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Resources & Links

Laboratory for Hydrospheric Processes
Describes the Laboratory, which conducts research in the oceanic, cryospheric, and hydrologic sciences.

Language for Literacy
Building language for literacy to prepare children today for reading success tomorrow, produced by Scholastic.

The Learning Company School Division

The Learning Resource Server
Distributes electronic learning resources for K-12 teachers, students, pre-service teachers, education faculty members, and educational researchers. Links from this site show exciting uses of technologies for learning on the Internet.

The Learning Network
Connections from the New York Times for students, teachers, and parents, grades 3-12.

Learning With the World
Wonderful ideas and programs to help educators maximize the use of the Internet.

One of the best PreK-12 teacher resources on the Internet.

Lesson Plans and Resources for Social Studies Teachers
Dr. Marty Levine, Professor Emeritus of Secondary Education, California State University, Northridge (CSUN), has gathered lesson plans and resources from the Internet which social studies teachers will find useful.

Lesson Plans from Ask Eric
This collection contains more than 1100 unique lesson plans which have been written and submitted to AskERIC by teachers from all over the United States.

Lesson Plans from Core Knowledge National Conferences
This collection contains units and lesson plans developed by teachers in Core Knowledge schools. The units and lessons were presented at recent national Core Knowledge conferences.

Lesson Plans from the New York Times
Free lesson plans for grades 6-12 from the Learning Network.

A searchable directory of free online lesson plans and lesson plan resources for all grades and subjects.

Library of Congress American Memory
Historical Collections for the National Digital Library

Library - The New York Public Library - On Lion for Kids

The Library in the Sky
The Library in the Sky is a database of interesting and useful educational Web sites for those involved in education.

The Library of Congress
A compilation of resources for families and educators.

Library of Congress - The Learning Page


Links to Educational Resources
These links are provided to help you locate additional tools and resources for teaching writing. They are categorized by the kinds of resources they provide.