Courses in Greek and Roman Civilization

No knowledge of a classical language is required for these courses.

A CLA 207 (= A ARH 207) Egyptian Art and Archaeology (3)

This course is a survey of the archaeological remains of Ancient Egypt, in which students will gain an understanding of the chronological development and changing artistic styles of this formative North African civilization. Special attention will be paid to the Bronze Age, traditionally considered the height of ancient Egypt's prosperity and production. Students will learn to assess artistic and architectural remains as a means to better understand the Egyptian people and their historical culture. Only one version of A ARH 207 may be taken for credit.

A CLA 208 (= A ARH 208) Greek Archaeology (3)

Survey of the prehistoric and historical cultures of ancient Greece, as revealed by archaeology, from the Neolithic to the Hellenistic era, with emphasis on the evolution of pottery style, painting, sculpture and architecture. Only one version of A CLA 208 may be taken for credit.

A CLA 209 (= A ARH 209) Roman Archaeology (3)

Survey of the monuments of ancient Rome and her empire in a cultural and evolutionary context, including major works of sculpture, wall painting and architecture. Roman towns and principles of town planning also studied. Translated selections from Roman literary and historical sources.

A CLA 490 (= A ANT 490) Internship in Archaeological Conservation and Documentation (3–15)

Supervised placement in an agency engaged in conservation and documentation of archaeological artifacts, such as the New York State Museum or State Conservation Laboratory. Provides practical experience. Anthropology majors may use up to 3 credits toward major elective credit. May be taken by majors in anthropology only. Internships are open only to qualified juniors and seniors who have an overall grade point average of 2.50 or higher. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor. S/U graded. May not be offered in 2023-2024.

A CLC 110 Classical Roots: Great Ideas of Greece and Rome (3)

Greek and Roman literature in translation. Considers such topics as human dignity and values, power and pride, the hero, intelligence impaired by appetite, and justice of the gods in such authors as Homer, Aeschylus, Sophocles, Plato, Aristotle, Vergil and selected historians. Prerequisite(s): freshman or sophomore standing. May not be offered in 2023-2024.

A CLC 134 History of Ancient Rome (3)

Alexander the Great and the Hellenistic Age, the rise of Rome, the Republic and the Empire. May not be offered in 2023-2024.