Hazardous & Universal Waste

Hazardous and Universal Waste Management

University at Albany's Hazardous and Universal Waste Policy is designed to ensure that every effort is made to minimize the generation of hazardous and universal waste and that all waste is properly managed and disposed of in accordance with all applicable federal, state and local regulations.


Hazardous Waste Policy

"Hazardous waste" is defined under federal law as a chemical waste that is listed by the Environmental Protection Agency as hazardous or exhibits one or more of the following characteristics: ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity and toxicity.

The federal Resource and Recovery Act (RCRA) was established in 1976 to protect human health and the environment from improper management of hazardous waste. This policy doesn't include radioactive material, biological waste or chemicals that are not spent, out-of-date or unwanted.

Hazardous waste can come in many shapes and forms, including liquids, solids, sludge or compressed gas. They can be byproducts of laboratory experiments or discarded commercial products, such as cleaning fluids or pesticides. Proper management and disposal is essential to protect human health and the environment.

Federal laws have established guidelines for the proper handling, processing, transporting and disposing of wastes. The University, individual researchers, employees and students can be held liable for violations of these laws.

All hazardous waste is handled by the Office of Environmental Health & Safety (EH&S). Contact us at [email protected] or 518-442-3495 with any questions or to schedule a waste pickup.


Universal Waste Disposal Policy

Universal waste is a hazardous waste that is managed under streamlined requirements to encourage collection, recycling and disposal of these wastes. The following waste streams are considered universal wastes and have specific handling and labeling requirements at UAlbany:

The rules governing universal waste are mandated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency RCRA Act (40 CFR Part 273) and also by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (6 NYCRR Subpart 374-3). UAlbany incorporates these standards into our Universal Waste Disposal Policy & Guidelines.

Contact us at [email protected] or 518-442-3495 with any questions or to schedule a waste pickup.

Asbestos at UAlbany

Asbestos at UAlbany Fact Sheet

Asbestos Abatement Projects FAQs

Asbestos Awareness Training


Additional Information

National Cancer Institute: Asbestos Exposure and Cancer Risk

OSHA: Asbestos Fact Sheet

EPA: Learn about Asbestos


Useful Links

Sterno Fuel Use Policy

Managing Household Hazardous Waste

New York State Rechargeable Battery Recycling Law

How to Recycle Empty Balloon Time Helium Tanks