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Resources & Links
Palace of Versailles
A virtual tour of the magnificent chateau commissioned by the Sun King, Louis XIV.

Virtual Explorer
Join Virtual Explorers in their next expedition! Soon they will be traveling to Ghana, Africa to assist biologist Lindsay Magnuson with her research on the rare and elusive Roloway monkey. Like last year's trip to the Amazon to study freshwater river dolphins, Virtual Explorers will post daily, data they collect, images of the forest and information about the people of Ghana to their Web site. You will be able to follow their adventures and help them devise a conservation plan to save this very special species.

Visual Thesaurus
Relationships between words shown graphically! The Plumb Design Visual Thesaurus is an exploration of sense relationships within the English language. By clicking on words, you follow a thread of meaning, creating a spatial map of linguistic associations.

An interactive dictionary and thesaurus that lets you check the words of any online document for meaning and definition.