19.001 Allen, D. L. 1978. Wolf-moose studies demonstrate scientific value of wilderness. Transactions of the Illinois State Academy of Science, 71:436-438. BI 18:44363 WR 177:35 ZR 115(19):226 19.001 Ballard, W. B. 1980. Brown bear kills gray wolf. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 94:91. BI 19:23322 WR 177:32 ZR 117(19):515 19.003 Ballard, W. B. 1982. Gray wolf-brown bear relationships in the Nelchina Basin of south-central Alaska. Pages 71-80 in Wolves of the World: Perspectives of Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation (F. H. Harrington and P. C. Paquet, eds.). Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ. WR 201:39 ZR 119(19):509 19.004 Ballard, W. B., S. M. Miller, J. S. Whitman. 1986. Modelling a south-central Alaska moose population. Pages 201-244 in Alces, no. 22. Lakehead University, School of Forestry, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada WR 206:63 19.005 Bibikov, D. I. and E. N. Matjushkin. 1985. Feeding and biocoenotic relationships. Relationships with birds-scavengers. Pages 370-374 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):93319.006 Gromov, E. I. and E. N. Matjushkin. 1974. Analysis of the competitive relations between tiger and wolf in Sikhote Alin, SFSR, (USSR). Biologicheskie Nauki, 17(2) 20-25. [in Russian] BA 59:1270 ZR 111(19):59 19.007 Harrington, F. H. 1978. Ravens attracted to woIf howling. Condor, 80:236-237. BI 16:14591 WR 172:149 ZR 115(19):2521 19.008 Hayes, R. D. and D. H. Mossop. 1987. Interactions of wolves, Canis lupus, and brown bears, Ursus arctos, at a wolf den in the northern Yukon. Canadian Field- Naturalist, 101:603-604. BA 87:2952 19.009 Horejai, B. L., G. E. Hornbeck, and R. M. Raine. 1984. Wolves, Canis lupus, kill female black bear, Ursus americanus, in Alberta. Canadian Field- Naturalist, 98:368-369. BI 28:64920 WR 196:42 ZR 121(19):3409 19.010 Hornbeck, G. E. and B. L. Horejai. 1986. Grizzly bear, Ursus arctos, usurps wolf, Canis lupus, kill. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 100:259-260. BA 83:22232 WR 204:73 ZR 123(19):3898 19.011 Malafeev, Yu. M. and F. V. Kryazhimskii. 1984. The dependency of population growth of lynx on mountain hare, roe deer and woIf populations in the central Urals. Pages 34-35 in The Species and its Productivity within its Distribution Range. Part 2. Mammals, Birds (V. K. Ryabitsev, ed.). Urals Scientific Centre, Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19) 548319.012 Matjushkin, E. N. 1985. Feeding and biocoenotic relationships. Relationships with other predatory mammals. Pages 355-370 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):5658 19.013 Mech, L. D. and L. L. Rogers. 1977. Status, distribution, and movements of martens in northeastern Minnesota. Forest Service Research Paper, NC-143. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, North Central Forest Experiment Station, St, Paul, MN. BI 78:12908 19.014 Nelson, M. E. and L. D. Mech. 1985. Observation of a wolf killed by a deer. Journal of Mammalogy, 66:187-188. BI 29:28240 WR 197:42 ZR 122(19):5402 19.015 Paquet, P. C. and L. N. Carbyn. 1986. Wolves, Canis lupus, killing denning black bears, Ursus americanus, in the Riding Mountain National Park area. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 100:371-372. BA 83:73943 WR 204:38 ZR 123(19):6588 19.016 Peterson, R. 0., R. E. Page, and K. M. Dodge. 1984. Wolves, moose, and the allometry of population cycles. Science, 224:1350-1352. BA 78:65975 WR 195:64 ZR 121(19):586919.017 Rakov, M. N. 1970. Causes of mortality of the wild boar and its interrelation with predators in the Amur territory. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 49:1220-1228. [in Russian; English summary] BA 52:36363 19.018 Ram-Manohar, B. R. and R. Mathur. 1986. A note on the interaction of common langur (Presbytis entellus) and wolf (Canis lupus). Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 83:653. WR 207:49 ZR 124(19):7493 19.019 Ramsay, M. A. and I. Stirling. 1984. Interactions of wolves and polar bears in northern Manitoba. Journal of Mammalogy, 65:693-694. BI 28:64911 WR 196:43 ZR 121(19):6143 19.020 Rogers, L. L. and L. D. Mech. 1981. Interactions of wolves and black bears in northeastern Minnesota. Journal of Mammalogy, 62:434-436. BI 21:46250 WR 182:25 ZR 118(19):5383 19.021 Ryabov, L. S. 1974. The attitude of wolves towards domestic animals and wild ungulates in the region of the Khopersk Nature Preserve. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii, 79(3):6-15. [in Russian; English and Russian summaries] BA 59:53965 ZR 111(19):132 19.022 Shelton, P. C. and R. O. Peterson. 1983. Beaver, wolf and moose interactions in Isle Royale National Park, USA. Pages 265-26 in Acta Zoologica Fennica, no. 174 (E. Pulliainen and S. Sulkava, eds.). Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, Helsinki, Finland. WR 193:52 ZR 120(19):741419.023 Singer, F. J and J. Dalle-Molle. 1985. The Denali ungulate-predator system. Pages 339-358 in Alces, no. 21. Lakehead University, School of Forestry, Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada. WR 206:59 19.024 White, T. 1982. Saskatchewan cougar - elusive cat. Special Publication Saskatchewan Natural History Society, no. 14. Saskatchewan Natural History Society, Raymore, Saskatchewan, Canada. ZR 119(19):7916 19.025 Zheltukhin, A. S. 1986. Bioenotic relationship of the European lynx (Lynx lynx) in the southern Taiga of the upper Volga. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 65(2): 259-271. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):9727 19.026 Zhivotchenko, V. I. 1977. The population of the Lazovsk State Preserve by the tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) and its relation with the leopard and the wolf. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 56:130-140. [in Russian; English summary] BA 64:49636 ZR 114(19):.250
see also the following entries: 3.048, 4.003, 4.026, 4.102, 4.140, 7.033, 7.038, 7.039, 7.069, 14.022, 15.034, 17.013, 18.027, 18.079, 18.092, 18.185, 18.199, 21.134