Renovate Lecture Centers - Phases 1-7
September 2024
Constructed in 1969, the Lecture Center is the primary instructional facility of the campus. The building is unique because it is built underneath the Podium deck level. The building houses several large and medium sized lecture halls. While the buildings main concourse has been well maintained, several lecture centers have many deficiencies. Fixed seating is outdated and broken, carpet is worn, finishes are faded, lighting is substandard, and the audiovisual systems need replacement. Each lecture center is served by dedicated air handling units and fans that are in fair to poor condition.
The renovation of Lecture Centers is a multi-phased project to completely renovate all Lecture Center classrooms.
General Scope:
Full gut renovation of Lecture Centers instructional spaces, including demolition, abatement, new electrical, data & IT, ductwork and air handling units, fans, BMS control systems, LED lighting, ceilings, fixed seating, carpet, and audio-visual systems.
Project Schedule/Timelines:
Refer to each project phase
Overall Lecture Center Phasing Plan:
01A94.01 Renovate LC-10 thru LC-15
Full gut renovation of Lecture Centers instructional spaces, including demolition, abatement, new electrical, data & IT, ductwork and air handling units, fans, BMS control systems, LED lighting, ceilings, fixed seating, carpet, and audio-visual systems.
Completed: July 2018
Project Phase Schedule/Timelines:
Construction: Fall 2017 thru Summer 2018
01A94.03 Renovate LC-1 & LC-2, ADA Improvements
Renovate LC 1-2
Full gut renovation of Lecture Centers instructional spaces, including demolition, abatement, new electrical, data & IT, ductwork and air handling units, fans, BMS control systems, LED lighting, ceilings, fixed seating, carpet, and audio-visual systems.
ADA Improvements
There was an Accessibility Upgrades Study completed in 2018 that’s purpose was to assess the accessibility of the Uptown and Downtown campuses and provide recommendations for greater accessibility. As a result of the study, the follow items were included in the project.
Elevator Extension
Extension of the Lecture Center elevator to the promenade podium deck level. This will address the inefficient accessible route between the Podium plaza level and the Basement and Sub Basement levels and will make use of an existing elevator shaft that exists between the Basement and Sub Basement.
Toilet Room Renovations, LC 009 and 016
Removal of barriers that may affect disabled individuals with the renovation of the toilet rooms for improved accessibility.|
Replacement of podium stairs/ramps
Modifications to ramps and stairs by providing edge protection, stair nosing and handrails. Of particular concern are the main Podium access ramps on the north side of the Podium.
Completed: June 2021
Project Phase Schedule/Timelines:
Construction: Summer 2019 thru Summer 2021
01A94.04 Renovate LC-4 & LC-5, Replaced main electrical distribution and transformer
Full gut renovation of Lecture Centers instructional spaces, including demolition, abatement, new electrical, data & IT, ductwork and air handling units, fans, BMS control systems, LED lighting, ceilings, fixed seating, carpet, and audio-visual systems. Replacement of the building main electrical distribution and transformer.
Completed: February 2022
Project Phase Schedule/Timelines:
Construction: Winter 2021 thru Winter 2022
01A94.07 Renovate LC-6 & LC-7, Toilet Room Renovations
01A94.07 Renovate LC-6 & LC-7
Full gut renovation of Lecture Centers instructional spaces, including demolition, abatement, new electrical, data & IT, ductwork and air handling units, fans, BMS control systems, LED lighting, ceilings, fixed seating, carpet, and audio-visual systems. Replacement of the building main electrical distribution and transformer.
Toilet Room Renovations, LC 030 and 031
Removal of barriers that may affect disabled individuals with the renovation of the toilet rooms for improved accessibility.
Completed: October 2023
Project Phase Schedule/Timelines:
Construction: Spring 2022 thru Fall 2023
01A94.09 Renovate LC-18 & LC-19
Full gut renovation of Lecture Centers instructional spaces, including demolition, abatement, new electrical, data & IT, ductwork and air handling units, fans, BMS control systems, LED lighting, ceilings, fixed seating, carpet, and audio-visual systems.
The construction activities began in December 2023 and are steadily progressing.
Project Phase Schedule/Timelines:
Construction: Winter 2023 thru Spring 2025
Fit out: March 2025
Final AV installs/testing: Spring 2025
01A94.10 Renovate LC-23, LC-24 & LC-25
Full gut renovation of Lecture Centers instructional spaces, including demolition, abatement, new electrical, data & IT, ductwork and air handling units, fans, BMS control systems, LED lighting, ceilings, fixed seating, carpet, and audio-visual systems.
Currently in Design
Project Phase Schedule/Timelines (anticipated):
Construction: Summer 2025 thru Fall 2026
Fit out: tbd
Final AV installs/testing: tbd
01A94.11 Renovate LC-20, LC-21 & LC-22, LC subbasement
Full gut renovation of Lecture Centers instructional spaces, including demolition, abatement, new electrical, data & IT, ductwork and air handling units, fans, BMS control systems, LED lighting, ceilings, fixed seating, carpet, and audio-visual systems.
Full gut renovation of LC subbasement, including demolition, abatement, new electrical, data & IT, ductwork and main air handling units, fans, BMS control systems, LED lighting, ceilings and carpet
Currently in planning
Project Phase Schedule/Timelines (anticipated):
Construction: Spring 2027 thru Fall 2029
Fit out: tbd
Final AV installs/testing: tbd
Questions and Comments Regarding Project:
For general questions regarding project schedule and scope, please contact John Baldwin, in Facilities at 442-3434.