4.001 Burton, R. 1979. Wolf (Canis lupus). Pages 51-56 in Carnivores of Europe. B. T. Batsford, London.4.002 Olsen, L. H. 1977. Wolves in Europe. Naturens Verden, 2:71-78. [in Danish] ZR 120(19):60554.003 0rthwein, L. 1982. The presence of wolves (Canis lupus) in central Europe following World War II. Zeitschrift fuer Angewandte Zoologie, 69:1-18. [in German; English and German summaries] BA 75:78442 ZR 119(19):55974.004 Pimlott, D. H. 1975. The wolf in Europe in 1973. Pages 17-27 in Wolves; IUCN Publications, suppl. no. 43 (0. H. Pimlott, ed.). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Morges, Switzerland. ZR 116(19):51634.005 Pulliainen, E. 1982. Behavior and structure of an expanding wolf population in Karelia, northern Europe. Page 134-145 in Wolves of the World: Perspectives of Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation (F. H. Harrington and P. C. Paquet, eds.). Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ. WR 201:95 ZR 119(19):5965see also the following entries: 11.017, 11.060, 11.082, 21.004, 21.041, 21.091, 21.068, 21.171, 21.213, 21.220, 21.228
4.006 Kofler, A. 1979. On the distribution of wild mammals (Mammalia) in the East Tyrol. Carinthia II, 169/89:205-250. [in German] LIFE
4.007 de Vuyst-Hendrix, L. M. 1977. The chase and the wolf-hunt. Parcs NatureIs et Nationaux, 32(3) 127-138. [in French] ZR 114(19):53
see the following entries: 12.047, 12.105
4.008 Anonymous. 1975. Status, distribution and problem of protecting wolves in Slovakia. Pages 62-72 in Wolves; IUCN Publications suppl. no. 43 (D. H. Pimlott, ed.). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Morges, Switzerland. ZR 116(19):60774.009 Hell, P. 1974. Canis lupus lupus in Czechoslovakia. Lynx, 16:12-19. [in Czech; German summary] ZR 112(19):924.010 Strych, V. 1973. Carnivores in Czechoslovakia. Animals, 16(2):80-82. BI 74:61563see also the following entries: 9.039, 11.043, 11.052, 16.030, 17.026, 18.024, 18.034, 21.098, 21.210, 21.211
see the following entries: 11.004, 11.024, 11.048, 11.076
4.011 Fougeyrollas, C-A. 1970. The wolf in Brittany. Penn Ar Bed, 7(58) 121-128. [in French] BA 51:35677 WR 143:39see also the following entries: 11.005, 11.009, 11.016, 11.028, 11.029, 11.056, 21.061, 21.089
4.012 Feldman, R. and H. O. Rehage. 1984. The Westphalia mammal. Wolf - Canis lupus Linnaeus, 1758. Abhandlungen Westfaelisches Provinzial Museum fuer Naturkunde, 46(4):269-271. [in German] ZR 121(19):22534.013 Ullrich, M. 1979. Wolf 2. Archiv finer Naturschutz und Landschaftforschung, 19(4):271-278. [in German] ZR 116(19):6672see also the following: 11.071, 11.081, 12.015
4.014 Anonymous. 1975. The kill of wolves in Greece, 1969-1972. Pages 81-82 in Wolves; IUCN Publications, suppl. no. 43 (D. H. Pimlott, ed.). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Morges, Switzerland. ZR 116(19):5887
4.015 Demeter, A. 1984. Recent records of rare or non-resident carnivores in Hungary. Vertebrata Hungarica, 22:65-71. ZR 121(19):18034.016 Nechay, G. 1987. Uninvited visitors. New species for our fauna. Buvar, 42(8) 45-47. [in Hungarian] ZR 124(19):6589see also the following entries: 11.058, 12.060
4.017 Anonymous. 1977. Italy forbids the killing of wolves. Levende Natuur 80(5):120. [in Dutch] ZR 114(19):2404.018 Boitani, L. 1978. Wolf survival in Italy: Perspectives, suitable areas and management techniques. Page 90 in Congressus Theriologicus Internationalis, 2nd. (R. Obrtel, C. Folk, and J. Pellantova, eds.). Institute of Vertebrate Zoology, Brno, Czechoslovakia. [abstract only] WR 173:93 ZR 115(19):6944.019 Boitani, L. 1982. Wolf management in intensively used areas of Italy. Pages 158-172 in Wolves of the World: Perspectives of Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation (F. H. Harrington and P. C. Paquet, eds.). Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ. WR 201:91 ZR 119(19):9024.020 Boitani, L. 1983. Wolf and dog competition in Italy. Pages 259-264 in Acta Zoo1ogica Fennica, no. 174 (E. Pulliainen and S. Sulkava, eds.). Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, Helsinki, Finland. WR 193:97 ZR 120(19):8974.021 Boitani, L. and E. Zimen. 1975. Status of the wolf in Italy. Pages 73-78 in Wolves; IUCN Publications, suppl. no. 43 (D. H. Pimlott, ed.). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Morges, Switzerland. ZR 116(19) 9484.022 Boscagli, G. 1984. Observing without disturbing . . wolves. Naturopa, 48:24. [in Italian; English summary] ZR 121(19) 9124.023 Boscagli, G. 1985. Present distribution range and status of the wolf (Canis lupus L., 1758) in Italy. Natura (Milan), 76:77-93. [in Italian; English summary] BI 32:62052 ZR 123(19):10914.024 Cagnolaro, L, 0. Russo, M. Spagnesi, and B. Venturi. 1974. Investigation upon the distribution of wolves Canis lupus in Italy and in the Cantons of Tessin and Grison (Switzerland). Ricerche di Biologia della Selvaggina, no. 59. Laboratorio di Zoolgia Applicata Alla Caccia, Bologna. [in Italian; English, French, and German summaries] WR 157:26 ZR 112(19):344.025 Contoli, L. 1977. Mammals of Tolfetano-Cerite (Lazio). Problemi Attuali di Scienza e di Cultura, 227:191-226. ZR 117(19):14104.026 Macdonald, 0. W., L. Boitani, and P. Barrasso. 1980. Foxes (Vulpes vulpes), wolves (Canis lupus), and conservation in Abruzzo Mountains, Italy. Pages 223-236 in Biogeographica, vol. 18 (E. Zimen, ed.). Dr. W. Junk Bv Publishers, The Hague, Netherlands. BI 21:35651 ZR 119(19) 46904.027 Pandolfi, M. 1983. Data on the presence of wolf in the central and northern Appennines. Natura & Montagna, 30(4) 15-19. [in Italian] ZR 120(19):61804.028 Pedrotti, F. 1981. Torricchio nature reserve, 1977 to 1981. Ricerche Riserva Naturale di Torricchio, 4:3-21. [in Italian; English summary] ZR 120(19):62694.029 Silvestri, A. 1985. Investigations concerning carnivorous mammals of Romagna (northern Italy). Natura (Milan), 76:72-76. [in Italian; English summary] BI 32:62056 ZR 123(19):80164.030 Tassi, F. 1971. Biogeography and conservation problems in Abruzzo National Park. Lavori della Societas Italiani Biogeografi (N. S.), 2:673-696. [in Italian] ZR 113(19):1664.031 Tassi, F. 1977. Status of the wolf. Natura Montagna, 24:1-4. [in Italian] ZR 115(19):59064.032 Zimen, E. 1981. Italian wolves. Natural History, 90(2):66-81 WR 190:71 ZR 118(19) 70254.033 Zimen, E. and L. Boitani. 1975. Number and distribution of wolves in Italy. Zeitschrift fuer Saeugetierkunde, 40(2):102-112. BA 60:36598 ZR 112(19):245see also the following entries: 1.011, 9.003, 11.018, 12.007, 12.008, 18.004, 21.045, 21.046, 21.225, 21.227, 21.228
4.034 Bekker, J. P. 1986. The supposed wolf of Helvoirt. Lutra, 29:188-194. [in Dutch; English and French summaries] ZR 123(19):7834.035 Van Wikngaarden, A. 1975. The Dutch carnivores. Wetenschappelijke Mededelingen K.N.N.V, 106:1-28. [in Dutch; English summary] BA 60:12807
4.036 Anonymous. 1981. Bison, wolves and seals in Poland. Oryx, 16(2):138 ZR 118(19):654.037 Herz, L. 1986. The wolves observed in the Tatra National Park. Chronmy Przyrode Ojczsta, 42(6):52-55. [in Polish] ZR 124(19):38954.038 Klarowski, R. 1973. Endangered species in Poland. Chronmy Przyrode Ojczsta, 29(6):66-67. [in Polish] ZR 111(19): 834.039 Pastawski, T. 1977. Report on the distributional status. Pages 363-369 in Beitraege zur Jagd- und Wildforschung, 10th. Deutsche Akademie der Landwirtschaftwissenschaften, Berlin. [in German] ZR 114(19):1704.040 Suminski, P. 1975. The wolf in Poland. Pages 44-52 in Wolves; IUCN Publications, suppl. no. 43 (D. H. Pimlott, ed.). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Morges, Switzerland. ZR 116(19):63634.041 Surdacki, S. 1977. Changes in the occurrence and number of some mammals species on the area of the former Lubin Voivodeship (Poland) in the 19th and 20th centuries. Annales Universitatis Marie Curie-Sklodowska. Section B. Geographia, Geologia, Mineralogia, et Perographia, 32/33:315-335. [in Polish; English and Russian summaries] ZR 118(19):61474.042 Trokowicz, L. 1980. Wolf tract in the Biebrza River Valley, Poland. Przeglad Zoologiczny, 24:137-145. [in Polish; English summary] BA 71:1866 ZR 117(19):6591see also the following entries: 8.008, 9.035, 11.053, 12.089, 17.016, 18.164, 18.210, 21.139, 21.196
4.043 Flower, E. 1971. Wolves in Portugal (1933-1957). Direccao-Geral dos Servicus Florestais e Aguicolas. Secretaria de Estdo da Agricultura, Alcobaca, Portugal. [in Portuguese and English] WR 148:49 ZR 109(19):534.044 Paixao Magalhaes, C. 1975. Studies of the wolf (Canis lupus signatus/cabrera) in Portugal. Transactions of the XII International Congress of Game Biologists. Lisbon, Portugal. [in Portuguese] WR 164:424.045 Van Haaften, J. L. 1984. Wolf investigations in Portugal. Lutra, 27:209-211. [in Dutch] BI:83:100 WR 195:131 ZR 121(19):7746see also the following entries: 4.080, 12.035, 18.168, 21.022, 21.027, 21.060
4.046 Anonymous. 1975. Data on the situation of the wolf in Romania. Pages 79-80 in Wolves; IUCN Publications, suppl. no. 43 (D. H. Pimlott, ed.). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Morges, Switzerland. ZR 116(19):14524.047 Filipascu, A. 1977. The wolf, "the beast of the other foggy coast." Ocrotirea Naturii, 21(2) 117-121. [in Romanian; French summary] ZR 117(19):21874.048 Hochstrasser, G. 1974. On the recently exterminated permanent wolf, Canis lupus SSP., of the Danube delta. Saeugetierkundliche Mitteilungen, 22:109-112. [in German; English summary] BA 59:13051 WR 157:26 ZR 111(19):684.049 Murariu, D. 1976. The class mammalia in the fauna of the northeast of the Romanian plain between the Siret, Danube, and Ialomita rivers. Travaux du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle "Gregore Antipa", 17:237-244. [in French; English, Romanian, and Russian summaries] BA 63:19230see also the following entries: 11.078, 11.079, 18.002
SCANDINAVIA (Denmark, Finland, Norway, and Sweden)
4.050 Bjarvall, A. 1979. Numbers and estimation of numbers of large carnivores in Sweden. Viltrapport, 9:45-49. [in Swedish] ZR 121(19):7874.051 Bjarvall, A. 1979. Continuous censuses of large carnivores in Sweden - methods and field application. Viltrapport, 9:70-74. [in Swedish] ZR 121(19):7884.052 Bjarvall, A. 1983. Scandinavia's response to a natural repopulation of wolves. Pages 273-275 in Acta Zoologica Fennica, no. 174 (E. Pulliainen and S. Sulkava, eds.). Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, Helsinki, Finland. WR 193:97 ZR 120(19):8264.053 Bjarvall, A. and E. Isakson. 1982. Winter ecology of a pack of three wolves in northern Sweden. Pages 146-157 in Wolves of the World: Perspectives of Behavior, Ecology, and Conservation (F. H. Harrington and P. C. Paquet, eds.). Noyes Publications, Park Ridge, NJ. WR 201:90 ZR 119(19):8394.054 Bohlin, J. 1982. Mountains - an area for Lapps which has many cultural traditions. Sveriges Natur, 73:119-123. [in Swedish] ZR 123(19):10274.055 Forsberg, S. 1978. Helicopter pursuit of a wolf, 1977. Fauna och Flora, 73:48. [in Swedish] ZR 115(19):19544.056 Geijer, M. 1985. Wolves in Veum. Fauna och Flora, 80:5-10. [in Swedish; English summary] BA 50:48348 ZR 122(19):2527 4.057 Gertychowa, R. 1979. The problem of the wolf. Chronmy Przyrode Ojczsta, 35(2):74-76. [in Polish] (FIN) ZR 116(19):2506 4.058 Haglund, B. 1970. History and status of the wolf in Scandinavia. Pages 28-31 in Proceedings of a Symposium on Wolf Management in Selected areas of North America (S. E. Jorgensen, C. E. Faulkner, and L. D. Mech, eds.). U.S. Department of the Interior, Region 3 Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, Twin Cities, MN. WR 140:76 4.059 Haglund, B. 1975. The wolf in Fennoscandia. Pages 36-43 in Wolves; IUCN Publications, suppl. no. 43 (D. H. Pimlott, ed.). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Morges, Switzerland. ZR 116(19):2799 4.060 Heggberget, T. M. and S. Myrberget. 1979. The status of bears, wolverines, wolves, and lynxes in Norway during the 1970s. Viltrapport, 9:37-45. [in Norwegian; English summary] ZR 121(19):3172 4.061 Myrberget, 5. 1969. The status of the wolf in Fennoscandia. Naturens Verden, 356-363. [in Danish] WR 143:40 ZR 106(19):122 4.062 Myrberget, 5. 1970. The Norwegian population of wolf, Canis lupus (L.). Meddelelser Fra Statens Viltunderokelser, (ser. 2) 32:1-17. [in Norwegian; English summary] BA 51:47309 WR 139:47 ZR 106(19):122 4.063 Nyholm, E. S. 1979. Reference to large carnivores in Finland in the years 1977-1978. Viltrapport, 9:50-59. [in Swedish; English summary] ZR 121(19):5563 4.064 Pulliainen, E. 1979. Ecology of the wolf in settled areas of Finland. Pages 84-92 in The Behavior and Ecology of Wolves (E. Klinghammer, ed.). Garland STPM Press, New York. ZR 116(19):5317 4.065 Pulliainen, E. 1979. Experiences of assessing populations of large predators in Finland. Viltrapport, 9:60-70. [in Swedish; English summary] WR 181:62 ZR 121(19):6064 4.066 Pulliainen, E. 1980. The status, structure and behavior of populations of the wolf (Canis 1. lupus L.) along the Fenno-Soviet border. Annales Zoologici Fennici, 17(2):102-112. BA 71:8448 WR 182:71 ZR 117(19):5307 4.067 Rasmussen, A. M. 1986. Northern large carnivores. Natur og Museum (Arhus), 25(2):2-31. [in Danish] ZR 123(19):7106 4.068 Segnestam, M. 1982. Wolves in Sweden. Sveriges Natur, 73(1):9. [in Swedish] ZR 120(19):7314 4.069 Segnestam, M. 1984. The wolf in Varmland. Sveriges Natur, 75(2):10. [in Swedish] ZR 112(19):6767 4.070 Sorensen, O. J., I. Mysterud, T. Kvam. 1984. Central registration of large carnivores in Norway. Viltrapport, 30:1-158. [in Norwegian; English summary] WR 198:85 4.071 Sorensen, 0. J., I. Mysterud, T. Kvam. 1984. Central registration of large carnivores in Norway. Pages 213-214 Acta Zoologica Fennica, no. 172 (O. Jaervinen, ed.). Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, Helsinki, Finland. WR 198:86 ZR 122(19):7144 4.072 Wabakken, P., T. Kvam, and 0. J. Sorensen. 1984. Wolves Canis lupus in southeastern Norway. Fauna Norvegica, Series A, 5(5):50-52. BA 80:2589 WR 204:75 ZR 121(19):7929 4.073 Wabakken, P., 0. J Sorensen, and T. Kvam. 1983. Wolves (Canis lupus) in southeastern Norway. Page 277 in Acta Zoologica Fennica, no. 174 (E. Pulliainen and S. Sulkava, eds.). Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, Helsinki, Finland. WR 193:102 ZR 120(19):8582 4.074 Wikan, S. and I. Mysterud. 1983. The wolf (Canis lupus L.) in South Varanger, Finnmark in the winter of 1981-82. Fauna (Oslo), 36:1-14. [in Norwegian; English summary] BA 77:25356 WR 195:130 ZR 120(19):8831 4.075 Zimen, E. 1975. Wolves in Sweden. Sveriges Natur, 66:163-173. [in Swedish] ZR 114(19):250see also the following entries: 4.112, 11.001, 11.006, 11.013, 11.015, 12.046, 12.048, 12.098, 17.041, 17.042, 18.018, 18.019, 18.085, 18.151, 18.152, 18.162, 18.179, 18.180, 18.209, 18.229, 21.026, 21.101, 21.136, 21.137, 21.138, 21.143, 21.149, 21.152, 21.160, 21.161, 21.172, 21.179, 21.186, 21.190, 21.194, 21.208, 21.217
4.076 Whitaker, I. 1986. The survival of feral reindeer in northern Scotland. Archives of Natural History, 13:11-18. ZR 123(19):9323
4.077 Aparicio, E. V. 1972. Wolf distribution in Spain. Vida Silvestre, 2(1):11-17. [in Spanish] ZR 112(19):11 4.078 Barcena, F. 1976. Census of wolf litters in the northern half of the Lingo Province in 1975 and some data on wolf population. Boletin de Ia Estacion Central de Ecologia, 5(9) 45-54. [in Spanish; English summary] BI 14:31534 ZR 114(19):18 4.079 Fernandez, J and J Real. 1985. Historical evolution of Canis lupus at Valles. Pages 191-192 in The Natural Environment of Valles (J Fernandez, J. Gilbert, J. Miralles, M. Real, and M. Tortosa, eds.). [in Catalan] WR 203:108 4.080 Grande del Brio, R. 1984. El lobo Iberico: Biologia y mitologia. Hermann Blume, Madrid, Spain. [in Spanish] RLIN ZR 122(19):2743 4.081 Hidalgo, A. and Valverde, J. A. 1975. Age classes of the Spanish wolf. Transactions of the XII International Congress of Game Biologists. Lisbon, Portugal. [in Spanish] WR 164:41 4.082 R, F. H. 1975. Endangered species. Montes, 28(164) 179-180. [in Spanish] ZR 112(19):179 4.083 Telleria, J. L. and C. Saez-Royuela. 1984. The large mammals of central Spain. An introductory view. Mammal Review, 14(2):5l-56. ZR 121(19):7472see also the following entries: 18.182, 18.185, 18.190, 21.027, 21.123, 21.182
4.084 von Lehmann, E. 1974. Wolf record in Switzerland. Jahresbericht der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft Graubundens, 25:132-158. [in German] ZR 111(19):163see also the following entry: 4.024
4.087 Agadzhanyan, F. S. 1981. Transcaucasian wolf (Canis lupus haiatanicus Dahl) population in the Armenian-SSR (USSR) and the necessity to control it. Biologicheskii Zhurnal Armenii, 34:1235-1238. [in Russian; English summary] BA 75:32899 ZR 118(1):138 4.088 Baratashvili, T. K. 1983. Some aspects of behavior of wolves in the Georgian- SSR (USSR). Pages 195-197 in Applied Ethology; Proceedings of the 3rd All-Union Conference on Animal Behavior, vol. 3 (L. M. Baskin, ed.). Izdatel'stvo Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] BI 29:6020 4.089 Baratashvili, T. K. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different regions. Georgia, Armenia. Pages 497-501 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):635 4.090 Bibikov, D. I. (ed.). 1985. The wolf. History, systematics, morphology, ecology. Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] (each chapter is entered separately in this bibliography) ZR 123(19): 932 4.091 Bibikov, D. I. and K. P. Filonov. 1980. The wolf in the nature reserves of the USSR. Priroda (Moscow), 1980:80-87. [in Russian] ZR 117(19):755 4.092 Bibikov, D. I., E. I. Gromov, and A. N. Filimonov. 1978. Experimental wolf census around Moscow. Pages 91-92 in Plant and Animal Life in Moscow and its Environs (T. N. Dunaeva, Yu. A. Isakov, N. S. Kazanskaya, and V. N. Tikhomirov, eds.). Moscow University, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 115(19):637 4.093 Bibikov, D I., G. I. Ishunin, and V. I. Taryannikov. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. Uzbekistan. Pages 504-507 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):930 4.094 Bibikov, D. I., A. N. Kudaktin, and L. S. Ryabov. 1985. Synanthropic wolves: Distribution, ecology. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 64:429-441. [in Russian; English summary] WR 198:86 ZR 122(19):708 4.095 Bibikov, D. I., N. G. Ovsyannikov, and A. N. Filimonov. 1983. The status and management of the wolf population in the USSR. Pages 269-271 in Acta Zoologica Fennica, no. 174 (E. Pulliainen and S. Sulkava, eds.). Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica, Helsinki, Finland. WR 193:97 ZR 120(19):793 4.096 Bibikov, D. I., S. G. Priklonsky, and A. N. Filimonov. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different regions. USSR. Pages 452-466 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):927 4.097 Bondarev, A. Ya. 1983. On the characteristics of wolf reproduction in the Altai and south-western Siberia. Pages 78-91 in Quantitative Methods in the Ecology of Vertebrates (A. V. Pokrovskii, ed.'). Urals Scientific Centre, Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 124(19):1074 4.098 Bondarev, A. Ya. and G. G. Sobansky. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. Altai. Pages 522-529 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. 8ibikov, ed.) Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):1045 4.099 Bondarev, A. Ya. and B. S. Yudin. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. West Siberia. Pages 519-522 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):1046 4.100 Burgelo, T. B. 1983. On the ecology of the wolf in Talasskij Alatau. Pages 13-14 in Ecology of Mountain Mammals (F. V. Kryazhimskij and A. G. Vasilev, eds.). Urals Scientific Centre, Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 124(19):1342 4.101 Danilov, P. I., 0. S. Rusakov, and I. L. Tuanov. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different regions. North-west. Pages 479-482 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):1971 4.102 Fedosenko, A. K. 1986. Wolves. Kainar, Alma-Ata, USSR. [in Russian] 0CLC ZR 124(19):2727 4.103 Fedosenko, A. K., V. A. Fadeyev, and A. N. Filimonov. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. Kazakhstan. Pages 513-519 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):2635 4.104 Fedosenko, A. K., V. A. Zhiryakov, and Yu. A. Grachev. 1978. Ecology and behavior of wolves in the northern Tien-Shan and the Dzungarian Alatau. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii, 83(3):5-18. [in Russian; English summary] BA 67:21115 ZR 115(19):1831 4.105 Gidayotov, Yin. H. 1970. On the ecology of Canis lupus in Azerbaidjan. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Azerbaidzhanskoi SSR, 1970:50-56. [in Russian; Azerbaidjan summary] ZR 107(19):56 4.106 Gorbunov, A. V. 1980. Some mammals of the northwestern Turkmen-SSR (USSR) and southern Ustyurt Kazakh-SSR (USSR). Izvestia Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR, Seriya Biologicheskikh Nauk, 6:64-66. [in Russian] BI 22:6796 4.107 Gorbunov, A. V. 1986. Watering-places of ungulates and predatous mammals in the northwestern Turkmenia. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii, 91(1):17-24. [in Russian; English summary] ZR 123(19):3215 4.108 Gurskii, I. G. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode and existence in different regions. Ukraine and Moldavia. Pages 487-493 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):3392 4.109 lshadov, N. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. Turkmenistan. Pages 503-504 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):4094 4.110 Kaal, M. 1982. The wolf in Estonia. Eesti Loodus, 25(10):633-640. ZR 119(19):3805 4.111 Kaletskaya, M. L. and K. P. Filonov. 1987. Pack characteristics of wolf (Canis lupus) in Darwin Reserve. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 66:1230-1238. [in Russian; English summary] BA 85:45892 ZR 124(19):4531 4.112 Karavayeva, V. I. and D. I. Bibikov. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different regions. Countries conterminous to the USSR. Pages 447-452 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.) Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):4384 4.113 Kolk, A. and K. Kiisk. 1983. About our wolves. Eesti Loodus, 26(8): 514-520,543. [in Estonian; English and Russian summaries] ZR 120(19):4397 4.114 Kovalev, A. K. 1973. The numbers of game animvals in the snowy winter of 1968/69 on the southeastern slope of the Surkhleu Ridge in Tadzhikistan. Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR Otdelenie Biologicheskikh Nauk, 4:65-67. [in Russian; Tadzhik summary] ZR 110(19):99 4.115 Kovalev, A. K. 1974. Count of the abundance of game animals at game management stations in the Tadzhik SSR (USSR). Izvestiya Akademii Nauk Tadzhikskoi SSR Otdelenie Biologicheskikh Nauk, 1:71-75. [in Russian] BA 59:30707 4.116 Kozlo, P. G. and E. B. Banad. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different regions. Byelorussia. Pages 483-487 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):4760 4.117 Kucherenko, S. P. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. South far east. Pages 543-546 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):4856 4.118 Kudakatin, A. N. 1979. Territorial distribution and structure of the wolf population of the Caucasian National Forest. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii, 84(2):56-65. [in Russian; English and Russian summaries] BA 68:53118 ZR 116(19):3829 4.119 Kudakatin, A. N. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different regions. North Caucausins. Pages 493-497 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):4858 4.120 Labutin, Yu. V. and V. P. Vshivtsev. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. Yakutia. Pages 539-543 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):4935 4.121 Lavov, M. A. 1972. The wolf and lynx in the hunting reserve of eastern Siberia. Page 415 in Zoological Problems of Siberia (A. I. Cherepanov, S. S. Folitarek, A. A. Maksimov, et. al., eds.). Nauka, Novosibirsk, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 115(19):3493 4.122 Lavov, M. A. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. Krasnoyarsk Territory, Irkutsk and Chita regions. Pages 529-535 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):5021 4.123 Litvinov, V. P. 1981. The wolf (Canis lupus) and wild boar (Sins scrofa) in the Kyzyl-Agach State Reservation (USSR). Zoologischeskii Zhurnal, 60:1588-1591. [in Russian; English summary] BI 23:36701 4.124 Litvinov, V. P. and Yin. Kh. Gidayatov. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. Azerbaijan. Pages 501-503 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):5234 4.125 Makridin, V. P., N. K. Zheleznov, E. I. Gromov, and G. I. Chuvashov. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different regions. North. Pages 467-476 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):5479 4.126 Malanin, A. G. 1984. On the biology of the wolf in Visim reservation. Pages 33-34 in The Species and its Productivity within its Distribution Range. Part 2. Mammals, Birds (V. K. Ryabitsev, ed.). Urals Scientific Centre, Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):5484 4.127 Nazarenko, L. F. and I. G. Gursky. 1970. The wolf (Canis lupus) in the south of the European part of the USSR. Pages 517-522 in Transactions of the IX International Congress of Game Biologists (A. G. Bannikov, ed.). Moscow. [in Russian; English summary] WR 144:56 WR 164:42 4.128 Neganov, V. G. 1982. On the ecology of the wolf on the western slope of the Urals. Pages 82-83 in Ecology of Mountain Mammals (F. V. Kryazhimskij and A. G. Vasilev, eds.). Urals Scientific Centre, Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 124(19):6590 4.129 Neganov, V. G. 1983. Population numbers and distribution of wolves in Perm region. Pages 73-77 in Quantitative Methods in the Ecology of Vertebrates (A. V. Pokrovskii, ed.). Urals Scientific Centre, Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 124(19):6591 4.130 Neganov, V. G. and V. S. Smirnov. 1984. Age, structure, and reproduction of wolf in Kama (Urals) region. Page 37 in The Species and its Productivity within its Distribution Range. Part 2. Mammals, Birds (V. K. Ryabitsev, ed.). Urals Scientific Centre, Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):6234 4.131 Noskov, V. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. Buriatia. Pages 537-538 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):6360 4.132 Osmolovskaya, V. I. 1978. Wolves in Moscow region. Pages 89-90 in Plant and Animal Life in Moscow and its Environs (T. N. Dunaeva, Yu. A. Isakov, N. S. Kazanskaya, and V. N. Tikhomirov, eds.). Moscow University, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 115(19):4483 4.133 Osmolovskaya, V. I. and S. G. Priklonskii. 1975. The central Russian wolf (its distribution, population, and interrelations with humans). Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii, 80:117-130. [in Russian; English summary] BA 61:7114 ZR 112(19):165 4.134 Ovsyanikov, N. G., V. D. Kazmin, E. V. Syroechkovskii, and I. V. Dorogoi. 1984. The wolf in Wrangel Island (USSR). Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii, 89(4):54-63. [in Russian; English and Russian summary] BA 80:2587 ZR 121(19):5696 4.135 Prusaite, A. Ya., M. Kaal, and A. Volf. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different regions. Baltic republics. Pages 476-478 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):6963 4.136 Ramenskii, S. E., I. G. Gurskii, and M. P. Pavlov. 1983. Increase in the sizes of wolves of the same age in the 20th century. Pages 92-102 in Quantitative Methods in the Ecology of Vertebrates (A. V. Pokrovskii, ed.). Urals Scientific Centre, Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 124(19):7502 4.136a Ramenskii, S. E., I. G. Gurskii, and M. P. Pavlov. 1985. Morphology. Increase in size of the wolves of the same age in the 20th century. Pages 261-266 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):7079 4.137 Rukovskii, N. N. and A. G. Kupriyanov. 1973. Some characteristics of distribution and ecology of Canis lupus in the Onega peninsula. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 51:1593-1596. [in Russian; English summary] BA 56:1147 WR 150:45 4.138 Ryabov, L. S. 1973. Wolves in the forrests of the Khoper Basin. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii, 78(3):12-16. [in Russian: English summary] BA 57:18863 WR 152:36 ZR 1I0(19):155 4.139 Ryabov, L. S. 1978. New data on wolves and wolf-dog hybrids in the Voronezh Oblast. Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii, 83(3):39-45. BA 67:20438 4.140 Ryabov, L. S. 1979. Canis lupus in the east of the Voronezh district. Zoologicheskii Zhurnal, 58:564-569. [in Russian, English summary] BA 69:56920 WR 174:85 ZR 116(19):5669 4.141 Ryabov, L. S. 1987. The synanthropy of wolves in the central Chernozem zone, Russian-SFSR (USSR). Byulleten' Moskovskogo Obshchestva Ispytatelei Prirody Otdel Biologicheskii, 92:3-12. [in Russian; English and Russian summaries] BA 84:117194 ZR 124(19):7907 4.142 Smirnov, M. N. and V. V. Shurigin. 1982. The wolf in Tuva ASSR. Pages 108-109 in Ecology of Mountain Mammals (F. V. Kryazhimskii and A. G. Vasilev, eds.). Urals Scientific Centre, Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 124(19):8559 4.143 Smirnov, M. N. and V. V. Shurigin. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. Tuva. Pages 535-537 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):8120 4.144 Smirnov, V. S. and V. K. Garbuzov. 1983. Differences in the sizes of wolves form various regions of the country, depending on the sex and age of the animals. Pages 92-102 in Quantitative Methods in the Ecology of Vertebrates (A. V. Pokrovskii, ed.). Urals Scientific Centre, Academy of Sciences, Sverdlovsk, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 124(19):8564 4.145 Smirnov, V. S. and N. S. Korytin. 1985. Reproduction and population structure. Age, structure and sex ratio. Pages 389-408 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology; Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):8124 4.146 Sokov, A. I. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. Tadzhikistan. Pages 510-513 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):8221 4.147 Tar'annikov, V. I. 1978. The wolf (Canis lupus) in Uzbekistan. Congressus Theriologicus Internationalis, 2nd. (R. Obrtel, C. Folk, and J. Pellantova, eds.). Instutute of Vertebrate Zoology, Brno, Czechoslovakia. [abstract only] WR 173:95 ZR 115(19):5899 4.148 Vereshtchagin, N. K. 1985. Discending and history of the wolf. Pages 11-20 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):9025 4.149 Viires, A. 1969. More from the history of wolf hunting. Eesti Loodus, 12: 474-478. [in Estonian; English and Russian summaries] WR 143:40 4.150 Vyrypaev, V. A. 1985. Numbers and peculiarities of mode of existence in different areas. Kirgizia. Pages 507-510 in The Wolf. History, Systematics, Morphology, Ecology (D. I. Bibikov, ed.). Nauka, Moscow, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 123(19):9133 4.151 Vyrypaev, V. A. and G. G. Vorobev. 1983. The wolf in Kirgizia, an ecological and geographical outline. Ilim, Frunze, USSR. [in Russian] ZR 120(19):8580see also the following entries: 4.074, 8.004, 8.017, 8.027, 8.051, 10.003, 11.010, 11.033, 11.073, 11.074, 11.083, 12.001, 12.006, 12.010, 12.028, 12.038, 12.039, 12.050, 12.051, 12.052, 12.053, 12.073, 12.086, 12.087, 12.091, 12.108, 12.109, 14.050, 14.057, 14.080, 16.007, 16.012, 16.017, 16.018, 16.019, 16.031, 16.040, 16.041, 16.042, 17.002, 17.006, 17.007, 17.008, 17.009, 17.010, 17.020, 17.031, 17.042, 17.045, 18.006, 18.016, 18.048, 18.051, 18.052, 18.054, 18.070, 18.081, 18.105, 18.106, 18.107, 18.108, 18.109, 18.114, 18.115, 18.117, 18.120, 18.137, 18.166, 18.178, 18.187, 18.188, 18.189, 18.222, 18.224, 18.225, 18.226, 18.232, 19.005, 19.006, 19.011, 19.017, 19.025, 19.026, 21.036, 21.037, 21.038, 21.039, 21.040, 21.052, 21.073, 21.074, 21.121, 21.151, 21.183, 21.192
4.152 Bojovic, D. and D. Colic. 1975. Wolves in Yugoslavia with special reference to the period from 1945 to 1973. Pages 53-61 in Wolves; IUCN Publications, suppl. no. 43 (D. H. Pimlott, ed.). International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources, Morges, Switzerland. ZR 116(19):951 4.153 Valentincic, S. 1980. Activity of wolf, bear, and lynx in Yugoslavia. Pages 216-222 in Der Luchs in Europa: Verbretung, Wiedereinburgerung, Rauber-Beute- Beziehung (A. Festetics, ed.). Kilda Verlag, Greven, West Germany. [in German] ZR 119(19):7562see also the following entries: 21.106, 21.207