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Resources & Links


PBS Online
This site is many sites in one. It contains transcripts, essays and RealAudio presentations in addition to live forums. "Nova" helps science teachers in the classroom.

The Panama Canal
The unkindest cut, the down and dirty story of the Panama Canal by Discovery Online, complete with text, sound, video and a slide show.

Paper University
A site where students and teachers explore the World of Paper! How much paper can be made from a single tree? How does a paper towel absorb water? All of your paper-related questions will be answered here! Explore the world of this pulpy necessity, from the basics of making paper to papier-mâché projects, origami, careers in the paper industry, the history of paper and more.

Parent Soup
Parents, or anyone else for that matter, can ask advice from a community of other parents in the struggle  through divorce, curfews, adoption, toddlers, teens, and a host of other issues.

Parks and History Association
An online gallery of photos from national parks and historic sites.

Pearl Harbor - The Legacy of Pearl Harbor
The MarcoPolo Partner Site Xpeditions has a new grades 3-5 lesson. Be sure to look for additional Pearl Harbor resources using the MarcoPolo Search Engine at http://marcopolo.worldcom.com.

Pencil News.com
A wonderful "news" site prepared just for children.

People's Century
A companion web site to the PBS TV series of the same name explores "the turbulent events of these hundred years through the revealing personal testimony of the people who were there."

Physics (High School)
Mr. Tom Robinson's Physics classes at Kentridge Senior High School have put together an index of all things physical.

Plagiarism Theme Page
This "Theme Page" has links to information about Plagiarism. Students and teachers will find curricular resources (information, content...) and reference materials to help them learn about this topic. In addition, there are also links to instructional materials (lesson plans) which will help teachers provide instruction in this theme.

Plants and Our Environment
This web site is about plants. You will learn about how plants grow and the different parts of a plant. We will tell you how seeds travel and what bees do to help plants. At our web site, you will also learn about plants and their relationship with animals.

Poetry for Kids
Celebrate National Poetry Month with Time for Kids (TFK) reproducibles and activities.

Polymers: They're Everywhere
Grades: 3 - 8. Polymers: They're Everywhere is a National Geographic site that presents a basic discussion of polymers in everyday life. It also includes a section on recycling plastics.

Prehistoric Zoo
Walking with Prehistoric Beasts, hosted by Discovery.com: Who ruled the planet after the dinosaurs? For starters, how about a killer bird as tall as you and a rhino/pig-thing the size of your house. Meet these � and other � fantastic beasts who rose from the asteroid's ashes.

The Prince of Wales
The official Web site of His Royal Highness.

The Psychedelic Sixties
Focuses on literary tradition and social change.

Pyramids - Scaling the Great Pyramids!
Produced by NOVA, this site provides an online adventure in exploring the pyramids. So what's so great about the Great Pyramid? Lots of stuff, like its amazing shape and dimensions. Build a scale model of the Great Pyramid and compare it to scale models of other objects you know.