Faculty & Staff

School of Education Faculty & Staff
Clinical Teaching Faculty
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Manager of Contracts and Grants Development
School of Education
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Vincent O'Leary Associate Professor
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education, Department of Sociology
Director of Development
School of Education
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Director & Senior Research Scientist
Center for Behavioral Health Promotion and Applied Research, Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education, Psychological Services Center
Associate Professor & Department Chair
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Associate Professor & Associate Dean; Dept Co-Chair
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Assistant Professor; SOE Director of Equity & Inclusion
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Vincent O'Leary Professor
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Clinical Assistant Professor; Division Director, School Psychology
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Professor and Director of Doctoral Training, Counseling Psychology
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education, Psychological Services Center
Division Director, Counseling Psychology; Director of Master's Programs, Counseling Psychology
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Graduate Advisor & Lecturer II
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Regional Director, Capital Region, NYS Master Teacher Program
School of Education
Dean of the School of Education; Professor
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Director, Computing Facilities
School of Education
Professor Emeritus
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Distinguished Professor
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, Department of Communication, School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Associate Professor Emeritus
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Assistant Director of Field Education
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Vincent O'Leary Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Vincent O'Leary Professor
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Department Coordinator
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Distinguished Professor
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Project ACCESS Project Manager; Senior Research Specialist; The Research Foundation for SUNY
School of Education, Center for Behavioral Health Promotion and Applied Research
Clinical Teaching Faculty
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Assistant for Communications
School of Education
Assistant Director of Field Education
School of Education
Project ACCESS Project Manager and Evaluator; Research Fellow, Department of Educational and Counseling Psychology; & Senior Research Associate, The Research Foundation for SUNY
School of Education, Center for Behavioral Health Promotion and Applied Research
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Administrative Assistant II
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Professor Emeritus
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Department Coordinator
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Academic and Administrative Coordinator, Human Development Major
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Assistant Dean for Personnel and Planning
School of Education
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Assistant Director for Accreditation and Student Success
School of Education
Administrative Assistant
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Manager of Finance for Grants and Contracts
School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Manager of Academics and Operations
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Director of Professional Development and Continuing Education
School of Education
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Associate Professor Emeritus
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Associate Professor; Division Director, Special Education
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Professor Emeritus
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Associate Professor & Department Chair
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education, Department of Sociology
Associate Professor & Division Director, Educational Psychology and Methodology
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
School of Education, Department of Educational Theory & Practice
Associate Professor
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Visiting Assistant Professor
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Director of Communications
School of Education
Assistant Dean for Academic Programs, Partnerships and Accreditation; Executive Director of Student Success; Assistant Service Professor
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Administrative Assistant to the Dean
School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Assistant Director of School Leadership and Development
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Department Coordinator
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Manager of Finance and Operations
School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Vice Provost & Dean of CIEGS; Associate Professor
Center for International Education and Global Strategy, Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Associate Professor
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Lecturer II
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Online Program Manager & Lecturer
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Assistant Professor
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Department of Educational Policy & Leadership, School of Education
Associate Professor & Dept Co-Chair
Department of Literacy Teaching & Learning, School of Education
Dorothy G. Griffin Professor of English Education & Department Chair
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education
Department of Educational & Counseling Psychology, School of Education
Director of Student Engagement and Pathways Into Education (PIE) Center
School of Education
Department of Educational Theory & Practice, School of Education