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Dance Instruction Manuals
Music Division of the Library of Congress presents a collection of over two hundred social dance manuals. The list begins with a rare late fifteenth-century source, Les basses danses de Marguerite d'Autriche (c.1490) and ends with Ella Gardner's 1929 Public dance halls, their regulation and place in the recreation of adolescents. Along with dance instruction manuals, this online presentation also includes a significant number of antidance manuals, histories, treatises on etiquette, and items from other conceptual categories.

Dear Librarian
Find out the answers to questions that kids ask Dear Librarian. It may help make your next visit to the local public library more interesting and fun! Sponsored by the Los Angeles Public Library.

Devices of Wonder
This multimedia-rich site explores our long and playful entanglement with the artful instruments and wonderful technologies we have placed between our eyes and the world. Featuring dozens of objects from the 17th century to the present selected from the collections of the Getty Museum, the exhibition demonstrates how old and new visual technologies foster new perceptions of our universe.

Dictionary - Your Dictionary.com
Features thesarui, rhyming, abbreviations, writing systems, grammar guides, lexical databases, speech synthesis, multilingual options, word of the day, Spanish word of the day and more!

Dinosaur Jokes
Little kids love to tell jokes to each other and to almost anyone else that will listen. This Web site is full of silly dinosaur jokes that younger children can understand.

Zoom Dinosaurs is one of a host of educational websites produced by Enchanted Learning that are aimed at children. This website meets our expectations of excellence in information and interesting presentation. This site is nearly a must-see for teachers, students, and parents. It is extremely well organized and thorough. There are archives of dinosaur drawings (best for elementary- and middle-school levels) and texts on all aspects of the beasts and their behavior, and much more. It is up-to-date.

Discovery Channel Discovery Cams
This is a wonderful site in which to watch animals, LIVE. The featured cams at this time are sharks, gorillas, and polar bears. You can also access video cams located in different areas, such as a satellite view of the world which tracks hurricanes, volcanoes, and building constructions. Other sites with video cams can be accessed through this site as well. These include Animal Planet, Kids Cams, The Learning Channel, and Travel Channel. This is a fun way to watch from the safety of your own home, things that are educational and exciting.

Discovery Channel Online
The online counterpart to the Discovery Channel

Discovery Channel School
A site with kid-tailored content from the Discovery Channel.

Doctor Bob's Interesting Science Stuff
This is a great site for kids. "Dr. Bob" has created a site that is informative, fun, and thought provoking, though a little limited in the number of items covered. The site covers just what its title says: interesting science stuff. For example, there's an article on the death of the sun and another on boulders that mysteriously slide across the desert. The science is solid and accessible, and there are links to related (and unrelated) science sites. There is also a kids' activities area that contains some science-related games, optical illusions, and so forth, and another area with ideas for science fair projects.

Doctors Over Time
Grades: 4 & up. This PBS Science Odyssey activity uses interactive Shock Wave technology to show how a doctor working in 1900, a doctor working in 1950, and a doctor working in 1998 would diagnose and treat three different medical ailments. The activity is available in a non-Java-based version for users with older browsers.

Frederick Douglass
Frederick Douglass, the "father of the civil rights movement," was an abolitionist, human rights and women's rights activist, orator, author, and social reformer.