Graduate Checklist

Congratulations – you’ve made it to Commencement! All graduates must complete Steps 1 – 5. 

Graduate Planning Checklist

STEP 1: Apply for GRADUATION by February 14

Action Item


If you plan to fulfill your degree requirements in May 2025 you must Log in to submit your Degree Application between January 2 and February 14, 2025.

February 14

This deadline must be met to receive your diploma in the mail and have your name listed in the online Commencement program. 

If you already completed your degree in Summer 2024, Fall 2024, or Winter 2025, you are already eligible to participate; skip to Step 2.


N/A. Your name will automatically be included in the online Commencement program.

If you will not complete your degree requirements by May 2025 but wish to participate this year:

Undergraduate and Graduate: Submit your Petition to Walk request by April 1. To qualify, you must have no more than 2 classes (8 credits) remaining. Approvals will be based on qualifications and available space.

Doctoral: You are not eligible to participate early.

Undergraduate and Graduate: April 1

Doctoral: N/A. Doctoral candidates cannot walk early. 


If you graduated in prior years, but could not attend your ceremony that year, and now wish to walk in Commencement, you must email the commencement office to request pre-approval before submitting the online petition to walk form.

Questions about degree requirements? 

Undergraduate: [email protected]
Graduate/Doctoral: [email protected] 

Visit the Registrar's Office's Degree Application website for further details including information about changing your name or address and how to view your graduation status online.



STEP 2: Obtain REGALIA, which is required to participate in all Commencement events.

Action Item 


Proper academic regalia is required to participate in Commencement activities.

Undergraduates and Graduates can purchase regalia: 

  • In-Store: Visit AcaDamien’s Bookstore from April 1 - April 30.
  • Online: ordering for 'ship-to-home' will only be available on the AcaDamien’s website from April 1 - April 11. 

Eligible undergraduates may also opt to purchase an honors medallion through AcaDamien’s. The Office of Undergraduate Education will send an email in mid-April to students who have met the eligibility criteria for Latin Honors.

Doctoral regalia must be rented or purchased through the AcaDamien’s website


April 11 (online ship-to-home)
April 30 (in-store)


March 13 (purchase deadline)
April 6 (rental deadline)

Other optional items are also available through the bookstore, including diploma frames, class rings, and announcements. 



OPTIONAL: Graduation/headshot Portrait Photos.

Portrait photos are optional but a great idea for gifts or your professional portfolio. 

Further information will be emailed directly to eligible graduates.  April dates will be announced for appointments in the Campus Center on a first-come, first-served basis, so act quickly!  Pre-registration is required, and the $10 session fee is redeemable toward any portrait purchase. 


STEP 3: Register to ATTEND Commencement event(s) by April 13.

Action Item 


All Graduates: 
Check your email in late March for your unique registration link to register to attend. Registration links will be sent to everyone eligible to participate, including those with an approved graduation application on file.

Doctoral only:
Let your faculty advisor know which 15-minute arrival window you registered for so they can meet you on site and join you on stage for your hooding. 

April 13

The registration form must be completed by April 13 to participate. Register early, as arrival windows for the Stage Crossings are available on a first-come, first-served basis.




OPTIONAL: Baccalaureate Torch Reception.

Open to all undergraduates (gratis) and their guests (paid), attendance is optional but encouraged! 

Celebrate your academic achievements as you join the ranks of our Great Dane alumni family. Mingle with fellow graduates, families and friends, University and Alumni Association leadership, faculty, staff, and alumni while enjoying appetizers and beverages around the iconic fountain. 

Pre-Registration is required by May 3rd. Graduates attend free of charge; guests, six-years of age and older, are $25 per person. We are unable to issue refunds after May 3rd. Further information, with the registration link, will be emailed directly to eligible undergraduates in April. 


STEP 4: Invite guests based on the following information: 

Graduates may bring up to eight guests. 

Tickets will not be issued for graduates or guests. 

  • Children 2 years and older count as a guest.
  • Current UAlbany students (not including graduate) count as a guest.
  • Hooding faculty member(s) do not count as a guest.
  • We cannot accommodate extra guest requests due to capacity limits.
  • Stage Crossing: your full party must be together with you when you arrive at check-in.
  • Undergraduate Ceremony: guest seating is available on a first-come, first-served basis.

All Commencement events will be livestreamed directly on the Commencement website (links will be posted day-of) for anyone who cannot attend.

STEP 5: Review event details with your guests before Commencement!

Prior to the event, review the Know Before You Go page for important information on parking, shuttles, student and guest policies, special accommodations, and more. We encourage you to share and discuss relevant information with your guests in advance of the events.


Diplomas and certificates are printed after Commencement and the official degree conferral date, and after the Registrar's Office has completed their final review. They are mailed to the permanent address you have on record with UAlbany at the time of graduation, unless you’ve designated a different address, and only if you have resolved all associated holds. The vendor printing your diploma or certificate will notify you via your UAlbany email address when the document has been mailed.