 446, A HIS 312, A HIS 381, A HIS 388, A HIS 456, A LCS 100 or 102 or 150, A LCS 357, A LCS 359, A PHI 214, A PHI 355, A WSS 451, R PAD/R POS/C EHC 343, R PAD 350, R PAD 364, R PAD 366, R PAD 453, R PAD/C EHC 456, R PAD/C EHC 457, R PAD/C EHC 458, R PAD 470, R POS 102, R POS 351, R POS 355, R POS 357, R POS 362, R POS 364, R POS 366, R POS 367, R POS 370, R POS 371, R POS 373, R POS 375, R POS 380, R POS 383, R POS 386, R POS 395, R POS 398, R POS 473, R POS 474

Honors Program in Public Policy and Management

The Honors Program in Public Policy and Management combines recognition of general academic excellence with demonstrated achievement in specific area of public policy.


The Director of Undergraduate Studies administers the Honors Program, advises students, and helps students in selecting thesis advisers. The thesis is discussed in a forum involving the adviser, the Honors Director, and other faculty members selected by the student and the adviser upon its completion in the senior year.

Selection and Evaluation

Student must have declared Public Policy and Management as either a stand-alone major or as a combined major/minor and have completed at least 12 credits of coursework in the major. Student must have an overall grade point average not lower than 3.25, and a grade point average of 3.50 in the core subjects in public policy and management for admission to the Honors Program. Students may apply to the Honors Program during their sophomore year or during the first semester of their junior year.

Upon satisfactory completion of the honors curriculum and of courses required of all majors, students will be recommended by the Director of Undergraduate Studies to graduate with honors in Public Policy and Management. Students must maintain at least the same grade point average overall and the same average in the major as were required for admission to the Honors Program to graduate with honors.


Students in the Honors Programs in Public Policy and Management must complete the same coursework requirements as specified for the non-honors majors, including the completion of an honors thesis. 

Thesis: each student must complete a 30 to 40 page honors thesis. This paper should involve original research on a topic related to public policy. It should have a clearly defined thesis statement, a review of the existing literature on the chosen topic, original evidence offered to support the thesis, consideration of alternative rival hypothesis, and a conclusion of the consequence for public policy research of these findings. The paper is to be created in conjunction with a faculty mentor approved by the Director of the Undergraduate Public Policy and Management program (and the paper may be co-authored with the chosen faculty mentor). The paper is to be submitted to the Director of Undergraduate Studies.

Completion of the thesis requires enrolling in two research courses, R PAD 494 and R PAD 496, in which the student works one-on-one with a faculty advisor to conduct the required research and write the thesis. R PAD 494 may be counted towards the Area of Management and Politics, and R PAD 496 may be counted towards the Area of Quantitative Methods and Policy Analysis. Students are encouraged to identify their thesis question and advisor before the end of their junior year.

Combined B.A. in Public Policy and Management/M.P.A. in Public Administration

Students majoring in Public Policy and Management may be eligible to apply for the combined B.A./M.P.A. program. This program provides an opportunity for students of recognized academic ability and educational maturity to earn both a B.A. and the graduate M.P.A. degree within 11 semesters.

The combined program requires a minimum of 144 credits, of which at least 36 must be graduate credits. In qualifying for the B.A., students must meet all University and school requirements, including the requirements of either the major/minor or the major described previously, the minimum 90 credit liberal arts and sciences requirement, general education requirements, minor requirement (if doing the stand-alone major) and residency requirements. In qualifying for the M.P.A., students must meet all University and school requirements as outlined in the Graduate Bulletin, including completion of approximately 36 graduate credits and any other conditions such as a professional experience requirement. Up to 12 graduate credits may be applied simultaneously to both the B.A. and M.P.A. programs.

Students may apply to the combined degree program at the end of their junior year. A cumulative grade point average of 3.20 or higher, completion of 56 credits toward towards the B.A., a grade of B or higher in two quantitative courses, and two letters of recommendation from faculty are required for consideration.

Combined B.A. in Public Policy and Management/M.I.A. in International Affairs

The combined B.A./M.I.A. program is highly competitive and allows students to complete their bachelor's degree in Public Policy and Management while simultaneously working on a master’s degree in International Affairs.  Students enroll in graduate courses during their senior year that concurrently count towards both the B.A. and the M.I.A. degrees.

The combined program requires a minimum of 151 credits, of which at least 43 must be graduate credits. In qualifying for the B.A., students must meet all University and school requirements, including the requirements for the major described previously, the minor requirement, the minimum 90 credit liberal arts and sciences requirement, general education requirements, and residency requirements. In qualifying for the M.I.A., students must meet all University and school requirements as outlined in the Graduate Bulletin, including completion of 24 graduate credits in the core, 5 elective courses, a capstone project and other conditions such as professional internship or career experience, professional development module and residency requirements. Up to 12 graduate credits may be applied simultaneously to both the B.A. and M.I.A. programs.

Students may apply to the combined degree program in Public Policy and Management/International Affairs at the beginning of their junior year or after the successful completion of 56 credits. To be eligible for consideration for admission, the student must have completed at least one semester in residency at this University. Additional requirements for admissions into this program are: a cumulative grade point average of 3.20 or higher; a grade point average of 3.20 or higher in course work completed at Albany; a grade of B or higher in two quantitative courses; and two supportive letters of recommendation from faculty. The Graduate Record Exam is not required.

Combined B.A. in Public Policy and Management/M.A. in Criminal Justice

The combined B.A./M.A. program is highly competitive and allows students to complete their bachelor's degree in Public Policy and Management while simultaneously working on a master’s degree in Criminal Justice. Students enroll in graduate courses during their senior year that concurrently count towards both the B.A. and the M.A. degrees.

The combined program requires a minimum of 144 credits, of which at least 33 must be graduate credits. In qualifying for the B.A., students must meet all university and college requirements, including the requirements of the undergraduate major described previously, the minor requirement, the minimum 90 credit liberal arts and sciences requirement, the general education requirements and residency requirements. In qualifying for the M.A., students must meet all university and college requirements as outlined in the Graduate Bulletin, including completion of a minimum of 33 graduate credits and any other conditions such as a research seminar, thesis, comprehensive examination, professional experience, and residency requirements. Up to 12 graduate credits may be applied simultaneously to both the B.A. and M.A. programs.

Students may be admitted to the combined degree program at the beginning of the junior year, or after the successful completion of 56 credits. A cumulative grade point average of 3.20 or higher a grade point average of 3.20 or higher in course work completed at Albany; and three supportive letters of recommendation from faculty. Students will be admitted upon the recommendation of the Graduate Admissions Committee of the School.