17.001 Afik, D. and P. U. Aldon. 1983. Movements of a radio-collared wolf (Canis lupus pallipes) in the Negev Highlands, Israel. Israel Journal of Biology, 32: 138-146. BA 78:58161 WR 194:110 ZR 121(19):153 17.002 Aliev, F. 1974. The geographical variability and fluctuations in number of wolf, Canis lupus Linne 1750, in Caucasia. Saeugetierkundliche Mitteilungen, 22:223-225. BA 60:6910 WR 159:20 ZR 111(19):6 17.003 Anonymous. 1983. Mexican gray wolf: Species range map. State and Private Forestry, Santa Fe, NM. MC 83-10494 17.004 Ballard, W. B. and J. R. Dau. 1983. Characteristics of gray wolf, Canis lupus, den and rendezvous sites in southcentral Alaska. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 97:299-302. BA 78:17979 WR 193:96 ZR 120(19):472 17.005 Ballard, W. B., R. Farnell, and R. O. Stephenson. 1983. Long distance movement by gray wolves, Canis lupus. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 97:333. BI 27:8812 WR 193:97 ZR 120(19):473 17.006 Bibikov, D. I. and A. N. Filimonov. 1985. Reproduction and population structure. Spacial structure. Pages 400-415 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):92917.007 Bibikov, D. I. and A. N. Filimonov. 1985. Reproduction and population structure. Territoriality, movements. Pages 415-431 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):925 17.008 Bibikov, D. I., A. N. Filimonov, and A. N. Kudaktin. 1903. Territoriality and migration of the wolf in the USSR. Pages 267-260 in Acta Zoologica Fennica, no. 174 (E. Pulliainen and S. Sulkava, eds.). Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, Helsinki, Finland. WR 193:97 ZR 120(19):792 17.009 Bologov, V. P. 1983. Migration of wolves within their range during breeding period. Pages 91-92 in Behavior of Animals in Communities; Proceedings of the 3rd All-Union Conference on Animal Behavior, vol. 2 (A. A. Zakharov, ed�). Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] BI 29:51490 17.010 Boriskin, G. F. 1984. Migration and movements of wolves in the central Urals. Page 10 in The Species and its Productivity within its Distribution Range. Part 2. Mammals, Birds, (V. K. Ryabitsev, ed.). Urals Scientific Centre, Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):107917.011 Carbyn, L. N. 1974. Wolf population fluctuations in Jasper National Park, Alberta, Canada. Biological Conservation, 6:94-101. BA 58:53684 WR 156:42 ZR 111(19):26 17.012 Carbyn, L. N. 1981. Territory displacement in a wolf population with abundant prey. Journal of Mammalogy, 62:193-195. BI 21:35664 WR 181:63 ZR 118(19):1042 17.013 Carbyn, L. N. 1982. Coyote population fluctuations and spatial distribution in relation to wolf territories in Riding Mountain National Park, Manitoba. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 96:176-183. BA 75:79238 WR 187:83 ZR 119(19):1235 17.014 Crete, M. and F. Messier. 1987. Evaluation of indices of gray wolf (Canis lupus) density in hardwood-conifer forests in southwestern Quebec. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 101:147-152. BA 85:46257 WR 208:79 ZR 124(19):1903 17.015 de Crombrugqhe, S. 1976. Population dynamics and management of large mammals in Hertogenwold. Pages 167-195 in Problemes Lies a l'Etude et a Ia Gestion de Ia Faune des Hautes-Fagnes et de Ia Haute-Arenne (J. C. Ruwet, ed.). France. [in French] ZR 113(19) 39 17.016 Fedyk, S., Z. Gebczynksa, M. Pucek, J. Raczynski, and M. D. Sikorski. 1984. Winter penetration by mammals of different habitats in the Biebraza Valley, Poland. Acta Theriolgica, 29(26-36):317-336. BA 80:2973017.017 Fritts, S. H. 1983. Record dispersal by a wolf from Minnesota. Journal of Mammalolgy, 64:166-167. BI 27:29702 WR 189:75 ZR 120(19):2676 17.018 Fritts, S. H., W. J. Paul, and L. D. Mech. 1984. Movements of translocated wolves in Minnesota. Journal of Wildlife Management, 48:709-721. BA 79:39246 WR 195:127 ZR 121(19):2456 17.019 Fuller, T. K. and L. B. Keith. 1981. Non-overlapping ranges of coyotes and wolves in northeastern Alberta. Journal of Mammaloqy, 62:403-405. BI 21:46247 WR 182:70 ZR 118(19):2133 17.020 Gurskii, I. G. 1978. Wolf habitat region and characteristics of its use in northwest Prichernomorye. Pages 123-124 in Conqress of the All-Union Theriological Society, 2nd (P. A. Panteleev, et. al., eds.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 116(19):2770 17.021 Harrington, F. H. 1984. To howl or not to howl? How wolves keep their distance. Pages 60-61 in The Encyclopedia of Mammals (D. Macdonald, ed.). Facts On File Publications, New York. 17.022 Harrington, F. H. and L. D. Mech. 1982. Fall and winter homesite use by wolves in northeastern Minnesota. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 96:79-84. BA 75:47447 WR 187:84 ZR 119(19):312817.023 Harrington, F. H. and L. D. Mech. 1982. Patterns of homesite attendance in two Minnesota wolf packs. Pages 81-105 in Wolves of the World: Perspectives of Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation (F. H. Harrington and P. C. Paquet, eds.). Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ. WR 201:92 ZR 119(19):3130 17.024 Harrington, F. H. and L. D. Mech. 1983. Wolf pack spacing: Howling as a territory-independent spacing mechanism in a territorial population. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 12:161-168. WR 190:69 PA 71:5929 ZR 120(19):3339 17.025 Henshaw, R. E. and R. O. Stephenson. 1974. Homing in the gray wolf (Canus lupus). Journal of Mammology, 55:234-237. BA 59:41063 WR 152:35 ZR 111(19):66 17.026 Hosek, E. 1976. Population density in Czechoslovakia. Casopis Slezskeho Muzea Opave, 25:1-10. [in Czech] ZR 113(19):78 17.027 James, D. D. 1984. Home range dynmaics of wolf packs on winter range of the western Arctic caribou herd; final report. Alaska Division of Game, Juneau, AK. SP 75:18680 ZR 121(19):3604 17.028 Keith, L. B. 1983. Population dynamics of wolves. Pages 66-77 in Wolves in Canada and Alaska; Canadian Wildlife Service Report Series, no. 45 (L. N. Carbyn, ed.). Canadian Wildlife Service, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. WR 201:93 ZR 120(19):416917.029 King, G. E. 1975. Socioterritorial units among carnivores and early hominids. Journal of Anthropological Research, 31:69-87. ZR 114(19):117 17.030 Kostyrina, T. V. 1980. Periodicity of forest fire occurence and its connection with wolf numbers. Lesovedenie, 5:97-102. [in Russian; English and Russian summaries] BA 72:73131 17.031 Kozlovskii, I. S. and A. R. Volkov. 1984. Material on the establishment of dens by wolves in the Taiga pre-Urals region. Pages 6-8 in Problems of Hunting, Reproduction and Conservation of Commercial Game Mammals and Birds (V. V. Tyulin and V. S. Zernov, eds.). Perm Agricultural Institute, Perm, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):4765 17.032 Lawhead, B. E. 1983. Wolf den site characteristics in the Nelchina Basin, Alaska. M. S. Thesis. University of Alaska. WR 208:80 17.033 Mech, L. D. 1972. Spacing and possible mechanisms of population regulation in wolves. American Zoologist, 12(4):642. [abstract only] BI 73:43403 17.034 Mech, L. D. 1972. Spacing in wolf population. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America, 53(2):19. [abstract only] ZR 110(19):11917.035 Mech, L. D. 1977. Wolf-pack buffer zones as prey reservoirs. Science, 198: 320-321. BA 65:19979 WR 168:53 ZR 114(19):147 17.036 Mech, L. D., D. K. Dawson, J. M. Peek, and M. Korb. 1980. Deer (0docoileus virginianus) distribution in relation to wolf (Canis lupus) pack territory. Journal of Wildlife Management, 44:253-258. BI 18:54600 17.037 Messier, F. 1985. Social organization, spatial distribution, and population density of wolves in relation to moose density. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 63:1068-1077. BA 80:57151 WR 199:118 ZR 122(19):5037 17.038 Miller, F. L. and R. H. Russell. 1977. Unreliability of strip aerial surveys for estimating number of wolves on western Queen Elizabeth Islands, Northwest Territories. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 91:77-81. BA 78:014047 WR 166:70 ZR 114(19):150 17.039 Parker, G. R. 1973. Distribution and densities of wolves within barren-ground caribou range in northern mainland Cananda. Journal of Mammalogy, 54:341-348. BA 56:59502 WR 149:49 ZR 110(19):137 17.040 Peters, R. 1979. Mental maps in wolf territoriality. Pages 119-152 in The Behavior and Ecology of Wolves (E. Klinghammer, ed.). Garland STPM Press, New York. ZR 116(19):510617.041 Pulliainen, E. 1978. Movements of the larger predators in the Kuusamo area, 1968-1976. Acta Universitatis Ouluensis, A. Biologica, 68(4):121-127. [in Finnish; English summary] WR 181:62 ZR 116(19):5316 17.042 Pulliainen, E. 1985. The expansion mechanism of the wolf (Canis lupus) in northern Europe. Revue d'Ecologie Ia Terre et Ia Vie, 40:157-162. BI 30:6459 WR 199:182 ZR 122(19):6033 17.043 Ream, R. R. and R. B. Harris. 1985. Wolf movements in southern Alberta. Pages 405-409 in National Geographic Society Research Reports, vol. 21 (W. Swanson, ed.). National Geographic Society, Washington. WR 201:96 17.044 Ream, R. R., R. B. Harris, J. Smith, and D. Boyd. 1985. Movement patterns of a lone wolf, Canis lupus, in unoccupied wolf range, southeastern British Columbia. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 99:234-239. BA 81:2601 WR 199:182 ZR 122(19):6168 17.045 Reimers, N. F. and D. I. Bibikov. 1985. Range and its modification. Pages 51-63 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19) 719517.046 Rogers, L. L., L. D. Mech, D. K. Dawson, J. M. Peek, and M. Korb. 1980. Deer distribution in relation to wolf pack territory edges. Journal of Wildlife Management, 44:253-258. WR 180:89 ZR 117(19):556 17.047 Shaw, J. H. 1979. Movements of the red wolf (Canis rufus). Pages 501-524 in The Behavior and Ecology of Wolves (E. Klinghammer, ed.). Garland STPM Press, New York. ZR 116(19):5940 17.048 Smith, C. A. 1987. Wolf-deer-habitat relationships in southeast Alaska; research final report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Game, Juneau, AK. OCLC SP 78:21528 17.049 Smith, C. A. 1986. Wolf-deer-habitat relationships in southeast Alaska; progress report. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Game, Juneau, AK. OCLC SP 77:17666 17.050 Stephenson, R. O. 1974. Big game investigation. Characteristics of wolf den sites; final report. Alaska Division of Game, Juneau, AK. SP 66:3124 ZR 115(19):6271 17.051 Stephenson, R. O. 1975. Big game investigation. Characteristics of exploited wolf populations. Project Progress Report, vol. 14. Alaska Division of Game, Juneau, AK. ZR 116(19):6274 17.052 Stephenson, R. O. 1978. Big game investigation. Characteristics of exploited wolf populations; final report. Alaska Division of Game, Juneau, AK. SP 69:10797 ZR 116(19):6272 17.053 Thiel, R. P. 1985. Relationship between road densities and wolf, Canis lupus, habitat suitability in Wisconsin. American Midland Naturalist, 113:404-407. BI 29:46676 ZR 122(19):7522 17.054 Van Ballenberghe, V. 1981. Population dynamics of wolves in the Nelchina Basin, southcentral Alaska. Pages 1246-1258 in Worldwide Furbearer Conference Proceedings (J. A. Chapman and D. Pursley, eds.). Worldwide Furbearer Conference, Inc., Frostburg, MD. WR 200:134 ZR 118(19):6447 17.055 Van Ballenberghe, V. 1983. Extraterritorial moverments and dispersal of wolves in southcentral Alaska. Journal of Mammalogy, 64:168-171. BI 27:29703 WR 189:77 ZR 120(19):8399 17.056 Van Camp, J. and R. Gluckie. 1979. A record long-distance move by a wolf (Canis lupus). Journal of Mammalogy, 60:236. BI 17:59177 WR 173:96 ZR 116(19):6707 17.057 Zimen, E. 1974. Social factors regulating pack size and natality rates in wolves. Page 165 in Transactions of the XI International Congress of Game Biologists (I. Kjerner and P. Bjurholm, eds.). Liber Distribution, Vallingby, Sweden. [abstract only] WR 164:43 ZR 112(19):245 17.058 Zimen, E. 1976. On the regulation of pack size in wolves. Zeitschrift fuer Tierpsychologie, 40:300-341. BA 62:53856 PA 61:412 WR 161:42 ZR 113(19):188
see also the following entries: 1.023, 2.008, 2.009, 3.005a, 3.006, 3.007, 3.015a, 3.016, 3.030, 4.001, 4.002, 4.003, 4.005, 4.008, 4.019, 4.020, 4.021, 4.022, 4.023, 4.024, 4.026, 4.027, 4.032, 4.037, 4.041, 4.042, 4.043, 4.053, 4.060, 4.063, 4.065, 4.067, 4.074, 4.078, 4.080, 4.090, 4.094, 4.096, 4.097, 4.101, 4.102, 4.118, 4.119, 4.121, 4.122, 4.129, 4.132, 4.133, 4.140, 4.141, 4.142, 4.143, 4.150, 4.151, 4.152, 5.001, 6.002, 7.006, 7.014, 7.020, 7.021, 7.026, 7.029, 7.030, 7.034, 7.037, 7.042, 7.055, 7.056, 7.057, 7.069, 7.081, 7.082, 7.083, 7.085, 7.086, 7.087, 7.090, 7.091, 7.092, 7.093, 7.095, 7.096, 7.097, 7.098, 7.100, 7.119, 7.121, 7.122, 8.037, 12.018, 13.005, 13.006, 13.010, 13.017, 14.013, 14.059, 14.075, 15.007, 15.011, 15.022, 15.036, 15.040, 15.051, 16.018, 18.008, 18.016, 18.047, 18.065, 18.070, 18.091, 18.131, 18.133, 18.136, 18.166, 18.208, 18.219, 21.037, 21.127, 21.154, 21.155, 21.167, 21.201, 21.228