Courses in Journalism

A JRL 100 Foundations of Journalism (3)

Introduction to contemporary journalism as a major institution in American democracy. This course will help students become more informed about media and introduce them to the major issues in journalism. Topics range from media history and the economic structure of the industry to broad questions about the impact of media on individuals and society in a fast-changing technological society. Also addressed will be ethical and legal issues related to media practices in news media. A student must earn a grade of C or better in this course in order to take A JRL 200Z.

T JRL 100 Foundations of Journalism and Media Studies Honors (3)

Specially designed for students in the Honors College, T JRL 100 is the Journalism Program's introductory course in Journalism and Media Studies. With a strong writing component, the course helps students become more informed about media. It teaches basic journalistic practices and introduces the major issues currently confronting journalism and media studies. Topics range from media history and the economics of the media industry to broad questions about the impact of media on individuals and society in the 21st century. T JRL 100 is the Honors College version of A JRL 100; only one version may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): Honors College students only.

A JRL 200Z Introduction to Reporting and News Writing (3)

In this introductory workshop, students develop the skills of practicing reporters and news writers. They acquire the news judgment that allows them to identify what should be reported and written about, and they learn the fundamental forms of journalistic writing. Students familiarize themselves with journalistic sources and evaluating their reliability. They practice revision and learn about the Associated Press style, civics, and rudimentary budget analysis. Prerequisite(s): A JRL 100 with a grade of C or higher.

A JRL 201Z Reporting and News Writing II (3)

This course builds on the introductory A JRL 200Z course, moving students to more advanced news reporting by focusing on beat reporting, multimedia platforms, and advanced assignments such as: covering budgets, public hearings and community issues, and researching public records. At the end of this course, students will be expected to demonstrate strong competence in news judgment, reporting, writing simple and mid-level news stories, and meeting deadlines. They will also have a basic understanding of critical thinking for journalists and some familiarity with media ethics. Prerequisite(s): A JRL 200Z, or permission of instructor.

A JRL 225 (= A DOC 225) Media Law and Ethics (3)

This course examines strategies for making good ethical decisions in newsgathering and writing as well as the laws that pertain to daily journalism and public relations. The course covers the major ethical theories and philosophies and the major legal cases that journalists must know. Emphasis will be on actual cases and hypothetical situations encountered in daily journalism. The course pays special attention to some of the most common dilemmas - libel, free press/fair trial conflicts, anonymous sources, and publishing content that can harm people. Only one version of A JRL 225 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): restricted to Journalism, Documentary Studies and History majors and minors. Others may be admitted space permitting, and with permission from the instructor.

A JRL 305 Media and War in U.S. History (3)

(Formerly A JRL 230) The course examines the history of war reporting and the interrelationships between media and war. What role do journalists play in promoting war or countering it? How do journalists gather information, resist propaganda, avoid censorship, and report accurately from war zones? Beyond traditional war reporting, the course will examine the rise of the security state and today's new forms of warfare -- including cyberwarfare, terrorism, and information war. Only one of A JRL 230 and A JRL 305 may be taken for credit.

A JRL 308Z (= A DOC 308Z) Narrative Journalism (3)

Students will explore a variety of journalistic styles, with an emphasis on compelling narrative and description, combined with the skillful use of quotes and dialogue. The class features intensive critiques of students' work. A variety of formats will be studied: newspapers, magazines, non-fiction books, and on-line publications. Readings for the course include works by Janet Malcolm, Barbara Ehrenreich, Ellen Ulllman, Mary Karr, Edward Abbey, Edmund Wilson, Michael Herr, and James Baldwin. Students submit weekly writing assignments and a final portfolio of edited work. Only one version may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, and AJRL 200Z.

A JRL 324 (= A DOC 324) Introduction to Documentary Photography (3)

From Mathew Brady’s Civil War photographs, to the work of photographers of the U.S. Farm Security Administration in the 1930s, and through the stunning and emotive images of contemporary social, ethnographic, scientific, and war photographers, documentary photography has experienced a long and vigorous development. In this basic introductory hands-on workshop, students will examine the long heritage of documentary photography as well as the practical lessons to be learned from renowned practitioners. The course explores the use of still photographs to record various aspects of social, political, and cultural life and events. Students will develop their visual storytelling skills through a series of research and fieldwork hands-on projects involving the documentation of various aspects of contemporary life. Students should be familiar with the basics of digital camera operation. Only one version of A JRL 324 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): restricted to Documentary Studies Program and Journalism majors and minors. Others may be admitted space permitting, and with permission from the instructor.

A JRL 330 History of Journalism in the United States (3)

This course examines the development of journalism in the United States, emphasizing the role of the press as a social institution. Subjects covered include the function and purpose of the press, evolving definitions of news, changing interpretations of the First Amendment, and the ethical and legal dimensions of free speech. Also examined will be the social, economic, political, technological, and cultural forces that have shaped the practices of journalism today.

A JRL 340 Global Perspectives on the News (3)

This course provides a global perspective on news production and the distribution of media around the world. After studying the political and legal constraints under which international media operate, including the operating procedures of American journalists working as foreign correspondents, the course will explore topics including censorship, information warfare, Internet piracy, the blogosphere, and conflicts between national interests and the media technologies that are unconstrained by national borders. Readings include works by Marshall McLuhan, Umberto Eco, Benjamin Barber, Susan George, and others.

A JRL 355 Public Relations Writing (3)

Students are introduced to the history of public relations, tracing its modern development in the twentieth century and current rise to political prominence. Topics to be discussed include branding, logos, packaging, and other corporate practices. Students will review the legal and ethical rules of governing PR. Only after exploring how the goals of PR may be antithetical to those of journalism, will students be asked to produce a variety of writing samples, including advocacy journalism, press releases, speeches, position papers, web content, and other forms of PR. Some of this work, simulating crisis management, will be produced on deadline. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, A JRL 200Z, and A JRL 201Z or A JRL 270X.

A JRL 363 (= A DOC 363) Visual Culture (3)

The course explores the increasing predominance of visual media in contemporary life. It examines how traditional narrative forms of storytelling are being replaced by visual forms of storytelling in journalism, photojournalism, film, television, the internet, video games, anime, graphic novels, and advertising. Particular emphasis will be paid to the global flow of visual culture and the technologies that facilitate these cultural exchanges. Readings range from Marshall McLuhan and Laura Mulvey to contemporary writers on visual culture. Only one version of A JRL 363 may be taken for credit. May not be taken by students with credit for A JRL/T JRL 220.

A JRL 366/366Z Magazine Writing (3)

This course gives students experience in conceptualizing, researching, writing, rewriting, and submitting for publication different types of articles that are found in magazines, and the features section of newspapers, both print and online. Ethical issues and writer-editor relationships are also examined. Students write several articles of varying length and complete other assignments, such as writing query letters and analyzing magazine content. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, A JRL 200Z, and A JRL 201Z or A JRL 270X.

A JRL 380 (= A DOC 380) Photojournalism (3)

Students develop the critical skills for evaluating and the technical skills for producing, editing, and publishing digital photographs in a variety of formats, including traditional newspapers, satellite transmissions from the field, and internet web sites. While developing their aesthetic and technical skills, students will critique each others photos in a workshop format. Prerequisite(s): restricted to Documentary Studies Program and declared Journalism majors and minors. Others may be admitted space permitting, and with permission from the instructor.

A JRL 381 (= A WSS 380) Women and the Media (3)

(Formerly A JRL/A WSS 281.) This course will explore how intersections of race, gender, class, nationality, sexuality, age, and (dis)ability shape representations of women in mass media and popular culture. We will also learn to research and analyze various media sources, as well as engage in creative projects to examine such representations and challenge issues of sexual objectification and societal dominance. Recommended (as opposed to required) courses prior to or during enrollment: A WSS 101, A WSS 220, or A WSS/A AFS/A LCS 240. Only one of A WSS 281, A WSS 380, A JRL 281 or A JRL 381 may be taken for credit.

A JRL 385/385Y Broadcast Journalism (3)

Students will report, write, produce, air, and record a variety of television and radio news stories with a degree of professionalism resembling what might be found in local newscasts, whether they be short reports or longer, feature-length stories. Working individually or in groups, students will use analog and digital video technologies and recording devices to produce their stories. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, and AJRL 200Z.

A JRL 390 Multimedia Reporting and Editing (3)

This workshop course introduces students to the frontier of online journalism and audience building. Students develop proficiency with the range of online services and applications that journalists use today, including WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, Adobe Photoshop, and video-editing software. The field-based journalism projects include video and photography capture and editing. Students also learn search-engine optimization headline writing skills and online story editing. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, and AJRL 200Z.

A JRL 392 Multimedia Production Design (3)

With an orientation to journalistic principles, this workshop course provides students with a cross-platform foundation in design, typography and color theory as it applies today in printed publications and mobile devices. Students learn workflow strategies in the editing and fusion of visual and written content for print and online. Projects include the creation of magazines, broadsheet or tabloid print designs and tablet visual design. Application training includes Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, and AJRL 200Z.

A JRL 410 Images of Journalism in Film (3)

This course explores the depiction of American journalism and journalists in a variety of fictional films and selected works of prose. Students study the history of filmed representations of journalists; they also study the images that journalists have presented of themselves and their profession. The course does not involve journalistic report and writing, but it does require close analysis of films, attentive reading, participation in class discussions, and a willingness to explore. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A JRL 420 Media in the Digital Age (3)

An examination of media and society in the digital age. The course explores the nature of media, their social role, and means of production. It surveys new technologies and their effect on effect on print, film, broadcast, web, and other media. Topics include recent developments in communications technology, news, social media, intellectual property, censorship, surveillance, and gender differences.

A JRL 435 Data Journalism and Analytics (3)

This course teaches the basic skills that reporters must have to work with data, something that societal changes and technological innovations have made essential. Students will use brainpower and software to look at raw data from various institutions, including government agencies, businesses, sports franchises, and insurance firms. Students will learn not only how to search and collect data, but also how to clean, analyze, and interpret the data. This course will also give students familiarity with relevant software, statistical and visualization techniques, and programming. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, and AJRL 200Z.

A JRL 460Z Advanced Reporting and News Writing (3)

Students in this advanced workshop will work on investigative and explanatory news stories that are thoroughly researched and compellingly written. Students are expected to develop a sense of journalistic tenacity and appreciation for applied research. They will learn how to develop a story through multiple drafts and how to produce articles noteworthy for journalistic flair, emotional impact, and informative power. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, A JRL 200Z, and A JRL 201Z or A JRL 270X.

A JRL 468 (= A DOC 468) Literary Journalism (3)

This course invites students to read and analyze literary journalism, with attention to its historical context. Readings include works by Daniel Defoe, Charles Dickens, Samuel Clemens, Stephen Cane, Janet Flanner, Lillian Ross, Rebecca West, John Hersey, James Agee, Dorothy Day, Meridel LeSueur, Truman Capote, Joan Didion, Tracy Kidder, and others. While reflecting on the relations between journalism and literary fiction and nonfiction, students will complete bi-weekly assignments. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, A JRL 200Z, and A JRL 201Z or A JRL 270X.

A JRL 475/475Z Topics in Journalism (3)

This course may be either an intensive skills-oriented workshop or a conceptual course on a topic in journalism that bears serious study. More than one section may be offered in a semester. This course may be repeated for credit as the content varies. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, and AJRL 200Z.

A JRL 480/480Z Public Affairs Journalism (3)

The Capital District offers a unique laboratory for reporting on public affairs at all levels, from the local to the national. These include governmental affairs, but also judicial matters, relations between New York State and the State's indigenous Indian tribes, and policy issues concerning medicine, technology, business, and education. Public affairs journalism is now part of a large debate about the lengths to which journalists should go in hosting community events and creating an informed citizenry. Along with numerous writing assignments, students will engage in wide reading of journalists who have staked out positions to this debate and operated effectively as reports or advocates in the public arena. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, A JRL 200Z, and A JRL 201Z or A JRL 270X. May not be offered in 2024-2025

A JRL 487Z Investigative Reporting (3)

Intensive reading and analysis of the history, strategies, techniques, ethics and practical problems of the craft of investigative reporting. Emphasis will be on hands-on experience with documents, sources, state agencies and ethical dilemmas. The goal is to produce a substantial piece of original, in-depth reportage by semester's end. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, A JRL 200Z, and A JRL 201Z or A JRL 270X.

A JRL 490Z Digital Publication (3)

This workshop is devoted to electronic publishing in a wide variety of contemporary contexts - from the Web, to blogs, to Webcasts, and others. Most often, the course will involve publishing at least one issue of a journalistic online publication, in addition to other assignments that require using other forms of contemporary electronic media. Students will be expected to exercise news judgment; report, write, and edit stories; work with digital imaging; utilize graphic design and layout principles; and work through a publishing process. Prerequisite(s): declared JRL major/minor, A JRL 200Z, A JRL 201Z, and either A JRL 390 or A JRL 392.

A JRL 495 Internship in Journalism (1-6)

The course is limited to Journalism majors and minors. Internships in a variety of media are offered for variable credit. The internship requires that students work on-site in a professional media organization, under the direct supervision of a qualified supervisor. A faculty supervisor will also design an academic component for the internship, based on readings, daily journals, and the writing of papers that analyze and reflect on the work experience. The faculty supervisor will meet regularly with interns. May be repeated for up to a total of six credits. Prerequisite(s): internships are open only to qualified juniors and seniors who have an overall grade point average of 2.50 or higher and an overall grade point average of 3.0 or higher in their coursework in Journalism. S/U graded.

A JRL 497 Independent Study in Journalism (1-3)

For variable credit (1-3), students in Journalism pursue an independent project under the supervision of a full-time faculty member. A student might use this course to enhance a portfolio, gain expertise in journalistic practices, research a special topic, or complete work on a major assignment. An application to a faculty member is required. A written agreement outlining the goals and work to be completed during the independent study is also required. The course is limited to seniors with prior journalism experience, although they do not have to be a journalism major or minor.

A JRL 499 Senior Honors Project in Journalism (3)

Students will define, develop, research, and write or produce in electronic or visual form an individual project of serious merit. The project is intended to demonstrate the range of skills acquired during the student’s training in Journalism. The project should also demonstrate a nuanced understanding of the ethical and legal issues of the profession. Work on the project will be supervised by advanced arrangement with a faculty member. The decision on whether a student’s final project merits receiving Honors in Journalism will be made by the faculty of the Journalism Program.