Access Peer Tutoring in a Variety of Subjects
Engage with your course material and develop study skills critical for academic success with the guidance of a peer tutor. Explore courses with free, one-on-one or small group tutoring and make an appointment below.
Current UAlbany undergraduate students can schedule several appointments per week. You may not schedule more than one appointment for the same course or with the same tutor on the same day.
Schedule a University Tutoring Appointment
To schedule a tutoring appointment, follow these instructions:
- Log into EAB Navigate.
- Click on the “Make an Appointment” button.
- In the first drop-down menu, select “Learning Commons.”
- In the second drop-down menu, select either a 55-minute or 25-minute peer tutoring appointment (whichever is preferred).
- Click “Find Available Time.”
- Select your course.
- Select your session date and time.
- Review and confirm the details of your appointment, and select "Schedule" to book your session.
The location of your tutoring appointment will be held in the Learning Commons Tutoring Studio, located on the first floor of the University Library.
Spring 2025 Courses with University Tutoring
Spring 2025 tutoring dates: 1/27/25-5/6/25
Note: Tutoring availability is subject to change. If you cannot find tutoring for a course listed below, please confirm availability with the tutoring coordinator.
Subject Area | Courses with Available Tutoring |
Accounting | BACC-211 BACC-222 BACC-311 BACC-312 |
Anthropology | AANT-108 AANT-110 AANT-211 AANT-220 AANT-318 AANT-322 |
Biology | ABIO-117 ABIO-130 ABIO-131 ABIO-212Y ABIO-301 ABIO-314 ABIO-365 |
Business | BLAW-220 |
Chemistry | ACHM-115 ACHM-116 ACHM-220 ACHM-221 TCHM-136 |
Computer Science | ICSI-201 ICSI-210 ICSI-213 ICSI-412 |
Criminal Justice | RCRJ-201 RCRJ-202 RCRJ-203 |
Cybersecurity | CYBR-102 CYBR-108 CYBR-201 TBYR-102 |
Digital Forensics | BFOR-100 BFOR-201 |
Economics | AECO-110 AECO-111 AECO-300 AECO-301 |
Educational Psychology | EPSY-200 |
Electrical & Computer Engineering | IECE-111 IECE-201 IECE-202 IECE-210 IECE-213 |
Finance | BFIN-300 |
French | AFRE-101 AFRE-102 AFRE-221Y AFRE-222Y |
History | AHIS-100 AHIS-101 AHIS-158 |
Informatics | CINF-100X CINF-108 CINF-200 CINF-201 CINF-202 CINF-203 |
Information Technology & Management | BITM-215 BITM-330 |
Japanese | AEAJ-102 AEAJ-202 AEAJ-302 AEAJ-498 AEAJ-502 |
Journalism | AJRL-100 AJRL-200Z AJRL-201Z |
Linguistics | ALIN-220 ALIN-322 |
Math | AMAT-100 AMAT-104 AMAT-106 AMAT-108 AMAT-112 AMAT-113 AMAT-118 AMAT-214 AMAT-220 TMAT-119 |
Nanotechnology | INSC-116 |
Philosophy | APHI-114 |
Physics | APHY-105 APHY-108 APHY-140 APHY-150 |
Psychology | APSY-101 APSY-203 APSY-210 APSY-211 APSY-214 APSY-238 APSY-270 APSY-327 APSY-329 APSY-380 APSY-381 APSY-389 TPSY-214 |
Sociology | ASOC-115 ASOC-180 ASOC-203 ASOC-221 ASOC-310 ASOC-335 ASOC-359 |
Spanish | ASPN-100 ASPN-101 ASPN-200 ASPN-201 ASPN-206Y ASPN-208 ASPN 303 |

University Tutoring Policies
Missed Classes & Assignments
Tutors are not substitutes for professors. Tutoring is not a substitute for attending class, taking notes, completing homework, studying and seeking help when necessary.
You cannot make a tutoring appointment to learn material you missed due to a class absence.
If you miss class, it’s your responsibility to review any missed material and attend your professor’s office hours to ask questions and seek clarification on the content.
Tutors have the right to cancel an appointment if you have not reviewed missed material on your own and with your professor.
Cancellations & No-shows
Cancellation Policy: If you need to cancel an appointment, please do so as early as possible to allow others the opportunity to book that time.
- After 3 cancellations, we will suspend your peer tutoring services, and we will request that you meet with a member of the Learning Commons Team to discuss the frequent unattended sessions and determine if you can continue utilizing this service for the remainder of the semester.
No-Show Policy: The tutor will wait 15 minutes for your arrival. After that time, you are a no-show for the appointment. Appointments canceled with less than one hour's notice will count as no-show.
- After 3 no-shows, we will suspend your peer tutoring services, and we will request that you meet with a member of the Learning Commons Team to discuss the frequent non-attendance and determine if you can continue utilizing this service for the remainder of the semester.
Inclimate Weather: If the University closes or holds classes remotely due to inclement weather, all tutoring appointments will be canceled.
Tutors work under the assumption that the work you bring to a session is your own work. Tutors who suspect plagiarism will discuss citation rules with you and may report concerns, as needed.
Tutors are not responsible for the work you submit. For more information on plagiarism, view UAlbany’s Academic Integrity Policy.
If you need help with a course for which we don’t offer tutoring, or if you’re in danger of failing a course, you should use multiple strategies to remediate the situation:
- Contact your professor.
- Attend all class sessions.
- Find a study partner.
- Meet with your Teaching Assistant (TA), if applicable.
- Meet with your Academic Advisor.
- Complete all course assignments.
- Study independently.
Student Conduct
Students are expected to adhere to University Tutoring’s policies and the University’s student code of conduct, Community Rights & Responsibilities.
Students are also expected to behave in a professional and respectful manner.
Students who do not meet these expectations may lose access to University Tutoring’s services.