Schedule of Classes

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  • 0007 | Spring 2025
  • 0008 | Summer 2025
  • 0009 | Fall 2024
  • 0019 | Winter 2025

Options must be in a un-ordered list in the format [file ID] | [display label]

(e.g. the "101" part of AHIS 101)

Mode of Instruction:

Blended classes combine
In-Person class time with
Online instruction.

updated every 30-60 minutes depending on registration activity


Undergraduate Course Descriptions

Graduate Course Descriptions

Review the full schedule of classes (PDF):  Fall  |  Winter  |  Spring  |  Summer


Course Abbreviations

College of Arts and Sciences


Program Identifier Course Prefix Course Description
A AFS Africana Studies
A ANT Anthropology
A ARA Arabic
A ARH Art History
A ATM Atmospheric Science
A BIO Biological Sciences
A CAS Arts & Sciences
A CHM Chemistry
A CLA Classical Archaeology
A CLC Classical Civilizations
A CLG Ancient Greek
A CLL Latin
A COM Communication
A DAN Danish
A DCH Dutch
A DOC Documentary Studies
A EAC Chinese
A EAJ Japanese
A EAK Korean
A EAS East Asian Studies
A ECO Economics
A ENG English
A ENV Environmental Sciences
A FRE French
A GEO Geological Studies
A GER German
A GLO Globalization Studies
A GLS Graduate Liberal Studies
A GOG Geography
A HEB Hebrew
A HIS History
A HST History
A ITA Italian
A JRL Journalism
A JST Judaic Studies
A LLC Languages, Literatures & Cultures
A LCS Latin American and Caribbean Studies
A LIN Linguistics
A MAT Mathematics and Statistics
A MRS Medieval and Renaissance Studies
A MUS Music
A PHI Philosophy
A PHY Physics
A PLN Planning (Graduates Only)
A POL Polish
A POR Portuguese
A PSY Psychology
A REL Religious Studies
A RES Russian and European Studies
A RUS Russian and Slavic Studies
A SOC Sociology
A SPN Spanish
A THR Theatre
A UKR Ukrainian
A USP Urban Studies & Planning (Undergraduates Only)
A WSS Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies
Massry School of Business
Program Identifiers Course Prefix Course Description
B ACC Accounting
B BUS General Business
B CYB Cyber Security
B FIN Finance
B FOR Digital Forensics
B ITM Information Technology Management
B MGT Management
B MKT Marketing
B ORG Organizational Studies
College of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security & Cybersecurity
Program IdentifierCourse PrefixCourse Description
CEHCCollege of Emergency Preparedness, Homeland Security & Cybersecurity
CEMHEmergency Management & Homeland Security
CISTInformation Science
School of Education
Program Identifier Course Prefix Course Description
E CPY Counseling Psychology
E EDU Education
E EPL Educational Policy & Leadership
E LTL Literacy Teaching & Learning
E PHL Philosophy of Education
E PSY Educational Psychology
E SPE Special Education
E SPY School Psychology
E TAP Educational Theory & Practice
International Studies
Program Identifier Course Prefix Course Description
G INS International Studies
College of Integrated Health Sciences
Program IdentifierCourse PrefixCourse Description
HBMSBiomedical Sciences
HEHSEnvironmental Health Sciences
HHPMHealth Policy and Management
HSPHCollege of Integrated Health Sciences
HSTABiometry and Statistics
College of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Program Identifier Course Prefix Course Description
I CSI Computer Science
I ECE Electrical and Computer Engineering
I ESE Environmental and Sustainable Engineering
College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering
Program IdentifierCourse PrefixCourse Description
NNSENanoscale Science and Engineering
NSCINanoscale Science
NENGNanoscale Engineering
IMMEMechanical & Mechatronic Engineering
INENNanoscale Engineering
INSCNanoscale Sciences
INSENanoscale Sciences and Engineering
Educational Opportunity Program
Program Identifier Course Prefix Course Description
O EOP Educational Opportunity Program
Rockefeller College of Public Affairs & Policy
Program Identifier Course Prefix Course Descriptions
R INT International Affairs
R PAD Public Administration
R POS Political Science
R PUB Public Affairs
School of Criminal Justice
Program Identifier Course Prefix Course Description
R CRJ Criminal Justice
School of Social Welfare
Program Identifier Course Prefix Course Description
R SSW Social Welfare
Honors College
Program IdentifierCourse PrefixCourse Description
TACCAccounting Honors College
TAFSAfricana Studies Honors College
TANTAnthropology Honors College
TARHArt History Honors College
TARTArt Honors College
TBIOBiology Honors College
TBMSBiomedical Sciences Honors College
TCHMChemistry Honors College
TCOMCommunication Honors College
TCPYCounseling Psychology Honors College
TCRJCriminal Justice Honors College
TCSIComputer Science Honors College
TEACChinese Honors College
TEASEast Asian Studies Honors College
TECOEconomics Honors College
TENGEnglish Honors College
TENHNanoscale Engineering Honors College
TEPSEducational Psychology Honors College
TFINFinance Honors College
TFREFrench Honors College
TGOGGeography Honors College
THISHistory Honors College
THPMHealth Policy and Management Honors College
TINFInformatics Honors College
TITMInformational Systems & Business Analytics Honors College
TJRLJournalism Honors College
TJSTJudaic Studies Honors College
TLCSLatin American and Caribbean Studies Honors College
TMATMathematics Honors College
TMKTMarketing Honors College
TMUSMusic Honors College
TNSENanoscience and Engineering Honors College
TPADPublic Administration Honors College
TPHIPhilosophy Honors College
TPHYPhysics Honors College
TPOSPolitical Science Honors College
TPSYPsychology Honors College
TSCINanoscale Science Honors College
TSOCSociology Honors College
TSPESpecial Education Honors College
TSPHPublic Health Honors College
TSSWSocial Welfare Honors College
TTAPEducational Theory and Practice Honors College
TTHRTheatre Honors College
TUNIInterdisciplinary Studies Honors College
TWSSWomen's, Gender and Sexuality Studies Honors College
Program Identifier Course Prefix Course Description
U UNI University-wide
U UNL University Library
U FSP Freshmen Seminar
Cross Registration
Program Identifier Course Prefix Course Description
X N/A Cross Registration

Suffixes are only used for undergraduate courses to identify a course or section of a course that meets one or more of the General Education requirements. 

Suffix General Education Status(es)
E Community Engagement Course
Z Writing Intensive
Y Oral Discourse
X Information Literacy
W Writing Intensive and Oral Discourse
V Writing Intensive and Information Literacy
U Information Literacy and Oral Discourse
T Writing Intensive, Information Literacy and Oral Discourse

To determine whether a specific course meets any additional General Education requirements, use the course and schedule look-up tools on the General Education website

The Schedule of Classes also allows you to search for courses offered during a specific term based on General Education status. 

Uptown Campus
Building Code Building Name
AS Arts and Sciences
BB Massry School of Business
BI Biology
BL25 Hudson, former Building 25 (Old Health Center)
CK Catskill, former Building 27 (Old Business Administration Building)
CCEXP Campus Center Expansion
CESTM NanoFab 200
CH Chemistry
CS Computing Center
DU Van Rensselaer Hall
ES Earth Science and mathematics
FA Fine Arts
HD Hudson, former Building 25 (Old Health Center)
HU Humanities
LC Lecture Center
LI University Library
LS Life Sciences
NFE NanoFab East
NFN NanoFab North
PC Performing Arts Center
PH Physics
SC Sculpture Studio
SL Science Library
SS Social Science
TA Taconic, former Education Building
TB Ten Broeck Hall
Downtown Campus
Building CodeBuilding Name
DRDraper Hall
ENCollege of Nanoscale Science & Engineering
HSHusted Hall
MIMilne Hall
RIRichardson Hall
STCooper Hall
Health Sciences Campus
Building Code Building Name
GE George Education Center
SW Health Sciences Campus