Absentee Voting

Who can vote by absentee ballot?

New Yorkers qualify to vote by absentee ballot under any of the following circumstances:

  • You are not physically in your county of residence on Election Day. Note: If you're a New York City resident, you must be outside the city's five boroughs on Election Day.
  • You are unable to vote in person due to temporary or permanent illness or disability. Note: This includes being unable to vote in person due to the risk of contracting or spreading a communicable disease, such as COVID-19.
  • You are unable to vote in person because you are the primary caregiver for someone who is ill or physically disabled.
  • You are a resident or patient of a Veterans Health Administration hospital.
  • You are detained in jail or prison for any reason, other than a felony conviction.


How do I apply for an absentee ballot?

Visit the New York State Board of Elections website to request an absentee ballot, early mail ballot or accessible ballot.

Alternatively, you can request an absentee ballot by sending a letter to your county's Board of Elections. The letter must arrive in a specific window: no more than 30 days but no less than seven days before the election. The letter must contain the following information:

  • the mailing address where you are registered to vote
  • the mailing address where the ballot should be sent
  • the reason you're requesting an absentee ballot
  • your signature

If you apply by letter, an application form will be mailed with your ballot. You must complete the application and return it with your ballot.

No matter how you apply, if you cannot pick up your absentee ballot and won't be able to receive it through the mail, you have the right to designate someone to pick it up for you. Only the person you've designated on your application may pick up and delivery your ballot.

Additionally, if you indicate that you are permanently ill or disabled on your application, you have the right to receive an absentee ballot for every subsequent election without further application. If you're applying under any other circumstances, you must apply for an absentee ballot for each election you'll need one.