Available Records
Records kept and maintained by the University at Albany generally fall under the subject matter categories listed in Appendices of the State University of New York (SUNY)'s Record Retention and Disposition Schedule.
Note that only those records which the University at Albany keeps and/or maintains are subject to disclosure under FOIL. FOIL imposes no obligation for an agency to translate, explain the content of, or create a new record.
Request Records
You may make a request under FOIL in writing to the University at Albany Records Access Officer by email (FOIL@albany.edu) or by mail:
Office of Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance
University Hall 212
University at Albany
1400 Washington Ave
Albany, NY 12222
To facilitate the timely processing of your request, please describe the record(s) sought and include as much descriptive information as possible, such as date range, keywords in a record, file type(s) and other information that may help locate records.
Please include your email address, your postal mail address and your phone number with your request.