STEM Tutoring

Access personalized tutoring support to strengthen your skills in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Get the help you need to succeed!

Tailored Support for UAlbany STEM Students

Boost your grades and grasp course materials with personalized and structured assistance from experienced peers who have excelled in demanding science courses.

The Learning Commons, with its free STEM tutoring support, is here for you. We have supported thousands of students from diverse backgrounds in achieving higher pass rates in their science courses and improving their graduation rates compared to those who did not participate.

Note: STEM Tutoring was formerly named the Center for Achievement, Retention & Student Success (CARSS).


A tutor in a sweatshirt and baseball hat points to a line in a textbook as he leans over a table and two seated students look on.


Participation in STEM Tutoring

There are two ways to participate in STEM Tutoring:

  • Course Registration (UUNI-90): First-year and transfer students will be automatically enrolled in STEM tutoring. Participation is mandatory.
  • Optional Sign-Up: Students may reserve weekly appointments on a first-come, first-served basis. The available course(s) change each semester, so please refer to your email for the latest details.
Spring 2025 STEM Tutoring Courses

STEM tutoring will be available for the following courses during Spring 2025 semester: 

  • Chemistry
    • ACHM-115 (EAB sign up)
    • ACHM-116 (UUNI-90)
    • ACHM-220 (EAB sign up)
    • ACHM-221 (EAB sign up)
  • Math
    • AMAT-112 (UUNI-90)
    • AMAT-113 (UUNI-90)
  • Physics
    • APHY-140 (EAB sign up)
    • APHY-150 (UUNI-90)


Session Expectations

What to Expect from a Tutor: 

  • Tutors will make recommendations to help you become a more efficient student and help you set goals.
  • Tutors may provide hints or suggestions to help you figure out how to approach exercises, but they cannot replace your performance of good, honest hard work.
  • Tutors may help you with challenging problems, but they will not do your homework for you.
  • Tutors can help recommend other available on-campus resources. 

What a Tutor Expects from You: 

  • Do your best to understand the material before coming to tutoring.
  • Do your homework before you come.
  • Read the syllabus. Understand what is expected of you in each class.
  • Be an active student in class. Ask questions, participate in class, and take notes.
  • Be aware of tests and due dates to pace yourself and avoid cramming and panicking.
  • Bring a list of questions or problems you would like to discuss with your tutor. 

To make the Center pleasant for all, you are welcome to: 

  • Eat and drink in the tutoring room.
  • Get free tutoring.
  • Meet with friends to study.
  • Find a quiet place to read or study alone. 

Please remember to: 

  • Complete feedback forms, which help us track your attendance and improve our services.
  • Keep your food limited to tidier and minimally odorous snacks (such as crackers, chips, fruit, and candy) rather than messy or odorous foods (such as chili, fries, soup, fish sandwiches, large meals, etc.).
  • Be sensitive to those around you by modifying sounds and voice.
  • Silence your cell phone. Please go to the hall or outside if you must take phone calls.
  • Clean up any messes you make, including disposing of scratch paper and used items before leaving. 

Enjoy your time with us!

Materials Needed
  • A list of challenging problems and/or questions you would like to discuss
  • Textbook, notes and syllabus
  • Past tests and quizzes
  • Completed homework
  • Paper, pen, pencil and/or highlighters
  • Calculator 
Rights and Responsibilities

Rights of Tutors

  1. Respect and Professionalism: Tutors have the right to be treated with respect and professionalism by students and staff.
  2. Safe and Productive Environment: Tutors are entitled to a safe and conducive environment for effective tutoring sessions.
  3. Training and Resources: Tutors have the right to receive adequate training and resources to perform their duties effectively.
  4. Constructive Feedback: Tutors have the right to receive constructive feedback on their performance to help them improve.
  5. Support from Administration: Tutors are entitled to support from the Learning Commons administration, including access to materials and guidance when needed.


Responsibilities of Tutors

  1. Punctuality and Preparedness: Tutors must be punctual and prepared for all scheduled tutoring sessions.
  2. Professionalism: Tutors should maintain a professional demeanor and adhere to the ethical guidelines set by the Learning Commons.
  3. Respect for Students: Tutors must respect each student's needs, backgrounds, and learning styles.
  4. Confidentiality: Tutors are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of all student information.
  5. Effective Communication: Tutors should communicate clearly and effectively with students, staff, and other tutors.
  6. Ongoing Learning: Tutors should continuously seek to improve their tutoring skills and stay updated on best practices in education.


Rights of Students

  1. Respect and Professionalism: Students have the right to be treated with respect and professionalism by tutors and staff.
  2. Effective Tutoring: Students are entitled to effective tutoring sessions that address their academic needs.
  3. Safe and Inclusive Environment: Students have the right to a safe and inclusive environment to freely express their learning concerns.
  4. Feedback: Students have the right to provide feedback on tutoring sessions to help improve the service.


Responsibilities of Students

  1. Punctuality and Preparedness: Students should be punctual and come prepared for all tutoring sessions.
  2. Active Participation: Students are expected to actively participate in the tutoring process and communicate their needs.
  3. Respect for Tutors: Students must treat tutors respectfully and follow the University at Albany Student Code of Conduct.
  4. Follow-Up Work: Students should complete any follow-up work or practice recommended by the tutor to reinforce learning.
  5. Feedback: Students should provide honest and constructive feedback on their tutoring experience to help improve the service.
Contact The Learning Commons
Learning Commons

1400 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12222
United States

Office Hours

Academic Year (August to May): 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday

Summer (June & July): 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday