Advisory Committee on Campus Security

What is the Advisory Committee on Campus Security?

The University at Albany has an Advisory Committee on Campus Security in compliance with New York State Education Law 129a Section 6431.  

The committee is charged by law with reviewing current campus security policies and procedures, and with making regular recommendations for improvements to the University President. 

The committee is co-chaired by Diana Mancini, Vice Dean for Academic Innovation & Student Success, and Jeremy Clapper, Deputy Chief of the University Police Department. 

If you have any questions or comments regarding the committee, please contact the co-chairs via email at [email protected] and [email protected]


Committee Charge

The committee shall review current campus security policies and procedures and make recommendations for their improvement. It shall specifically review current policies and procedures for: 

  • educating the campus community, including security personnel and those persons who advise or supervise students, about sexual assault, domestic violence and stalking offenses pursuant to section sixty-four hundred thirty-two of this article; 

  • educating the campus community about personal safety and crime prevention; 

  • reporting sexual assaults, domestic violence and stalking incidents and assisting victims during investigations; 

  • referring complaints to appropriate authorities; 

  • counseling victims; and 

  • responding to inquiries from concerned persons. 

The committee shall report, in writing, to the college president or chief administrative officer on its findings and recommendations at least once each academic year, and such report shall be available upon request. 


Committee Members


  • Diana Mancini, Vice Dean for Academic Innovation & Student Success

  • Jeremy Clapper, Assistant Chief of Police, University Police Department 

Student Members 

  • Wesley Ebersole 

  • Martina Glab 

  • Devenaire Holmes 

  • Briana McKernan 

Faculty Members 

  • Brandon Behlendorf, Assistant Professor, College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security and Cybersecurity 

  • Justin Pickett, Associate Professor, School of Criminal Justice 

  • Teniell Trolian, Assistant Professor, School of Education 

  • Jildyz Urbaeva, Assistant Professor, School of Social Welfare 

Professional Staff Members 

  • Lisa Donohue, Director, Office of Environmental Health & Safety 

  • Luke Rumsey, Assistant Dean of Students, Off-campus Student Services 

  • Clarence McNeill, Dean of Students 


Advisory Committee Annual Reports