Documents & Permits

The University at Albany Code Administration unit, operating under the Office of Facilities Management, is dedicated to ensuring the safety and integrity of our built environment. We achieve this mission through a multifaceted approach that includes education, engineering controls, and enforcement of the Uniform Code, state and federal regulations, and State University of New York policies and procedures. Additionally, we uphold our commitment to environmental stewardship through our comprehensive stormwater management program, responsible handling of campus hazardous and universal wastes, and the application of the Energy Code to campus construction projects. Furthermore, Code Administration actively supports scientific instruction, research, and safety through its Environmental Health & Safety functions. In pursuit of our mission, we provide access to essential documents and resources to assist in code compliance, safety, and environmental responsibility. Please find the following links to important documents and forms for your reference and use.


Construction Permits:

Construction Permit Request Form
Construction Permit Submittal Checklist
Certificate of Occupancy Checklist
Workers' Compensation & Disability Benefit Insurance
Construction Authority on State Operated Campuses
SUCF Program Directive 1B-1 Building Codes (May 2020)

Energy Code Compliance:

NYS Governor’s Executive Order No. 22
Construction Permit Application – Energy Code Statement
NYStretch Energy Code 2020 (Version 1.0)
EV Charging Stations
Office of Energy Management


2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design
Guidance on the 2010 ADA Standards for Accessible Design

Policies and Procedures:

Fire Protection System Impairment Request Form
Fire Department Key Boxes
Albany Fire Department Key Box Recommendations
Fire Department Connection Plugs

Special Events:

Tent Permit Application & Instructions
Fireworks/Pyrotechnics Permits
Application for Pyrotechnics Permit
FAA Fireworks Display Notification w-o Fields

Fire & Life Safety

Our Fire & Life Safety department is committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our university community. We oversee a range of critical functions, including fire prevention, emergency preparedness, and compliance with safety regulations. Our team is responsible for developing and implementing campus-wide fire and life safety programs, maintaining evacuation plans for buildings, and conducting fire drills to ensure a swift and coordinated response in case of emergencies. Our mission is to create a secure and prepared environment for all members of the campus community.

For any inquiries or assistance, please feel free to contact the Fire & Life Safety department at 518-442-3400 or via email at [email protected].

Important Links:

Important Information:


Policies and Procedures: 

Generator Use On Campus

NYS DHSES OFPC Fire Safety Permits:

Fire Safety Permit – Fireworks 8/16/2023

Residence Hall Fire Logs:

Campus Buildings Evacuation Plans


Stormwater Management

The University at Albany Stormwater Management Program is administered by the Facilities Management, Office of Code Administration. Responsibilities include monitoring operation and maintenance of all stormwater facilities, inspection of treatment practices, review of project plans, and providing initiative for green infrastructure practices.

Stormwater Management is regulated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC). The DEC regulates stormwater discharges by General Permit in accordance with the Environmental Conservation Law. The University at Albany, classified as a Non-Traditional Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) is required to have policy, procedures, and programs to manage stormwater runoff to protect waterways from pollutants.

The University has an established Stormwater Management Policy, Stormwater Management Plan, (SWMP), Stormwater Programs and Stormwater Procedures, which are accessible by the links on this site. Links are also available for the Annual Reports which have been prepared and submitted to the DEC. The Office of Code Administration prepares the Annual Reports, with a draft presented on this website in May for public comment. Finalized reports are submitted in June for submission to the DEC as a joint report with the Stormwater Coalition of Albany County. See the link below for information on the Coalition.

Should you have any questions, concerns or would like information, please contact:

Brad Bunzey, Stormwater Management Program Coordinator

Phone: 518-442-3400

Stormwater Management Program

The University at Albany Uptown Campus is a regulated non-traditional Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), and as such, stormwater discharges must be authorized in accordance with the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) General Permit. The University, as the owner/operator of the stormwater system, is required to administer the permit for all related stormwater runoff which impacts the campus. Pollutants that are typically picked up by rainfall runoff patterns from roofs, paved areas, sloped lawns and bare soils, are required to be treated prior to discharge to waterways.

As an owner/operator of a publicly owned storm sewer system, The University, to receive clean water act permit coverage from DEC, must implement a comprehensive stormwater management program. Elements include public awareness, mapping of outfalls, maintenance of facilities, and oversight of construction activity stormwater permits. This program is developed and administered by Facilities Management and the Stormwater Management Committee. It is continually updated and modified to reflect any changing regulations or new development conditions on the campus.

The University at Albany Uptown Campus contains over 470 acres of land which is comprised of buildings, roads, parking lots, recreational and open space. Rainwater from storm events lands on ground surfaces, flows to catch basins, and then enters an underground conveyance system. The conveyance system discharges stormwater to locations such as Parker Pond, or to an off-campus conveyance system located in the City of Albany and Town of Guilderland. Some of the rainfall is absorbed by the ground in recreational and open space areas, or is discharged to subsurface infiltration systems.

Parker Pond is an integral component of the campus stormwater management system. Portions of the campus stormwater runoff is directed to Parker Pond which helps control a large portion of rainfall entering the campus system, especially during heavy storm rainfalls. Runoff is conveyed to Parker Pond where it detains stormwater and aids in protecting downstream systems from flooding. Water stored at Parker Pond is used to supply the irrigation system at the Uptown Campus. Parker Pond provides a natural and ecological system for plants and habitat. In addition to natural decomposition and absorption of pollutants within the Pond system, the Pond is routinely dredged. Spoils from dredging are either deposited safely off site or along the pond banks. Together, the conveyance system and the Pond serve to prevent the pollution of nearby waterways. Management of the Pond and related storm sewer infrastructure is one of many stormwater practices of the University at Albany.

Green Infrastructure practices which utilize infiltration of runoff into the ground, are being employed for current projects as part of the Stormwater Management Policy for the University. Examples of these practices include infiltration of runoff by means of subsurface facilities, porous pavements, rain gardens and green roofs. These practices will reduce the stormwater runoff from the campus which would go off site to surrounding roads and streams.

For construction projects which involve site disturbance, a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is required. This document provides erosion and sedimentation control measures and post construction treatment facility designs for discharges resulting from construction activity. The goal is to ensure erosion control measures and treatment facilities are in place so that soil sediments do not discharge onto roads and to surface waters during construction activity and after the project is complete.

The University at Albany is a member of the Stormwater Coalition of Albany County. The Coalition is comprised of municipalities located in Albany County, and together with the members, develops the Stormwater Management Program (SWMP) and practices, share experiences, watershed information, helps reduce administrative costs and facilitate management of stormwater at the University. Contained in the SWMP are Minimum Control Measures, which include goals for the University pollution control program. The University is required to submit to DEC, an annual report of meeting the goals contained in the SWMP which involve public awareness and education, along with the maintenance practices of the storm sewer system required to meet the permit regulations. This includes mapping of the system, location of outfalls and surface waters, inspections of the campus stormwater facilities, monitoring for illicit discharges, and maintenance of the infrastructure. The annual report is submitted jointly with the Stormwater Coalition of Albany County and is available on the University stormwater website.

For information regarding the University Stormwater Management, contact Brad Bunzey, Stormwater Management Program Coordinator, Code Administration, at 518-442-3400.

revent delays. We also need to receive copies of the periodic inspection reports as the project proceeds and ask that you notify us upon completion by forwarding a copy of the Notice of Termination (NOT).

Stormwater Management Process for Construction Projects

When a project is proposed on the Campus, stormwater management is an integral part of the planning and development. With the development comes a need to manage stormwater runoff, and be in conformance with the Stormwater Management Policy.

University staff meet with the project consultant to review the stormwater requirements of the policy. The consultant will prepare a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) which addresses the requirements of the University and the DEC General Permit. During this process, the DEC is notified of the project by the filing of a Notice of Intent (NOI) which alerts DEC that a disturbance will be performed, and stormwater management will be addressed. The SWPPP will contain methods and calculation for stormwater quality and quantity controls. The use of green infrastructure is required when applicable for the treatment and disposal of stormwater runoff. The University reviews and approves the stormwater treatment method, known as the post construction practice. Included in the design is the operation and maintenance for the practice.

After construction is finished, the DEC is notified that the project is completed by filing of a Notice of Termination. From this period on, the University is responsible for the operation and maintenance of the practice.

SPDES Permit Request Procedures

All construction projects on the UAlbany campus are required to be in conformance with the current SPDES (State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System) General Permit for Stormwater Discharges from Construction Activity.

Current permit forms required by DEC, and a comprehensive fact sheet are available on the DEC Website.

In order for your construction project to be covered under the General Permit, you must develop a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) to the NYDEC. The new requirement for your NOI to also include a "MS4 SWPPP Acceptance Form signed by the MS4" does not apply to work on the University at Albany properties because UAlbany is considered a nontraditional land use MS4.

Your Notice of Intent (NOI) should reflect this status by indicating "NO" on line 38, and line 39 should be left blank.

Submit a copy of the final SWPPP, the executed NOI, and the DEC letter of Acknowledgment to this office as early as possible because they are prerequisites to the issuance of a building permit. An early submittal will help prevent delays. We also need to receive copies of the periodic inspection reports as the project proceeds and ask that you notify us upon completion by forwarding a copy of the Notice of Termination (NOT).

Green Infrastructure

Prior to the development of the University at Albany, uptown campus the property was a golf course, and the landscape consisted mainly of green surfaces. The green surfaces reduced the amount of rainfall runoff and controlling the rate of rainfall runoff flow to nearby streams and rivers. With the construction of buildings, streets and, parking lots, much of the rainfall is no longer absorbed and filtered by the land. It flows to catch basins and storm sewer systems then eventually to streams and rivers. A majority of runoff from the University is detained by Parker Pond. Left unchecked, it could cause downstream flooding. Stormwater runoff is a major cause of water pollution in urban areas. Flowing over the impervious surface, it carries with it trash, bacteria, heavy metals, and other pollutants.

The employment of green infrastructure practices for stormwater management mimics the green land surface prior to development. Green infrastructure provides methods by which rainfall can again be absorbed by natural features thereby reducing pollution and flooding. The use of porous material for surfaces, rain gardens and green roofs allow the rainwater to discharge to the ground or absorbed by vegetation.

The University, through its Stormwater Management Policy, has directed development of projects on campus include green infrastructure practices as much as practical, even to exceed the DEC Permit requirements. Through this initiative, the University has made great strides in the inclusion of green infrastructure practices. As examples of this Policy, the Campus Center Expansion has greatly reduce the runoff amount and the ETEC facility has little or no stormwater runoff from the site. Below are examples of green infrastructure used at the University. You will notice in the pictures of porous asphalt and concrete that sprinklers were on and there are no puddles on the surface. The following practices can be seen at the Campus Center.

Green Roofs

A green roof or living roof is a roof of a building, partially or completely covered with vegetation and a growing medium, planted over a waterproofing membrane. There are several species of plants to account for seasonal changes and wet and dry weather conditions. Similar to rain gardens, green roofs reduce storm water runoff and improve water quality. Excess rainwater from heavy rainfalls events not absorbed by plants and soils, is collected by an underdrain pipe system and discharged to the storm system.

Rain Garden

Rain Gardens collect stormwater rainfall runoff from impervious surfaces such as pavement and roofs. Once the runoff enters the rain garden, it is stored and slowly seeps into the ground. Rain gardens reduce the amount of rainwater that enters the storm sewer systems and provides treatment to remove contaminated material that can cause sediment and chemical pollution in waterways.

Porous Asphalt Pavement 

Porous asphalt is a specific mix that has voids, which allow stormwater to enter and then stored in a stone reservoir below. The water then gradually seeps into the ground providing treatment. Rainwater does not puddle or splash and the surface is safer to walk on, especially during winter, as ice typically does not form.

Pourous Concrete

Porous concrete panels allow rainfall to enter through voids and into a stone reservoir below where it is stored. Eventually, the water seeps into the sandy soils below, providing treatment. Rainwater will almost immediately flow into the panels, and does not splash up or puddle. This provides for a safer walking surface and requires less salt in the winter.

Parker Pond

Many of you may not be aware that on the University's Uptown Campus, the majority of our storm water catch basins, located on our roadways and parking lots, collect stormwater runoff that ultimately ends up in Parker Pond. Parker Pond is a major feature for stormwater management by containing the water and preventing downstream flooding. Parker Pond is also the source of water for the campus irrigation by pumping water from the pond through the irrigation system for many of the practice fields and lawns. The capacity of Parker Pond is 6 million gallons of water, but when that is exceeded by excessive runoff, a spillway directs the overflow, via an underground pipe, to the Krumkill and ultimately to the Hudson River.

Protecting Parker Pond:
Parker Pond is an important resource to the campus and general community. There are walking trails situated around the pond, a bridge that crosses the pond, siting areas, picnic tables and informative signs. Originally, Parker Pond was for recreation when the site was a golf course. It was a feature retained during construction of the University and was used for stormwater manage by detaining the runoff during large rainfall events.

The University has taken measures in protecting Parker Pond from pollution such as providing a 100-foot buffer, increased maintenance on the storm sewer system to reduce siltation deposits, erosion control measures around the pond and addressing the geese population.

Stormwater Coalition of Albany County

Municipalities in Albany County that are MS4’s (Municipal Separate Storm Systems), recognized the need and benefits of working together as a unit to manage stormwater, as many of the municipal stormwater systems interconnected with each other. In 2008, the Stormwater Coalition of Albany County formed with 12 members, and the University at Albany joined in 2009. The Stormwater Coalition is managed by a Board of Directors, comprised of representatives from each MS4. In order to facilitate communication among members, a working group was formed which offers a forum to collaborate and share information. The working group has representatives from each member and meets with Coalition staff monthly to discuss stormwater developments, management and technical issues in order to be compliant with Federal and State Permits and regulations. The Annual Report submitted to the DEC is prepared as a Joint Report by the Coalition. Developing public participation and education programs is an important function of the Coalition that benefits the communities.

Stormwater Coalition of Albany County Website

Stormwater Management Annual Reports

The DRAFT 2023 Stormwater Coalition of Albany County Joint Annual Report and updated "Stormwater Management Plan (SWMP)" are posted on the Stormwater Coalition of Albany County Website.

If you would like to comment on the Annual Report, please use the Stormwater Coalition of Albany County Public Comments Form. Public comments on the Annual Report are due by May 14, 2023.

The Draft UAlbany section of the 2023 Joint Annual Report is available at:

Stormwater Coalition Joint Program Activities - SWMP 2023-2024

Hazardous Waste Spills and Reporting

Chemical and hazardous waste spills are very damaging to surface waters. The spills enter the storm sewer system and eventually discharge to nearby streams and rivers. If you see a spill, or observe someone dumping waste into the storm sewers, call the Campus emergency phone numbers.

Emergency crews will be dispatched to contain the spill, and in extreme cases, the DEC will be contacted and companies specializing in hazardous waste spills will be brought in for containment and cleanup.

To report a spill:

University Office of Environmental Health and Safety: 518-442-3495 or

University Power Plant 24-hour Emergency Line: 518-442-3444

NYSDEC Spill Hotline: 1-800-457-7362

Any substance, such as motor oil, anti-freeze, brake or transmission fluid, gasoline, etc. which can pollute our waterways, could ultimately get to the Hudson River if it enters the storm water catch basins on our roadways and parking lots.

If you spill or leak motor oil, anti-freeze, brake or transmission fluid, gasoline, etc. from your vehicle call the emergency phone numbers immediately.

Precautions you can take:

  • Do not place any automotive fluids (oils, anti-freeze, transmission and brake fluids, gasoline, etc.) into the storm water catch basins, rather collect the used fluid in a suitable container and contact EH&S or the Power Plant for proper disposal;
  • Repair any source for fluid leaks from your vehicle.