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Resources & Links

Yesterday's slang are tomorrow's idioms, learn more about idioms at this website.

Iditarod SuperSite
Every year, mushers and Malamutes (and Huskies) undertake the great Alaskan trek that is the Iditarod Dogsled Race.

Impeachment of Andrew Johnson
From the leading weekly newspaper of its time, HarpWeek presents exclusive online access to Harper's Weekly coverage of the historic 1868 Johnson Impeachment.

InfoNation is an easy-to-use, two-step database that allows you to view and compare the most up-to-date statistical data for the Member States of the United Nations.

From the Spencer Entomology Museum at the University of British Columbia, this site is all about insects.

Insects - The Wonderful World of Insects
There are well over 1 million different known species of insects in the world, and some experts estimate that there might be as many as 10 million. They are divided up into 32 orders (depending on whose taxonomic system you use) of which the largest is the Beetles (Coleoptera) with 125 different families and around 500,000 species. In fact one in every four animal species on this planet is a beetle. Visit this site to learn more!

Internet Public Library - Stately Knowledge
Basic state facts about each of the states in the Union, INcluding Washington, D.C..
Need to know the capital of Alabama? Want to know which hockey teams are in California? How about the size of Montana? All that information is here -- and more! If you're interested in just one state, click on the state's name in the list and see what you get! If you're interested in state rankings -- for example, you want to know the third largest state, there is a separate table for that.

Instrument Encyclopedia
A network of sites created by the Cultural Heritage Initiative for Community Outreach at the University of Michigan. Explore over 140 musical instruments from around the world: everything from Australia's dijeridoo to Europe's hurdy-gurdy to Spain's bandurria.

Internet Public Library
The Internet Public Library is the first public library of the Internet. It is committed to providing library services to the Internet community: to share what librarians have to contribute in a digital environment; to promote librarianship and the importance of libraries; and to share interesting ideas and techniques with other librarians.

Investigating Patterns: Symmetry and Tessellations
A metasite of Web resources for grades five through eight math.