Laboratory Safety at UAlbany
Lab safety is a top priority of the Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S), due to the inherent risks associated with working in a lab at the University that may contain chemicals, compressed gases, infectious agents, radioactive materials or radiation producing equipment.
EH&S professional staff members are available to consult with anyone working in a lab on how to safely handle these materials. Our team also routinely offers training on a variety of topics relating to lab safety.
Please contact us at or 518-442-3495 with any questions.
15 Common Laboratory Inspection Violations
Emergency Planning for Research Laboratories
Emergency Response Plan for Hazardous Substances Release — Uptown Campus & Downtown Campus
Emergency Response Plan for Hazardous Substances Release — Health Sciences Campus
Emergencies that May Impact UAlbany Research Laboratories
Laboratory Decommissioning Checklist
Laboratory Emergency Storm Preparedness Checklist
Laboratory Safety Startup Checklist
Additional Links
- Chemical Laboratory Safety and Security by The National Academies of Sciences - Engineering - Medicine
- Investigation Results and Follow-up Recommendations from California Laboratory Fatality Involving a Pyrophoric Chemical
- Investigation Results and Follow-up Recommendations from California Chemical Mixing Accident
- Investigation Results from U.S. Chemical Safety Board (CSB) regarding the 2010 Texas Tech Laboratory Accident
- CSB Texas Tech Investigation Video
Chemical Safety
Controlled Substance Use Policy
Emergency Response Plan for Hazardous Substances Release — Uptown Campus & Downtown Campus
Emergency Response Plan for Hazardous Substances Release — Health Sciences Campus
Emergencies that May Impact UAlbany Research Laboratories
How to Recycle Empty Balloon Time Helium Tanks
Policy for Purchasing or Transferring Hazardous Materials to UAlbany
UAlbany is actively committed to preserving the health and safety of its students, staff, faculty and the environment, while supporting the creative and cutting edge research being performed in our labs.
To ensure the safe handling of potentially pathogenic microorganisms and organisms containing recombinant DNA (rDNA), the University requires all research and teaching laboratories to comply with the NIH Guidelines, the recommendations in the BMBL and any other applicable regulations.
Visit UAlbany's Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) for more information.
American Biological Safety Association (ABSA)
Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories
Biosafety Training (CITI Program)
CDC Guidelines for Biosafety Laboratory Competency
Managing Your Biological Waste at UAlbany
Office of Regulatory & Research Compliance
OSHA Quick Facts - Laboratory Safety for Centrifuges
Radiation Safety
Radioactive materials and radiation producing devices are important tools in modern scientific research. However, the various types of radiation emitted by these materials or devices have been shown to be potentially hazardous to human health.
UAlbany is licensed to use radioactive materials and radiation producing devices by the New York State Bureau of Environmental Radiation Protection within the Department of Health.
Under these agreements, authority to review and approve the use of regulated radioactive material and radiation producing equipment is delegated to the University's Radiation Safety Committee.
The RSC and Radiation Safety Officer implement and maintain a Radiation Protection Program to ensure that:
- Any hazard associated with the use of radioactive materials or radiation producing devices are minimized and work related radiation exposures are maintained As Low As Reasonably Achievable (ALARA).
- All uses of these materials and devices are in strict compliance with applicable state and federal regulatory requirements.
- A safe and healthy research environment is available to faculty, staff, students and visitors by providing training, supervision and support and establishing policies by which radioactivity may be safely used.
UAlbany's Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) is mandated as a condition of federal and state licenses for the use of Radioactive Material and Radiation Producing Devices on the University campuses.
The RSC has been granted authority by the President of the University and is the governing body for all aspects of radiation protection at the University.
The Committee provides oversight of the policies, procedures and responsibilities of University's Radiation Protection Program, which functions through the Radiation Safety Staff and the Office of Environmental Health & Safety.
The goal of the RSC is to ensure that the University's possession, use and disposition of radioactive sources and radiation complies with all federal and state regulations and with the specific conditions of licenses issued to the University, and to ensure the protection of all University personnel, students, visitors, members of the general public and the environment regarding the safe use of radioisotopes and radiation.
Laser Safety
UAlbany has developed a program to provide guidance and instruction to faculty, staff and students for the safe use of lasers and laser systems and to ensure compliance with the American National Standard for Safe Use of Lasers (ANSI 136.1).
The Laser Safety Officer is designated to monitor, evaluate and control all laser radiation hazards. Class 3b and 4 Lasers and Laser Systems must be registered with the Office of Environmental Health & Safety using the Laser Registration Form.