Courses in Spanish

A SPN 100 Elementary Spanish I (4)

This is a beginner's course using the natural method that will emphasize the acquisition of grammatical structures and vocabulary through an active process of student participation; it will focus on listening comprehension, correct pronunciation, and cultural knowledge. Spanish will be the language of instruction. Students are expected to attend regularly and participate in all class activities. May not be taken for credit by bilinguals or heritage/native speakers, or by students who have taken three years of high school Spanish or passed the Regents examination within the past five years. Language courses must be taken in sequence. A student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Placement of all students in A SPN 100 will be verified by instructor during the first days of the semester and must be followed.

A SPN 101 Elementary Spanish II (4)

A continuation of A SPN 100 which focuses on the active development of listening and reading comprehension, cultural knowledge, and speaking and writing skills. Students are expected to attend regularly and participate in all class activities. Spanish will be the language of instruction. Students will be assigned small group projects outside of class. May not be taken for credit by bilinguals or heritage/native speakers. Language courses must be taken in sequence. A student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Knowledge of A SPN 100 content is strongly recommended for student success. Placement of all students in A SPN 101 will be verified by instructor during the first days of the semester.

A SPN 105 Basic Spanish for Heritage Speakers (3)

This is a basic course for students whose prior experience with Spanish is in informal contexts such as at home or with family/friends but who have limited practice at developing speaking, reading, or writing skills. The student's pronunciation might be near-native and the student might have fairly good listening comprehension skills but the student needs to expand their Spanish vocabulary, improve their basic reading and writing skills, and advance their ability to use high frequency grammatical structures. Heritage speakers of Spanish with at least three years of high school Spanish should consider A SPN 205 rather than A SPN 105. Language courses at the 100 and 200-level must be taken in sequence; a student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Placement of all students in A SPN 105 will be verified by instructor during the first days of the semester.

A SPN 200 Intermediate Spanish I (3-4)

A SPN 200 is a continuation of A SPN 101 and the active development of student communication skills (listening, speaking, reading, and writing), and the study of Hispanic culture. Course includes short compositions and students are expected to participate in all class activities. Spanish is the language of instruction. May not be taken for credit by native or heritage speakers of Spanish. Language courses at the 100 and 200-level must be taken in sequence; a student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Knowledge of A SPN 101 content is strongly recommended for student success. Placement of all students in A SPN 200 will be verified by instructor during the first days of the semester.

A SPN 201 Intermediate Spanish II (3-4)

A SPN 201 is a continuation of A SPN 200, intermediate-level Spanish, with a special emphasis on student short compositions, student development of reading skills, and active participation in class discussions. Spanish is the language of instruction. May not be taken for credit by native or heritage speakers of Spanish. Language courses at the 100 and 200-level must be taken in sequence; a student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Knowledge of A SPN 200 content is strongly recommended for student success. Placement of all students in A SPN 201 will be verified by instructor during the first days of the semester.

A SPN 205 Intermediate Spanish for Heritage Speakers (3)

This is an intermediate level course for students whose prior experience with Spanish is primarily in informal contexts such as at home or with family/friends and who have had 3 or more years of high school Spanish. The focus will be on expanding student vocabulary and a review of grammar. The class will be conducted in Spanish and primary attention will be given to student development of intermediate reading and writing skills. Students are expected to attend regularly and participate in all class activities. Language courses must be taken in sequence. A student may not earn graduation credit for a lower-level course taken concurrently with a higher-level course or after receiving credit for a higher-level course in the sequence. Knowledge of A SPN 105 content is strongly recommended for student success. Placement of all students in A SPN 205 will be verified by instructor during the first days of the semester.

A SPN 206Y Intermediate Conversation and Oral Grammar (3)

Primary emphasis on the active skill of speaking. Cannot be taken by bilinguals or heritage/native speakers. Knowledge of A SPN 201 content is strongly recommended for student success. Placement of all students in A SPN 206 will be verified by instructor during the first days of the semester.

A SPN 208 Spanish Composition and Conversation for non-Heritage Speakers of Spanish (3)

Intensive study of the Spanish language with frequent short compositions, brief oral presentations, and possibly video projects. Also includes some short readings and analysis and discussion of literary texts. This course is only for non-heritage speakers of Spanish; students with a heritage speaker background should enroll in A SPN 209. Only one of A SPN 208 and A SPN 209 may be taken for credit. Knowledge of A SPN 201/206 content is strongly recommended for student success. Placement of all students in A SPN 208 will be verified by instructor during the first days of the semester.

A SPN 209 Spanish Composition and Conversation for Heritage Speakers of Spanish (3)

Intensive study of the Spanish language with frequent short compositions and oral presentations. Also includes some short readings and class discussions of topics of special interest to heritage speakers of Spanish. This course is only for heritage speakers of Spanish, intended to meet their specific language needs; non-heritage speakers should enroll in A SPN 208. Only one of A SPN 208 and A SPN 209 may be taken for credit. Knowledge of A SPN 205 content is strongly recommended for student success. Placement of all students in A SPN 209 will be verified by instructor during the first days of the semester.

A SPN 297 Supplemental Language Study (1)

A course to help students improve their Spanish reading and/or writing ability, taken in conjunction with a course of Hispanic literature in translation, or a course in another discipline which has a relation to Hispanic literature or culture. Course work may include readings and short compositions in Spanish. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 302 Advanced Spanish Grammar (3)

This course will offer an advanced grammar review of Spanish, contrasting its structures with those of English. Attention will be given to both morphological paradigms and syntactic patterns. Reviewing and discussing exercises and compositions will comprise a significant portion of the course work. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 205 or 206, or placement.

A SPN 303 Introduction to Spanish Linguistics (3)

A SPN 303 is a general introduction to Spanish linguistics. Students will be introduced to the different areas of linguistic specialization (general linguistics, phonetics and phonology, morphology, syntax, language change, and language variation) in order to prepare them for a more specialized study of these areas. A SPN 208, A SPN 209, or A SPN 310 recommended prior to taking this course.

A SPN 304 Spanish for the Health Professions (3)

This course is designed for students who are planning to enter the healthcare field. The course offers a grammar review while introducing the students to a variety of materials encountered in healthcare interactions. Students will develop the needed linguistic and cultural skills to communicate successfully with Spanish speakers in the healthcare context including patient registration, history-taking, physical examinations, common procedures, diet and pharmacotherapy, and health education. Knowledge of A SPN 208 or 209 content is strongly recommended for student success.

A SPN 306 Spanish for Social Justice and Activism (3)

This course is designed for students who plan to work in careers related to activism and social justice, such as policy-making, non-profit work, social work, criminal justice, climate change activism or other related fields. In this course we will cover various social justice issues and initiatives, in particular those related to gender, sexual identity, race, and social class, concentrating on the Spanish-speaking world, including the U.S. Knowledge of A SPN 208 or 209 content is strongly recommended for student success.

A SPN 310 Introduction to Literary Methods (3)

This is an introductory course to the study of literature in Spanish. We will analyze works by various Spanish American and Spanish authors, from different countries and historical periods, from the following genres and media: short narrative, essay, poetry, theater, novel as well as film. We will study the key concepts and terminologies for the analysis of literary works related to the topic of medical experience, described in literature and film: medicine as knowledge and human activity, descriptions of the body and mind, changing notions of gender and sexuality, moods and emotions related to the body and mind, and the development of empathy, as described in art. A SPN 208 or A SPN 209 recommended prior to taking this course.

A SPN 312 Representative Spanish Authors (3)

Survey of Spanish literature from the beginning of the 18th century to the Generation of ‘98. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 310 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 315 Conflict and Progress in Modern Spain (3)

A study of the social and political struggles of the Spanish people through their literary and artistic manifestations, from the beginnings of the 18th century to the present. Prerequisite(s): for majors, A SPN 310 or permission of instructor; for nonmajors, none. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 316 (= A LCS 316) Representative Spanish-American Authors (3)

A survey of literary movements in Spanish America from independence to World War II. Only one version of A SPN 316 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 310 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 317 (= A LCS 317) Latin-American Civilization (3)

Study of Spanish-American cultures and institutions from the beginnings of the 20th century. Only one version of A SPN 317 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 310 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 318 (= A LCS 314) Topics in Hispanic Film (3)

A study of Hispanic film as a medium that offers a unique amalgam of diverse musical, pictorial, and literary art forms within a sociopolitical context. The course will focus on such specific topics as peasant movements, human rights, images of women, race, and ethnicity. May be repeated once for credit when content varies. Consult current schedule of classes for topic. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 310 or permission of instructor.

A SPN 319 20th Century Spanish Literature (3)

A study of selected works of Spanish literature from the Generation of ‘98 to the present. Works studied will deal with philosophical and social movements such as Existentialism, Tremendismo, the Spanish Civil War, the struggle between the individual and society. Prerequisite(s):  A SPN 310 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 320 (= A LCS 319) 20th Century Spanish-American Literature (3)

A study of selected works of Spanish-American literature from World War II to the present. Works studied will deal with topics of special interest such as the continuing debate with regard to civilization and barbarism, dictatorship and revolution, social justice, and the search for identity. Only one version of A SPN 320 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 310 permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 322 (= A LCS 302) Los Latinos en Estados Unidos (3)

Examination of major U.S. Latino groups (Mexican-American, Cuban, Puerto Rican, Dominican) with special emphasis on 20th century literary works. Students will study demographic, socio-economic, historical, and cultural aspects of these groups in the context of their interaction with mainstream society. Course will be given in Spanish. Only one version of A SPN 322 may be taken for credit. 

A SPN 325 The Hispanic Short Story (3)

Representative Spanish and Spanish-American short stories with emphasis on specific characteristics of the genre. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 310 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 326 (= A LCS 326) Spanish-American Poetry and Theatre (3)

Representative Spanish-American plays and selected works in Spanish-American poetry, with emphasis on specific characteristics of the genres. Only one version of A SPN 326 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 310 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 328 Spanish-Language Applied Learning Internship (1-3)

Internships involve the students' participation in the work of an agency, institution, or corporate body, with collateral academic study. By enrolling in the Spanish program's internship course, students can earn degree credit for professional experience before they graduate. At their internship site, students work on assignments closely related to their Spanish major/minor. The university-approved internship is an integrated learning experience that enhances both their studies and career development. This is a mutually beneficial program whereby students acquire industry related skills, while the industries/agencies benefit from the student's advanced language and intercultural skills. Enrollment is contingent on the approval of a University at Albany full-time member of the instructional staff willing to supervise the study and evaluate on-site reports of the student's progress. Open only to Spanish majors or minors. The student can repeat this course up to the maximum of 3 total credits. Prerequisites: permission of department chair. S/U graded. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 333 Hispanic Literature in Translation (3)

This course is a survey of representative works of Hispanic Literature in English translation. Course is taught in English. May be repeated for credit when content varies. Consult schedule for topic. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 344 Women in Hispanic Literature (3)

Images of women in diverse works in Hispanic literature. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 310 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 347 Resistance and Revolution in Latin American Literature and Art (3)

This course will examine the various literary and artistic works (fiction, photography, film/media) that have focused on promoting and representing resistance and revolution in Latin America. In addition to analyzing specific literary and artistic works in relation to the topic, the course will contextualize the works in the socioeconomic, political, and cultural currents that produced them. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 310 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 397 Independent Study in Spanish (1–4)

Study by a student in an area of special interest not treated in courses currently offered. Work performed under direction of a professor chosen by the student on a topic approved by the program. May be repeated once for credit with special approval of the program. Prerequisite(s): permission of department. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 401 Spanish Phonetics and Phonology (3)

This is a course in Spanish phonology. Course topics include: articulatory phonetics, phonetic transcription, allophonic distribution, dialect variation, and differences between English and Spanish sound systems. Some outside recording/listening exercises may be assigned. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303, this is a capstone course.

A SPN 402 Spanish Linguistics: Morphology and Syntax (3)

Survey of the structure of the Spanish language in the light of current linguistic theory. Emphasizes morphology and syntax. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 403 Spanish for Teachers (3)

Study of Spanish grammar with the needs of the beginning teacher in mind. Emphasizes those aspects of grammar that cause most difficulty to English speaking students. May be offered as a quarter course. Prerequisite(s): this is a capstone course and requires senior Spanish major with Spanish Language, Linguistics, Teaching concentration and one 400 level Spanish linguistics course.

A SPN 404 Advanced Oral Communication (3)

Training in public speaking through participation in talks for special occasions, debates, panel discussions, extemporaneous speaking, and other forms of public address. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 405 Evolution of the Spanish Language (3)

History of the Spanish language, in its evolution from Latin to Spanish. In this course, we study the language-internal changes from Latin to Spanish, with a focus on the main phonological and morphological changes. We will also cover a history of the dispersion and use of Latin and Spanish, including the external influences on Latin and Spanish by distinct societies, such as Ibero-Celtic, Phoenician, Greek, Basque, Germanic and Arabic groups. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 406 Applied Translation (3)

Written translation from and into Spanish. Text selections from professional journals and government publications. Use of radio broadcasts and taped speeches. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 407 Business and Legal Spanish (3)

The application of language skills to meet professional career requirements through the development of a specialized vocabulary and written exercises. Reading and analysis of contemporary texts from business journals and reports in the fields of business, law and economics. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303 or permission of instructor.

A SPN 408 Spanish Second Language Acquisition (3)

This course presents a panoramic view of the major questions, research methods, and findings in the study of the acquisition of Spanish as a second, additional, or foreign language. The first part of the course explores fundamental concepts in the field of second language acquisition -- such as interlanguage, language transfer, language universals, error analysis, and stages of development -- and traces the development of the field from early behaviorist theories to contemporary approaches to learner language. The second part of the course delves into contemporary research on the acquisition of Spanish. Students will examine and analyze samples of learner language using tools typically employed in the field and will explore structures from all levels of grammar that present challenges to Spanish language learners. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 409 Spanish for Community Engagement (3)

This course examines Spanish with a focus on its presence, use, and application within the community. Course topics will include language attitudes, bilingualism, dialect variation, Spanish in the US, and Spanish for specific purposes. Additionally, the course will explore the availability of resources in Spanish in communities. Coursework will be coupled with a significant service component that will provide students the opportunity to apply what they are learning to language use in the community. Service projects and sites will be determined on the basis of students' interest, scheduling considerations, and the needs of the community. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 208 or A SPN 209 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 414 (= A LCS 414) Literature of the Hispanic Caribbean (3)

Study of selected major writers of Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and Puerto Rico of the 19th and 20th centuries. Special consideration of literature as a reflection of situations and problems peculiar to the Hispanic Caribbean. Conducted in Spanish. Only one version of A SPN 414 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): two courses between A SPN 310-350 (excluding A SPN 333) or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 417 Youth Cultures in Latin America (3)

This course will examine contemporary youth cultures in Latin America as reflected in diverse forms of art analyzed and discussed using of a variety of critical approaches. Examples taken from film, literature, music, and electronic media. Prerequisite(s): two courses between A SPN 310-350 (excluding A SPN 333) or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 418 Hispanic Cinema and Literature (3)

A study of literary techniques in cinema and cinematic techniques in literature as a way of exploring narrative structure in representative Hispanic works. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 310. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 442 Topics in the Spanish Language (3)

Selected topics in Spanish language not covered by other undergraduate courses offered by the program. May be repeated for credit when content varies. Consult current schedule of classes for topic. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303 or permission of instructor.

A SPN 443 Topics in Hispanic Literature (3)

Selected topics in Hispanic literature not covered by other undergraduate courses offered by the program. May be repeated for credit when content varies. Consult current schedule of classes for topic. This is a capstone course. Prerequisite(s): ASPN 310.

A SPN 446 (= A AFS 446) Literature and Human Rights (3)

A study of selected works of Spanish and Spanish-American literature that deal with the subject of human rights throughout history. Topics to be studied may include such things as social protest, censored texts, women’s writing, the literature of exile, minority portrayals, and slavery. Only one version of A SPN 446 may be taken for credit. Prerequisite(s): two courses between A SPN 310-350 (excluding A SPN 333) or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 462 The Fantastic and Otherworldly in Latin American Literature (3)

This course will examine the literary supernatural in twentieth-century Latin American narratives: the Fantastic, Magical Realism, the Gothic, and lo real maravilloso. Prerequisite(s): two courses between A SPN 310-350 (excluding A SPN 333) or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 490 Romance Linguistics (3)

A study of the general linguistic traits and differences between the major romance languages, with particular attention given to both the historical factors and different linguistic processes which produced current language divisions. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 491 Forensic Spanish Linguistics (3)

This course studies the intersection between language and the law with specific reference to legal Spanish. The class will focus on two main areas: the lexical and grammatical characteristics of legal Spanish and the forensic linguist as an expert and participant in judicial processes. Aspects of the criminal use of the Spanish language in different modalities will also be analyzed. The objective is to familiarize students with the emerging field of forensic linguistics and its usefulness in multilingual societies. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 492 Introduction to Spanish Dialectology (3)

This course will describe the linguistic traits of European Spanish and the division of Spain into different dialects. It will study linguistic concepts and the methodologies associated with spatial dialect studies, and consider competing factors which explain Spain’s current dialect configurations. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 493 Introduction to Latin American Dialectology (3)

The principal linguistic traits of Spanish in the Americas, and the classification of American Spanish into individual dialects. The influence of African and indigenous peoples on American Spanish, standard and non-standard varieties, and historical and geographical factors which contribute to the dialect differences. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 494 Spanish Sociolinguistics (3)

The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the scientific study of the complex relationship between language and society in the different parts of the Spanish Speaking World. It examines the wide range of linguistic variations and the corresponding methods of their study both in monolingual and bilingual speech communities. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 495 Bilingualism and U.S. Spanish (3)

This course offers a deep study of bilingualism and its implications for the individual and the society (identity, family, minorities, and education). The focus will be on the acquisition and development of communicative skills by bilingual speakers in the United States. Special attention will be paid to the intersection of bilingualism with other linguistic phenomena including borrowing, code-switching, diglossia, multilingualism, language shift, and language maintenance. Prerequisite(s): A SPN 303 or permission of instructor. May not be offered in 2024-2025.

A SPN 499 Honors Thesis (4)

An independent honors thesis written under the supervision of an appropriate faculty member and evaluated by the Honors Committee. Prerequisite(s): permission of instructor.