Courses in Educational Psychology & Methodology

E PSY 197 Independent Study in Human Development (1-6)

Designed to meet the needs of undergraduate students studying topics in human development or educational psychology, including children's learning, child development, special education, and assessment. May be repeated but cannot be taken for more than 6 total credits. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.

E PSY 200 Introduction to Educational Psychology (3)

Introduction to learning, individual differences, motivation, cognitive and socio-emotional human development, and theories of intelligence, and their relevance to a variety of learning contexts. Only one of E PSY 200 and T EPS 200 may be taken for credit.

T EPS 200 Introduction to the Psychological Process of Schooling (3)

The purpose of this course is to provide a basic understanding of theories and research in learning, human development, academic motivation, and intelligence, as well as the ways in which theories about how children grow and learn can be applied to teaching and learning. We will draw a variety of instructional approaches including assigned readings, reflective writing, hands-on activities, class discussions, group projects, and individual papers. Only one of E PSY 200 and T EPS 200 may be taken for credit. Open to Honors College students only.

T EPS 220X Current Issues in Child Development (3)

This course will introduce major themes and current issues in the study of child development. Students will be introduced to the importance of research based knowledge to analyze and investigate these issues. Students will complete weekly readings and regular assignments, and will be required to undertake observational research and present their findings at a poster session at the end of the course. Open to Honors College students only.

E PSY 224 Lifespan Development (3)

Theory and research relation to typical physical, cognitive, and socio-emotional development over the lifespan, from conception to death.

E PSY 250 Understanding Research in Human Development (3)

This course will introduce students to the most important types of research in human development and the criteria by which consumers of research can judge if the stated findings are credible.

E PSY 330 Introductory Statistics in Human Development (3)

This course will provide a basic introduction to statistics for the purposes of analyzing human development data, including: (1) understanding fundamental concepts of statistics, including central tendency, variability, density curves and normal distributions, relationships between two variables (scatterplots and correlation), sampling distributions of sample means, standard error, significance tests, confidence intervals, effect size, and power, and (2) conducting analyses using one-sample z-test, t-tests, regression, and time permitting, ANOVA.

E PSY 387 Institute (1-9)

A special course, not part of the regular pattern of offerings, designed to meet non-recurring needs. Available for division use and subject to division approval.

E PSY 390 (formerly E EDU 390) Community Service Projects in Education (3)

Formerly E EDU 390. Special projects involving birth through grade 12 education-related community activities and supporting study, as approved by the dean or designee of the School of Education. This course may not be repeated more than twice/taken for more than a maximum of 6 credits total. Limited to students who have declared a minor in the School of Education with seniors having preference. Prerequisite(s): E PSY 200 or T EPS 200, permission of instructor; must be at least a second semester sophomore. S/U graded.

E PSY 400 The Psychology of Instruction and Learning (3)

Investigation of theories, models, principles, and strategies of instruction based on psychological understandings of human learning that can inform the design of effective learning environments. Prerequisite: E PSY 200.

E PSY 410 Academic Self-Regulation and Motivation (3)

This course will explore self-regulated learning, motivation, and related concepts. Course topics will include theories and research as well as applications to educational contexts.

E PSY 420 Child and Adolescent Development (3)

Theory and research in social, emotional, physical, and intellectual development and its application to instruction. Emphasis on the late childhood through middle adolescence. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior standing.

E PSY 421 Early Childhood and Childhood Development (3)

This course focuses on the young child (birth through age 11), especially the development of cognition and social-emotional characteristics. Emphasis will be placed on major developmental theories, methods of studying child development, and the implications of child characteristics for instruction, assessment, and the attainment of the NYS Learning Standards.

E PSY 422 Adolescent Development (3)

This course focuses on development during middle childhood and adolescence (ages 10 through 18) with emphasis on the interaction of biological, psychological, and school forces. Topics include individual and group differences, their implications for teaching and advising students, general theories of adolescent development, and a variety of issues facing adolescents.

E PSY 440 Introduction to Assessment & Measurement (3)

This introductory course will address the construction, evaluation, and selection of educational and psychological assessments. Topics of study will include reliability, validity, item writing, summative and formative classroom assessments, grading, rubrics, score interpretation and use (including norm- and criterion-referencing), and social issues related to testing. Prerequisite(s): junior or senior class standing.

E PSY 480/480Z Educational Psychology: Independent Study (1–6)

Designed to allow the student to learn how to conduct educational psychological research by participating as an assistant to a faculty member in an ongoing faculty project in areas such as children's learning, child development, special education, evaluation, etc. Regular meetings with faculty mentor are required. May be repeated for credit for up to 6 times for a maximum of 18 credits.  Prerequisite(s): junior or senior class standing and permission of instructor. S/U graded.

E PSY 481 Research Project in Human Development (3)

This course will provide students with the opportunity to use various types of research methods for designing and conducting small-scale empirical studies in human development, using small-size newly collected or already existing quantitative and qualitative data. Prerequisites: E PSY 250, E PSY 330, and junior or senior class standing. S/U graded.

E PSY 490 Human Development Internship (3)

Monitored and evaluated field experience in an environment related to the student's field of study and/or career interests. The course includes academic assignments that focus on the creation of learning objectives, reflection, and evaluation. All course assignments may be submitted online, allowing students to participate in internships in a variety of locations. Students are required to complete a minimum of 135 on-site internship hours over the duration of the term in which they are registered. Academic work is in addition to hours worked as part of the internship. Course enrollment is limited to Human Development majors and placements must be approved by the course instructor. Students will be required to participate in an internship orientation prior to starting the course. Note: equivalent credit for prior experience is not available due to the academic component of the internship course. May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite(s): E PSY 200, permission of instructor; must be at least a second semester sophomore and a Human Development major. S/U graded.

E PSY 497 Research Apprenticeship (3)

Student and instructor will participate in a joint research endeavor. With scaffolding provided by the instructor, the student will contribute to the majority of phases of research: conceptualization, design, implementation, data gathering, report writing, and presentation. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor. S/U graded.