Our programs have concluded. You can see what took place this year in the list at the bottom of the page.
Reservations and Other Information
For 23-24, admission is free to all performances and reservations are required. To make a reservation for your school group or for additional details, contact Kim Engel at 518-442-5738 or kengel@albany.edu.
Resource materials are generally available approximately one month in advance of the shows. Directions and bus information are provided upon reservation.
Guided campus, Performing Arts Center and Art Museum tours as well as other activities like departmental meetings, class observations and lunch in the Campus Center are possible when your group is on campus. More information will be provided with your reservation.
This multi-disciplinary live performance fuses original music with art, imagery and science to address global sustainability and provide a path toward meaningful response.
Literature to Life’s verbatim stage adaptation spans the full breadth of the novel and features Rich Orlow who tells the story from the perspective of the protagonist and seamlessly transitions between the five other primary characters.
The multinational trio of Tatiana Desardouin, Lauriane Ogay and Mai Lê Hô brings societal issues to light through their street dance, hip-hop, house and clubbing styles.
Arguably the first true horror film and one considered the quintessential work of German Expressionist cinema, this silent film from 1920 is accompanied by an original score composed by Brett L. Wery performed live by wind ensemble Quintocracy.
Our resident piano trio dives into the mind of composer, Williams Matthews, and explores the different angles of his contemporary piece, A Book of Hours.
This program is the product of a collaboration between an artist and a scientist. For an entire semester, Professor Keith Earle of the UAlbany Physics Department and choreographer Ellen Sinopoli focused on a communion of the arts and sciences studying side by side the principles of physics and modern dance.
Written and performed by LeLand Gantt and directed by Estelle Parsons, this one-man show explores the actor’s personal journey to understand and eventually transcend racism in America.
To kick off Women’s History Month, this program features four storytellers spinning yarns about strong and influential women: both past and present, famous and lesser known, real or imagined in myths, folktales and legends.